Exchange programmes

Exchange programmes — Swiss, European and international — are strongly recommended by the University of Neuchâtel’s Faculty of Law. As well as broadening students’ outlook, they encourage new linguistic and social skills, and complement students’ legal education in an increasingly globalized world, improving the career prospects of all those who participate in them.

- Outgoing students: students enrolled at the UniNE take part in exchange programmes at another university in Switzerland or abroad.

- Incoming students: students at partner universities, in Switzerland or abroad, take part in exchange programmes at the University of Neuchâtel’s Faculty of Law.


- Organizing exchanges:

Study Exchange Office
University of Neuchâtel
Av. du 1er-Mars 26
CH - 2000 Neuchâtel
Tel. +41 32 718 1012

Study Exchange Office

- Study counsellor:

Gilles Lauener
Faculty of Law, University of Neuchâtel
Av. du 1er-Mars 26
CH - 2000 Neuchâtel
Tel. +41 32 718 1205

- Academic coordinators for exchange programmes:

- Exchange programmes with Columbia Law School: Prof. Petros Mavroidis

- Bilingual Master’s Degree, Neuchâtel-Lucerne:Prof. Nadja Capus


Organisation du séjour

Conseiller aux études

Responsables scientifiques des programmes d'échange 

Mobilité avec Columbia Law School

Master bilingue Neuchâtel-Lucerne

Double Master avec le King's College London