Emmanuelle Reuter


Emmanuelle Reuter (Dr. oec. HSG) est professeure ordinaire en gestion de l'innovation et directrice du Master of Science en innovation à l'Université de Neuchâtel. Elle est titulaire d'un doctorat en gestion de l'Université de Saint-Gall. Ses intérêts de recherche se concentrent sur l’innovation et l’adaptation stratégiques, en particulier, en réponse aux changements réglementaires et technologiques. Elle a effectué ses études postdoctorales à l'Université de Saint-Gall et un séjour de recherche à l'Université du Massachussets aux États-Unis. Ses travaux de recherche ont obtenu plusieurs récompenses (p.ex. par l’Academy of Management et la Strategic Management Society) et bourses. Elle est auteure de nombreuses études de cas pédagogiques, de publications dans des revues professionnelles et académiques de premier ordre telles que Organization and the Environment, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal ou Administrative Science Quarterly.


Emmanuelle Reuter (Dr. oec. HSG) is a Full Professor of Innovation Management and Director of the Master of Science in Innovation at the University of Neuchâtel. She holds a doctorate in management from the University of St. Gallen. Her research interests focus on strategic innovation and adaptation, in particular, in response to regulatory and technological change. She completed her post-doctoral studies at the University of St. Gallen and a research stay at the University of Massachusetts in the United States. Her research has won several recognitions (e.g. from the Academy of Management and the Strategic Management Society) and grants. She is the author of numerous pedagogical case studies and publications in leading professional and academic journals, such as Organization and the Environment, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal and Administrative Science Quarterly.


Global Innovation Management
Innovation Process
Qualitative Research Methods
Strategic Management of Technology and Innovation
PhD seminar

Enseignement sur invitation, entre autres, auprès de l’Université de St. Gall, Institut fédéral suisse de technologie, Université de Cologne, Université d’économie et de gestion de Vienne.

Formation continue
Le management de l’innovation au sein du secteur public; Design thinking

PhD supervision

  • Jeremias Amstutz
  • Quynh Dao
  • Damaris Fischer
  • Stephanie Villadiego De La Hoz
  • Lali Giorgidze


Laamanen, T., Reuter, E., Schimmer, M., Ueberbacher, F., & Welch Guerra, X. 2025. Quantitative research in strategy-as-practice research. Conditionally accepted in R. Whittington, R. Kratochvil, P. Jarzabkowski, P. Spee, D. Seidl, and B. Grossmann-Hensel (Eds.). Encyclopedia of Strategy as Practice. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Reuter, E. & Ueberbacher, F. 2024. Coping with Desired Futures: Procedural Uncertainty and Firms’ Prospective Framing in the Context of Switzerland’s Energy Policy. Business Strategy and the Environment. https://doi.org/10.1002/bse.4116

Reuter, E. 2024. Cognitive capacity in the management and organization research: A review and agenda for future research.  Chapter 1 in Bataglia, W., & Segura, L. C. Impacts of Innovation and Cognition in Management. IGI Global. https://doi.org/10.4018/979-8-3693-5777-4

Shevchuk, D. & Reuter, E. 2024. Towards a sociocognitive perspective on ecosystem leadership: A review of the literature and an agenda for future research. Chapter 12 in Bataglia, W., & Segura, L. C. Impacts of Innovation and Cognition in Management. IGI Global.

Villadiego de la Hoz, S. & Reuter, E. 2024. Means-End Decoupling in the Adoption Global Norms: The Case of Prior Consultation in Colombia. In Academy of Management Proceedings. https://doi.org/10.5465/AMPROC.2024.21383abstract

Reuter, E. & Floyd, F. 2024. Strategists’ Ecosystem Vision Formation and the Digital Transformation: A Motivated Interactional Lens. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 18(1): 103-127. https://doi.org/10.1002/sej.1493


  • Toutes les publications : ORCID