Les publications des collaborateurs/-trices du laboratoire d'études transnationales et des processus sociaux peuvent également être consultées sur leur page personnelle.
Lacroix, J., Bertrand, A-L. (2024). From collective centres to private accomodation : housing trajectories of asylum migrants in Switzerland, Housing Studies. [full article]
Manser-Egli, S. 2024. Demokratie statt Integration. In S. Baier, T. Cardoso, K. Espahangizi, S. King-Savić & B. von Rütte (Eds.), Argumentarium für ein Neues Bürgerrecht (S. 50-54). INES. [full article]
Dahinden, J. 2024. Die Problematische Verschränkung von Staatsbürgerschaft und Nationaler Identität. In S. Baier, T. Cardoso, K. Espahangizi, S. King-Savić & B. von Rütte (Eds.), Argumentarium für ein Neues Bürgerrecht (S. 57-61). INES. [full article]
Achermann, C. 2024. Das Ökonomische Leitmotiv des Bürgerrechts. In S. Baier, T. Cardoso, K. Espahangizi, S. King-Savić & B. von Rütte (Eds.), Argumentarium für ein Neues Bürgerrecht (S. 82-86). INES. [full article]
Nedelcu, M., Fernández G. G., E., & Wyss, M. (2024). A configurational approach to transnational families: Who and where is one's family in the case of mobile older adults? Global Networks, 24, e12466. [full article]
Nedelcu, M., Tomás, L., Ravazzini, L., & Azevedo, L. (2024). A retirement mobilities approach to transnational ageing. Mobilities, 19(2), 208–226. [full article]
Charmillot, E. (2024). Interplay between representing ‘others’ and experiencing peripherality: ethnographic study in a Swiss valley. Identities, 1–20. [full article]
Duyvendak, J.W., & Schnell, M. (2024). The culturalization and emotionalization of citizenship. Encyclopedia of Citizenship Studies. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. Retrieved Apr 29, 2024, [online]
Kristol, A., Menet, J., Fischer, C., & Dahinden, J. (2024). (Doing) belonging as technology of power: how the principle of ‘gender equality’ governs membership in Swiss society. Identities, 1–19.[full article]
Garufo Francesco, Kiani Sarah, Schulz Kristina (Eds.). (2024). Enfants du placard: À l'école de la clandestinité. Editions Alphil [commander]
Piccoli Lorenzo, Gianni Matteo, Ruedin Didier, Achermann Christin, Dahinden Janine, Hoffmeyer-Zlotnik Paula, Nedelcu Mihaela, Zittoun Tania. (2024). What Is the Nexus between Migration and Mobility? A Framework to Understand the Interplay between Different Ideal Types of Human Movement. Sociology 0(0). [full article]
Clerc Sélim. 2023. COVID-19 and the Search for Continuity in the Swiss Asylum Regime. National Center of Competence in Research – The Migration-Mobility Nexus [full article]
Dahinden Janine. 2023. Care at the Intersection of Mobility and Gender/Sexuality Regimes: Past Legacies. National Center of Competence in Research – The Migration-Mobility Nexus [full article]
Achermann Christin, Clerc Sélim, Dahinden Janine, Klauser Francisco, Thompson Eloise. 2023. Towards a Novel Mobility Regime? The Legacies of the COVID-19 Pandemic Regarding the Governance of Human Movement. National Center of Competence in Research – The Migration-Mobility Nexus [full article]
Achermann, Christin, Lisa Marie Borrelli, Luca Pfirter. 2023. For just decisions we need you!”: Relational decision-making and the bureaucratic exclusion of “poor others”. PoLAR : Political and Legal Anthropology Review [full article]
SLAPE, Wyss, Anna, Tania Zittoun, Oliver Clifford Pedersen, Janine Dahinden, and Emmanuel Charmillot. 2023. "Places and mobilities: studying human movements using place as an entry point." Mobilities: 567-581. [full article]
Dahinden, Janine, Gunvor Jónsson, Joanna Menet, Joris Schapendonk, and Emil van Eck. 2023. "Placing regimes of mobilities beyond state-centred perspectives and international mobility: the case of marketplaces." Mobilities: 1-16. [full article]
Charmillot Emmanuel et Janine Dahinden. 2023. Rapport scientifique des Assises de la cohésion sociale sur mandat du Département de l’emploi et de la cohésion sociale de la République et canton de Neuchâtel [rapport scientifique].
Andrikopoulos Apostolos, Joëlle Moret and Janine Dahinden. 2023.Cross-Border Marriages State Categories, Research Agendas and Family Practices. Routledge [preview]
Morvant-Roux Solène, Max-Amaury Bertoli et Sélim Clerc. 2023 (avril). La dette sacralisée. Hiérarchies et moralités des dettes des particuliers en Suisse. Epistémé [open access]
Manser-Egli, Stefan. 2023. “Respecting the Values of the Constitution: Integration in the Community of Value(s)”. Frontiers in Political Science 5 (March): 1124552.
[vers l'article].
Clerc, Sélim (2022). Street-Level Workers and Unaccompanied Minors: Between Vulnerability and Suspicion. Swiss Journal of Sociology, 48(3), 571–592. [open access]
Manser-Egli, Stefan. (2022). “Liberalismus als Kulturkampf: Integration in die Wertegemeinschaft”. In “Gelungene Integration” - Ethische und rechtliche Perspektiven, ed. Lando Kirchmair, Gottfried Schweiger, 111-128. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag [chapitre de livre]
Anna Wyss et Janine Dahinden (2022). Disentangling entangled mobilities: reflections on forms of knowledge production within migration studies. Comparative Migration Studies. [open access]
Janine Dahinden (2022). Deterritorialized and unfinished “integration nations”? [open access]
Dahinden, Janine et Anna C. Korteweg (2022). Culture as politics in contemporary migration contexts: the in/visibilization of power relations. [open access]
Dahinden, Janine, and Stefan Manser-Egli. 2022. “Gendernativism and Liberal Subjecthood: The Cases of Forced Marriage and the Burqa Ban in Switzerland”. Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society. [open access]
MMP, van Eck, Emil, Sophie Watson, Rianne van Melik, Markus Breines, Janine Dahinden, Gunvor Jónsson, Maria Lindmäe, Marco Madella, Joanna Menet, Joris Schapendonk. (2022) "Moving Marketplaces: Understanding Public Space from a Relational Mobility Perspective." Cities. [open access]
MMP, Breines, Markus, Janine Dahinden, Gunvor Jónsson, Maria Lindmäe, Marco Madella, Joanna Menet, Joris Schapendonk, Emil Van Eck, Rianne Van Melik, Sophie Watson 2022. "Re-Producing Public Space: The Changing Everyday Production of Outdoor Retail Markets." Urban Geography: 1-8. [open access]
Grisard, Dominique, Annelise Erismann, and Janine Dahinden, eds. (2022) Violent Times, Rising Resistance: An Interdisciplinary Gender Perspective. Zürich: Seismo [open access]
Martine Schaer (2022). Early-Carrer Academics' Transnational Moves : The Gendered Role of Vertical Social Ties in Obtaining Academic Positions Abroad. IMISCOE Research Series [open access]
Kristol, Anne, Janine Dahinden et Francesco Ragusa. (2022) "Naturalisation. Dans l'immersion de la fabrique des Suisse-sse-s". Seismo [open access]
Dahinden, Janine, and Nathalie Amstutz. 2021. "In grellem Licht: Die Corona-Pandemie aus einer Geschlechterperspektive." In Recht und Geschlecht. Herausforderungen der Gleichstellung - Quelques réflexions 50 ans après le suffrage des femmes, edited by Juristinnen Schweiz, 227-241. Zürich/St.Gallen: DIKE Verlag. [online]
Miaz, Jonathan and Christin Achermann (03.12.2021), Dentention Decisions : Implementation Rationales of the Bureaucratics Use of Immigration Detention in Swiss Cantons. Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies [online]
Wyss, Anna and Lisa Borrelli and Annika Lindberg (25.11.2021). States of Suspicion. How Institutionalised Disbelief Shapes Migration Control Regimes. Geopolitics [online]
Dahinden, Janine (25.10.2021. "Genderaspekte: Verschärfte Ungleichheiten." In Weissbuch Corona. Die Schweiz nach der Pandemie. Befunde – Erkenntnisse – Perspektiven, edited by Frank Rühli and Andreas Thier, 37-45. Zürich: NZZ Libro. [online]
Lutz, Philipp, Anna Stünzi, and Stefan Manser-Egli. 2021. “Responsibility-Sharing in Refugee Protection: Lessons from Climate Governance”. International Studies Quarterly 65 (2): 476–487. [online]
Schaer, Martine (2021). From mobility attractiveness to mobility fatigue: The impact of repeated transnational mobility on the lives and aspirations of early‐career academics. Population, Space and Place [online]
Charmillot, Emmanuel (2021). (Im)moral Mobilities in a Swiss Borderland. Journal of Borderlands Studies [online]
Charmillot, Emmanuel, and Janine Dahinden (2021). Mobilities, locality and place-making: understanding categories of (non-)membership in a peripheral valley. Mobilities [online]
Wyss, Anna, and Carolin Fischer (2021). ‘Working for Protection? Precarious Legal Inclusion of Afghan Nationals in Germany and Switzerland’. Antipode [online]
Wyss, Anna, and Carolin Fischer (2021). ‘Männlichkeit Im Spannungsfeld. Auswirkungen ambivalenter Repräsentationen afghanischer Geflüchteter in Deutschland und der Schweiz’. Zeitschrift für Flucht- und Flüchtlingsforschung 5 (1): 44–76 [online]
Achermann, Christin and Jonathan Miaz (2021). Bureaucracies Under Judicial Control? Relational Discretion in the Implementation of immigration Detention in Swss Cantons [online]
Roos Breines, Markus, Joanna Menet and Joris Schapendonk (2021). Disentangling Following: Implications and Practicalities of Mobile Methods, Mobilities [online]
Alberti, Camilla (2021). Remodelling (un)certainty: Outsourcing and auditing refugee reception in Switzerland. Journal of Refugee Studies. [online]
Bühler, Nolwenn (2021). When Reproduction meets Ageing: The Science and Medicine of the Fertility Decline. Emerald Publishing Limited [online]
Borrelli, Lisa (2021).‘They know the procedure; they just don’t know when we will come’: uncovering the practice of unannounced deportations. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies [online]
Philippe, Lutz, Anna Stünzi and Stefan Manser-Egli (2021). Responsibility-Sharing in Refugee Protection: Lessons from Climate Governance. International Studies Quarterly [online]
Ryan, Louise and Janine Dahinden (2021). Qualitative network analysis for migration studies: Beyond metaphors and epistemological pitfalls. Global Networks [online]
Achermann, Christin (2021). Shaping migration at the border: the entangled rationalities of border control practices. Comparative Migration Studies, 9,5(2021). [online]
Dahinden, Janine and Stefan Manser-Egli (2021). Gendernativism in the (Il)Liberal State: The Burqa Ban in Switzerland. Blog nccr - on the move [online]
Nolwenn Bühler, Irène-Lucile Hertzog, Marta Roca i Escoda, Véronique Boillet (2020). La production biomédicale d’enfants : entre stratification et globalisation. Nouvelles questions féministes n° 39, vol. 2 [online]
Anne-Cécile Leyvraz, Raphaël Rey, Damian Rosset et Robin Stünzi (2020). Asyl und Missbrauch. Multidisziplinäre Perspektiven auf einen vorherrschenden Diskurs. Genève : Seismo [online]
Schnell, Mathis (2020). Asylum Based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Persecution: The Political Discourse in Switzerland. Blog nccr - on the move [online]
Achermann, Christin, Janine Dahinden and Carolin Fischer (ed). Special Issue: Revisiting Borders and Boundaries: Exploring Migrant Inclusion and Exclusion. Migration Letters, Vol. 17 No. 4 (2020). [online]
Schaer, Martine, Cédric Jacot et Janine Dahinden (2020). Transnational mobility networks and academic social capital among early‐career academics: beyond common‐sense assumptions. Global Networks, doi:10.1111/glob.12304. [online]
Wyss Anna, Lisa Marie Borrelli, Annika Lindberg et Tobias Eule (2020). Kämpfe um Zeit im europäischen Migrationsregime. Bürger & Staat. Migration und Teilhabe, 2020-3: 120-126. [online]
Bühler, Nolwenn and Cathy Herbrand (2020). Powering life through MitoTechnologies: exploring the bio-objectification of mitochondria in reproduction. Biosocieties, (2020): 1-24. [online]
Schapendonk, Joris, Matthieu Bolay, and Janine Dahinden. 2020. The conceptual limits of the ‘migration journey’. De-exceptionalising mobility in the context of West African trajectories. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies: 1-17. [online]
Nedelcu, Mihaela and Ibrahim Soysüren. 2020. Special Issue: Precarious Migrants, Migration Regimes and Digital Technologies: the Empowerment-Control Nexus, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. [online]
Nedelcu, Mihaela,Oana Ciobanu, Ruxandra, Soom Ammann, Eva and van Holten, Karin. 2020. "Intersections between Ageing and Migration: Current Trends and Challenges". Swiss Journal of Sociology, vol. 46, n°2: 187-197. [online]
Nedelcu, Mihaela and Malika Wyss. 2020. Transnational grandparenting: an introduction. Global Networks, vol. 20, n°2, 292-307. [online]
Fischer, Caroline, Christin Achermann et Janine Dahinden. 2020. "Revisiting Borders and Boundaries: Exploring Migrant Inclusion and Exclusion from Intersectional Perspectives". Migration Letters, vol.17, n°4: 477-485. [online]
Bertrand, Anne-Laure. 2020. Dans la jungle des permis de séjour. Genève : Seismo. [online]
Menet, Joanna. 2020. Entangled Mobilities in the Transnational Salsa Circuit. The Esperanto of the Body, Gender and Ethnicity. London: Routledge. [online]
Dahinden, Janine, Carolin Fischer and Joanna Menet. 2020. "Knowledge production, reflexivity, and the use of categories in migration studies: tackling challenges in the field." Ethnic and Racial Studies: 1-20. [online]
Ruiz, Léone. 2020. "Fragments auto-ethnographiques informels d’un confinement / Réflexions ouvertes sur une recherche apaisée". Viral (blog). 27 avril. [online]
Dahinden, Janine et Martine Schaer. 2020. "Gender matters ! Le genre comme élément crucial de la production des inégalités". SAGW Bulletin 01¦20 : 41-44 [online]
Borrelli, Lisa Marie and Andreetta Sophie. 2019. "Introduction. Governing migration through paperwork" Journal of Legal Anthropology 3 (2): 1-9 [online]
Pfirter, Luca. 2019. "Constructing ‘unteachability’ through menacing warnings. The coupling of welfare benefits and migration control in Switzerland" Journal of Legal Anthropology 3 (2): 29-49 [online]
Borrelli, Lisa Marie and Lindberg Annika. 2019. "Paperwork performances Legitimating state violence in the Swedish deportation regime" Journal of Legal Anthropology 3 (2): 50-69 [online]
Kristol, Anne. 2019. Is the Implementation of the Naturalization Procedure Discriminatory? In a nutshell 14 [online]
Bühler, Nolwenn. 2019. "Whose Voice Matters? Questioning Power Relations through the Lens of Feminist Ethics." Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics - Special Issue: Empirical Studies in Empirical Ethics: 496-497. [online]
Alberti, Camilla. 2019. "Sous-traitance et bureaucratisation néolibérale : une analyse de l'interface de la distance dans l'accueil des demandeurs d'asile." Lien social et Politiques 2: 123-143. [online]
Bertrand, Anne-Laure. 2019. "Refugees’ trajectories in Switzerland: Impact of residence permits on labour market integration." Quetelet Journal: 71-99. [online]
Kristol, Anne, and Janine Dahinden. 2019. "Becoming a citizen through marriage: how gender, ethnicity and class shape the nation." Citizenship Studies:1-17. [online]
Hudson, Nicky, Kylie Baldwin, Cathy Herbrand, Nolwenn Bühler & Irenee Daly. 2019. Reproduction research: from complexity to methodological innovations. Methodological Innovations Jan-April: 1-4. [online]
Khazaei, Faten. 2019. "Les violences conjugales à la marge : le cas des femmes migrantes en Suisse." Cahier du genre 1: 71-90. [online]
Rosset, Damian and Christin Achermann. 2019. "Negotiating research in the shadow of migration control: access, knowledge and cognitive authority." Social Anthropology: 49-67. [online]
Kalir, Barak, Christin Achermann , Damian Rosset. 2019. "Re‐searching access: what do attempts at studying migration control tell us about the state?" Social Anthropology: 5-16. [online]
Jashari, Shpresa, Janine Dahinden and Joëlle Moret. 2019. "Alternative spatial hierarchies: a cross-border spouse’s positioning strategies in the face of Germany’s ‘pre-integration’ language test." Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies: 1-17. [online]
Khazaei, Faten, 2019. "Ethnography of Police 'Domestic Abuse' Interventions: Ethico-Methodological Reflections". in J.Lenhard et F.Samanani, Ethnographic Encounters, EPUB Ebook (chapitre 4). [online]
Moret, Joëlle, Apostolos Andrikopoulos and Janine Dahinden. 2019. "Contesting categories: cross-border marriages from the perspectives of the state, spouses and researchers." Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies: 1-18. [online]
Rosset, Damian. 2019. "Documenter les pays d’origine pour les procédures d’asile à l’Ofpra, 1988-2008", Monde(s). Histoire, Espaces, Relations 15 (1): 117-139. [online]
Rosset, Damian. 2019. "« We have our own kitchen » : Distance et légitimité dans la production de savoir pour la procédure d’asile", Politique et Sociétés 38 (1): 49-69. [online]
Ciobanu Ruxandra-Oana, Fokkema Tineke et Nedelcu Mihaela (eds.). 2019. Ageing as a Migrant. Vulnerabilities, Agency and Policy Implications. Routledge. [online]
Crettaz, Eric and Janine Dahinden. 2019. "How Transnational are Migrants in Switzerland? An Analysis of the Migration-Mobility-Transnationality Nexus. In Migrants and Expats: The Swiss Migration and Mobility Nexus. Edited by Steiner, Ilka and Philippe Wanne, 267-291. Springer International Publishing. [online]
Fischer, Carolin and Marieke van Houte. 2019. "Dimensions of agency in transnational relations of Afghan migrants and return migrants", Migration Studies: 1-19. [online]
Fischer, Carolin and Janine Dahinden. 2019. "Using Pragmatism to Approach ‘Diaspora’, its Meanings and Political Implication." In The Routledge Handbook of Diaspora Studies. Edited by Cohen, Robin and Carolin Fischer, 293-301. Routledge. [online]
Nedelcu, Mihaela. 2019. “The Romanian scientific e-diaspora: online mobilization, transnational agency and globalization of domestic policies.” In The Handbook of Diasporas, Media and Culture, Global Handbooks in Media and Communication Research Series. Edited by Roza Tsagarousianou and Jessica Retis, 491-502. Wiley-Blackwell and IAMCR. [online]
Dahinden, Janine. 2019. "Einführung zur Blogserie “Gender matters! (Nicht-)Zugehörigkeit in der Schweizer Migrationsgesellschaft”" Nccr on the move (blog). 27 mai. [online]
Nedelcu, Mihaela and Wyss, Malika. 2019. "Transnational Grandparenting: Childcare in Migrant Families in Switzerland". Nccr on the move (blog). 22 mai. [online]
Lutz, Philipp and Manser-Egli, Stefan. 2019. "Schengen-Dublin als öffentliches Gut eines integrierten Europa." Nccr on the move (blog). 17 mai. [online]
Achermann, Christin. 2019. "Eingesperrt zwecks «Überstellung» – die Dublin-Haft". Nccr on the move (blog). 15 mai. [online]
Borrelli, Lisa Marie, Wyss, Anna, and Eule, Tobias. 2019. "Implementing Dublin – Perspectives on the Legislation-Practice Continuum." Nccr on the move (blog). 13 mai. [online]
Soysüren, Ibrahim and Nedelcu, Mihaela. 2019. "Technologies for Expulsion: the Use of the Eurodac Database by Switzerland". Nccr on the move (blog). 10 mai. [online]
Carolin Fischer. 2019. "Afghanischer Migration nach Deutschland : Geschichte und aktuelle Debatten." Nccr on the move (blog). 2 avril. [online]
Bühler Nolwenn, Gaia Barazzetti, and Alain Kaufmann (2018). Banking on participation: exploring the co-production of population and participation in Swiss biobanking. Tecnoscienza: Italian Journal of Science and Technology 9(2): 109-132 [online]
Perrin, Julie, Nolwenn Bühler, Marc-Antoine Berthod, Jérémie Forney, Sabine Kradolfer, Laurence Ossipow (2018). Searching for ethics: legal requirements and empirircal issues for anthropology. Tsantsa 23: 138-153 [online]
Moret, Joëlle (2018). European Somalis' Post-Migration Movements. Mobility Capital and the Transnationalisation of Resources [online]
Achermann, Christin (2018). 'Bureaucrates anonymes ou êtres humains agissant en "leur âme et consciences" ?' terra cognita 32, pp. 18-21 [download]
Jashari, Shpresa (2018). 'Grenzencontrolle im Prüfungsraum'. terra cognita 32, pp. 44-46 [download]
Rezzonico, Laura (2018). 'Les agents de détention entre contrôle et assistance'. terra cognita 32, pp. 108-110 [download]
Fischer, Carolin (2018) ‘Reframing transnational engagement: a relational analysis of Afghan diasporic groups’, Global Networks. [online]
Miaz, Jonathan (2018). ‘Compte-rendu’ : ‘Symposium : Judicial Politics , Law & Social Inquiry’. – 42 (2), printemps 2017, p. 292-450, Revue française de science politique, Vol. 67, No 6, pp. 1269-1271. [online]
Toader, Alina and Janine Dahinden (2018). "Family configurations and arrangements in the transnational mobility of early-career academics: Does gender make twice the difference?" Migration Letters, 15(1): 67-84. [online]
Ducu Viorela, Nedelcu Mihaela and Telegdi-Csetri, Aron (eds.) (2018). Childhood and Parenting in Transnational Settings. Springer Verlag. [online]
Nedelcu, Mihaela (2018). “Digital Diasporas”, in Cohen, Robin & Carolyn Fischer (eds) Handbook of Diaspora Studies, Routledge. [online]
Wyss, Malika and Nedelcu, Mihaela (2018). Zero Generation Grandparents Caring for their Grandchildren in Switzerland. The Diversity of Transnational Care Arrangements among EU and non-EU Migrant Families. in Ducu Viorela, Nedelcu Mihaela and Telegdi-Csetri, Aron (eds.) Childhood and Parenting in Transnational Settings. Springer Verlag, pp. 175-190. [online]
Eule, Tobias G., Lisa M. Borrelli, Annika Lindberg, and Anna Wyss (2018). Migrants Before the Law. Contested Migration Control in Europe. London: Palgrave. [online]
Dahinden, Janine, Fischer, Carolin, Menet, Joanna and Kristol, Anne (2018, September 6) Gendernationalism as a new expression of political nationalism? [online]
Dahinden, Janine (2017). "Transnationalism Reloaded: The Historical Trajectory of a Concept." Ethnic and Racial Studies, 40(9): 1474-1485. [Online]
De Senarclens, Clément & Ibrahim Soysuren (2017). Les 'expulsions volontaires': une mode de gouvernement des étrangers indésirables. Revue Européenne des Migrations Internationales, 33(1). [Online]
Del Biaggio, Cristina & Raphaël Rey (2017). Contraints de vivre sous terre à Genève: Les exilés et la société civile face à l’accueil indigne. Urbanités, 8, 1-16. [Online]
Moret, J., Duemmler, K., & Dahinden, J. (2017). The Car, the Hammer and the Cables under the Tables: Intersecting Masculinities and Social Class in a Swiss Vocational School. European Journal of Sociology, 58(2), 265-293. [Online]
Schaer, Martine, Janine Dahinden and Alina Toader (2017). "Transnational Mobility among Early-Career Academics: Gendered Aspects of Negotiations and Arrangements within Heterosexual Couples." Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 43(8): 292-1307. [Online]
Rezzonico, Laura (2017). "Maintaining Distance, Producing Indifference: Interactions between Staff and Detainees in Swiss Prisons Used for Immigration Detention", Border Criminologies Blog, 4.12.2017 [Online]
Rezzonico, Laura (2017). "Doing research in securitised spaces", Border Criminologies Blog, 15.11.2017, NCCR on the move Blog, 5.12.2017. [Online]
Rezzonico, Laura (2017). "Détention - Le regard des geôliers: agents du contrôle migratoire?". Vivre Ensemble, septembre 2017. [Online]
Baldassar, L., Nedelcu, M., Merla, L., Wilding R. (2016) Introduction by guest editors. ICT-based co-presence in transnational families and communities: challenging the premise of face-to-face proximity in sustaining relationships. Global Networks 16 (2), pp 133-144. [Online]
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Bolay, Matthieu (2016). "Artisanal Gold Miners Encountering Large-Scale Mining in Guinea: Expulsion, Tolerance and Interference", in: Haller et al. (Ed.) "The Open Cut: Mining, Transnational Corporations and Local Populations". Zürich/Berlin: LIT Verlag, Series «Action Anthropology / Aktionsethnologie». pp. 187-204. [Online] flyer
Bolay, Matthieu (2016). "Il faut être là où l'or sort!" De l'itinérance temporaire au maintien d'un mode de vie mobile chez les orpailleurs de Haute Guinée. Stichproben, Vienna Journal of African Studies. 30 (1): 111-135. link
Caretta, Martina & Riaño, Yvonne (2016): "Feminist Participatory Methodologies in Geography. Creating Spaces of Inclusion". In: Qualitative Research (QR), Introduction to Special Issue on Feminist Participatory Methodologies. pp. 1-9. Sage. download
Dahinden, Janine (2016). "A plea for the ‘de-migranticization’ of research on migration and integration." Ethnic and Racial Studies. download
Dahinden, Janine (2016). "Switzerland", in Stone, John et al. (eds.) The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity and Nationalism. JohnWiley & Sons. Retrieved from Wiley Online Library. doi: 10.1002/9781118663202. download
Fischer, Carolin and Janine Dahinden (2016). Changing Gender Representations in Politics of Belonging: A Critical Analysis of Developments in Switzerland. Working Paper Series - NCCR-on the move. Neuchâtel. download
Jeannerat, Hugues et Olivier Crevoisier (2016). "From 'Territorial Innovation Models' to 'Territorial Knowledge Dynamics'. Numéro spécial de Regional Studies. download
Nedelcu, M. and Wyss, M. (2016) 'Doing family' through ICT-mediated ordinary co-presence: transnational communication practices of Romanian migrants in Switzerland. Global Networks 16 (2), pp. 202-218. [Online]
Sapin, M., Widmer, E. & Iglesias, K. (accepted). From Support to Overload: Patterns of Positive and Negative Family Relationships of Adults with Mental Illness over Time Social Networks. Social Networks.
Zbinden, Mirjam, Janine Dahinden, and Adnan Efendic. 2016. "Rethinking the Debate about the Diversity of Migration in South-East Europe." In Diversity of Migration in South East Europe, edited by Mirjam Zbinden, Janine Dahinden and Adnan Efendic, 7-34. Bern: Peter Lang. [Online]
Achermann, Christin (2015). "Ausländische Strafgefangene: von Verletzlichkeit und Unterschieden", in Queloz, Nicolas, Thomas Noll and Laura von Mandach (eds.) Verletzlichkeit und Risiko im Justizvollzug/ Vulnérabilité et risques dans l’exécution des sanctions pénales. Bern: Stämpfli Verlag, p. 73-82. download
Baggio, S., Iglesias, K., Hugli, O., Burnand, B., Ruggeri, O., Wasserfallen, J.B., Moschetti, K., Staeger, P., Alary, S., Canepa Allen, M., Daeppen, J.B. & Bodenmann, P. (2015). Associations between perceived discrimination and health status among frequent Emergency Department users. European Journal of Emergency Médicine,
Moret, Joëlle (2015) "Cross-border mobility, transnationality and ethnicity as resources: european Somalis’ post-migration mobility practices", jems, pages: 1-18. download
Riaño Y. (2015): "Latin American Women who Migrate for Love: Imagining European Men as Ideal Partners" In: Enguix, B. & Roca, J. (eds): Rethinking Romantic Love. Discussions, Imaginaries and Practices. Cambridge Scholars Publishing: pp. 45-60. download
Riaño Y. et al (2015): "Shaping Gender Inequalities: Critical Moments and Critical Places" In: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, Vol. 34(2): pp. 155-167. download
Riaño, Yvonne (2015): "Minga Biographic Workshops with Highly Skilled Migrant Women: Enhancing Spaces of Inclusion". In: Qualitative Research (QR), Special Issue on Feminist Participatory Methodologies: pp. 10-23. Sage. download
Ruedin, D., Alberti, C., D'Amato, G. (2015). Immigration and Integration Policy in Switzerland, 1848 to 2014. Swiss Political Science Review, 21, 5-22. download
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Achermann, Christin (2014). "Ausländische Strafgefangene zwischen Resozialisierung und Wegweisung", in Achermann Alberto et al. (eds.) Jahrbuch für Migrationsrecht - Annuaire du droit de la migration 2013/2014. Bern: Stämpli Verlag, p. 69-112. download
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Bodenmann, P., Velonaki, V.S., Ruggeri, O., Hugli, O., Burnand, B., Wasserfallen, J.B., Moschetti, K., Iglesias, K., Baggio, S., & Daeppen, J.B. (2014). Case management for frequent users of the emergency department: Study protocol of a randomised controlled trial. BMC Health Services Research. 14:264. download
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Crettaz, Eric and Cédric Jacot (2014). Do Family Policies Matter for Educational Outcomes? Patterns of educational mobility and family services in Europe. European Societies, Vol. 16, Issue 5. download
Dahinden, Janine (2014). ""Wer gehört dazu?" - Grenzziehungsprozesse mittels "Kultur" im Kontext von Migration in der Schweiz", in Hengartner, Thomas and Anna Schindler (eds.) Wachstumsschmerzen. Gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen der Stadtentwicklung und ihre Bedeutung für Zürich. Zürich: Seismo, p. 49-63. download
Dahinden, Janine (2014). "Kultur" als Form symbolischer Gewalt: Grenzziehungen im Kontext von Migration am Beispiel der Schweiz", in Nieswand, Boris and Heike Drotbohm (eds.) Kultur, Gesellschaft, Migration: Die reflexive Wende in der Migrationsforschung. Wiesbaden: VS/Springer, p. 97-122. download
Dahinden, Janine (2014). Understanding the dynamics of transnational formations among Albanian-speaking migrants in Switzerland by bringing in theories of mobility, social inequality and ethnicity. MAPS Working Paper series, WP 6.
Dahinden, Janine, Kerstin Duemmler and Joëlle Moret (2014). Disentangling Religious, Ethnic and Gendered Contents in Boundary Work: How Young Adults Create the Figure of ‘The Oppressed Muslim Woman. Journal of Intercultural Studies, 35(4): 329-348. download
Durrleman, S., Hadjikhani, N., Hippolyte, L., Zufferey, S. & Iglesias, K. (online first). Complex Syntax in Autism Spectrum Disorders: A study of Relative Clauses. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorder. DOI: 10.1111/1460-6984.12130. download
Farquet, Romaine (2014). Demonstrating for a Kosovo Republic in Switzerland: emotions, national identity and performance. Nations and Nationalism. Volume 20, Issue 2, pages 277–296, April 2014. download.
Iglesias, K., Burnand, B. & Peytremann-Bridevaux, I. (2014). PACIC instrument: Disentangling dimensions using published validation models. International Journal for quality in Health Care. 26 (3). doi:10.1093/intqhc/mzu042. download
Juhasz, A., Suter, C., & Iglesias, K. (2014). Segregation or integration? Immigrant self-employment in Switzerland. Journal of International Migration and Integration. 15(1), 93-115. download
Lavanchy, Anne (2014) "Les millefeuilles du pouvoir. Une recherche auprès des officiers d'Etat civil en Suisse“ Cultures & sociétés 30 (N° spécial "Terrains d'enquête: le sens caché des relations").
Lavanchy, Anne (2014) “Doing and undoing field work: a case of participant observation in state institution“, SAGE Method in Action Case Studies. download
Moret, Joëlle (2014). "Transnationalité et insertion locale, des ancrages incompatibles ? L’exemple des migrant·e·s d’origine somalienne en Suisse", in Voélin, Sabine et al. (eds.) Le travail social entre résistance et innovation. IES et Interact : Genève et Lucerne. download.
Toader, Alina (2014) « Quels emplois pour quels diplômes chez les immigré-e-s en France ? », in G. Boudesseul et al. (coord.), Réussite scolaire, réussite professionnelle, l’apport des données longitudinales, CEREQ (Relief, 48), p. 79-89. download
Achermann, Alberto, Christin Achermann, Joanna Menet, David Mühlemann (2013). Das Zulassungssystem für religiöse Betreuungspersonen. Eine explorative Studie. Bern/ Neuchâtel: Zentrum für Migrationsrecht. download
Achermann, Christin (2013). "‘Ausschaffungspraxis‘ vor und nach der Annahme der Ausschaffungsinitiative", in Fink, Daniel, André Kuhn und Christian Schwarzenegger (Hg.), Migration, Kriminalität und Strafrecht – Fakten und Fiktion / Migration, criminalité et droit pénal - Mythes et réalité. Bern: Stämpfli, S. 241-269. download link to book
Dahinden, Janine (2013 (published online 4.2.2013). "Albanian-Speaking Migration, mid-19th Century to Present", in Ness, Immanuel (ed), Encylopedia of Global Human Migration. Wiley Blackwell. DOI: 10.1002/9781444351071.wbeghm026. download
Dahinden, Janine (2013 i-first). "German Muslims and the ‘Integration Debate’: Negotiating Identities in the Face of Discrimination". Integrative behavioral and psychological science. Religious meaning-making and boundary work. Special issue, DOI 10.1007/s12124-012-9227-6. Co-authored with Holtz Peter, and Wolfgang Wagner. download
Dahinden, Janine (2013). "Cities, Migrant Incorporation, and Ethnicity: A Network Perspective on Boundary Work". Journal of International Migration and Integration, 14(1): 39-60. download
Dahinden, Janine and Tania Zittoun (2013). "Religion in meaning making and boundary work: Theoretical explorations " Integrative behavioral and psychological science. Religious meaning-making and boundary work". Special issue, 47(2): 185-206. (DOI) 10.1007/s12124-013-9233-3. download
de Coulon, Giada (2013). "'They Don't Beat You; They Work on Your Brain': 'Regular Illegality' and the Disciplining of Rejected Asylum Seekers", p.207-227. in: "Disciplining the Transnational Mobility of People". Edited by Martin Geiger and Antoine Pécoud. download
Duemmler, Kerstin and Nagel, Alexander-Kenneth (2013). "Governing Religious Diversity: Top-down and bottom-up initiatives in Germany and Switzerland. Integrative behavioral and psychological science. Religious meaning-making and boundary work". Special issue, 47(2): 265-283. download
Holtz, Peter, Janine Dahinden and Wolfgang Wagner (2013). "German Muslims and the ‘Integration Debate’: Negotiating Identities in the Face of Discrimination". Integrative behavioral and psychological science. Religious meaning-making and boundary work. Special issue, 47(2): 231-248. download
Lévy, Florence et Lieber, Marylène (2013). “When You Look Chinese, You Have to Speak Chinese”. Highly Skilled Chinese Migrants in Switzerland and the Valorization of a Shared Unified Culture and Language » In Paul Spickard, Multiple Identities: Migrants, Ethnicity, and Membership, Bloomington, Indiana University Press. download
Schulze, Marion (2013). "Korea vs. K-Dramaland: the culturalization of K-Dramas by international fans". Acta Koreana, Vol. 16, No 2, December 2013 : 367-397. download
Toader, Alina (2013) « La présence des Roumains dans les flux et stocks migratoires en France de 1990 à 2007 : une mise en parallèle des statistiques roumaines et françaises », Romanian Journal of Population Studies, vol. VII, n° 2, p. 103-126. download
Zittoun, Tania and Janine Dahinden, eds. (2013). "Integrative Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science. Religion in meaning-making and boundary work". download
Achermann, Christin (2012). "Excluding the unwanted: Dealing with foreign-national offenders in Switzerland", in Ataç, Ilker und Sieglinde Rosenberger (Hg.), Politik zwischen Inklusion und Exklusion. Göttingen: V & R unipress, S. 91-109. download link to book
Dahinden, Janine (2012). "Aktuelle Bedeutungsverschiebungen im "Kulturdiskurs": Ethnische und religiöse Grenzziehungen im Kontext von Transnationalisierung und Migration", in Hangartner, Judith et al. (eds.) Alltag und Ritual: Statusübergänge und Ritualisierungen in sozialen und politischen Feldern. Festschrift zu Ehren von Hans-Rudolf Wicker. Zürich: Seismo, p. 134-146.
Dahinden, Janine (2012). "Transnational Belonging, Non-ethnic Forms of Identification and Diverse Mobilities: Rethinking Migrant Integration?", in Messer, Michi, Renée Schroeder and Ruth Wodak (eds.) Migration: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Wien: Springer, p. 117-128.
Dahinden, Janine, Kerstin Duemmler, Joëlle Moret (2012). Islam and gender in the boundary work of young adults in Switzerland. Working Paper Series MAPS. WP 1/2012. Neuchâtel: University of Neuchâtel, Maison d'analyse des processus sociaux (MAPS). download
Hoepflinger, Anna-Katharina, Lavanchy, Anne & Janine Dahinden (2012) "Uncovering gender " Women’s Studies, 41(6):615-638
Lavanchy, Anne (2012). “Going under cover? Ethics, transparency and witnessing in researching institutions” SSE-Groupe de Réflexion sur Ethique et Déontologie.
Lévy, Florence (2012). La migration des Chinoises du Nord : une alternative genrée ? Perspectives Chinoises, numéro spécial sur les femmes en Chine, n°4 :43-51
Lévy, Florence (2012). The Migration of Women from Northern China: A Gender-oriented Choice? China Perspectives, n°4 : 43-50
Moret Joëlle, Janine Dahinden, Kerstin Duemmler (2012). « Be a real man ! » Hegemonic Masculinities in a Swiss vocational school : boundary work between gender and social position in the labour market. Working Paper Series MAPS. WP 2/2012. Neuchâtel: University of Neuchâtel, Maison d'analyse des processus sociaux (MAPS). download
Neubauer, Anna, Janine Dahinden en cooperation avec Pauline Breguet et Eric Crettaz (2012). "Zwangsheiraten" in der Schweiz: Ursachen, Formen, Ausmass ("Mariages forcés" en Suisse: Causes, formes et ampleur) Bern: Bundesamt für Migration / Office fédérale pour les migrations. Co-authored avec Anna Neubauer and in collaboration with Pauline Breguet et Eric Crettaz
Rapport en français / Resumé de l'étude en français
Studie auf Deutsch / Zusammenfassung der Studie auf Deutsch
Schönenberger, Silvia und Christin Achermann (2012). Pilotprojekt 'Integrationsvereinbarungen' in Ostermundigen: Schlussbericht der externen Evaluation. Neuchâtel: Forum suisse pour l'étude des migrations et de la population; Centre de droit des migrations. download
Achermann, Christin (2011). «La probation et les délinquantes et délinquants de nationalité étrangère», in Studer, Brigitte et Sonja Matter (éd.), Zwischen Aufsicht und Fürsorge: die Geschichte der Bewährungshilfe im Kanton Bern. Bern: Stämpfli, p. 155-161. download
Crettaz, E. and G. Bonoli (2011), Worlds of Working Poverty. National Variations in Mechanisms. In Fraser, N., R.Gutiérrez and R. Peña-Casas (eds), Working Poverty in Europe. A Comparative Approach, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Crettaz, Eric (2011) "Fighting Working Poverty in Post-industrial Economies. Causes, Trade-offs and Policy Solutions", Edward Elgar Ltd. download
Dahinden, Janine (2011). "« Kulturelle Vielfalt » ? Grenzziehungen mittels « Kultur » im Kontext von Migration und Integration", in SAGW (ed.) Von der Deklaration zur Umsetzung – Schutz und Förderung der kulturellen Vielfalt in der Schweiz. Akten der Tagung vom 25. Januar 2011, Zürich, 2011. Bern: Schweizerische Akademie der Geistes- und
Dahinden, Janine (2011). Kultur als Form symbolischer Gewalt. Grenzziehungsprozesse im Kontext von Migration am Beispiel der Schweiz. Working Paper Series MAPS. WP 6/2011. Neuchâtel: University of Neuchâtel, Maison d'analyse des processus sociaux (MAPS).download
Dahinden, Janine, Joëlle Moret und Kerstin Duemmler (2011). "Die Herstellung sozialer Differenz unter der Bedingung von Transnationalisierung. Religion, Islam und boundary work unter Jugendlichen", in Allenbach, Brigit et al. (Hg.), Jugend - Migration - Religion. Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven. Zürich/Baden-Baden: Pano/Nomos. S.225-248. download
Dahinden, Janine, Kerstin Duemmler, Joëlle Moret (2011). Ethnizität und Religion. Welche Praktiken, Identitäten und Grenzziehungen? Eine Untersuchung mit jungen Erwachsenen. Schlussbericht. Nationales Forschungsprogramm NFP 58 "Religionsgemeinschaften, Staat und Gesellschaft". Neuchâtel und Bern. Schlussbericht. download
Fornale, Elisa, Kurt, Stefanie Tamara, Sow, Dieyla et Stünzi Robin (2011). Les spécificités du renvoi des délinquants étrangers dans les droits nationaux allemand, autrichien, français et italien, in Amarelle, Cesla et Minh Son Nguyen (éd.), Les renvois et leur exécution: Perspectives internationale, européenne et suisse. Berne: Stämpfli, p. 61-114.
Lavanchy, A., A. Gajardo et F. Dervin (2011), "Anthropologies de l'interculturalité", éd. L'Harmattan. download
Lavanchy, A., A. Gajardo et F. Dervin (2011), "Politics of Interculturality", éd. Cambridge Scholars. download
Lieber, M. (2011). "Ce qui compte et ce qui ne compte pas. Usage des statistiques et violences faites aux femmes", Cahiers du genre, no hors série, p. 157-177 Introduction et sommaire
Sanchez-Mazas, Margarita, en collaboration avec Denise Efionayi-Mäder, Jenny Maggi, Christin Achermann, Martine Schaer, Marta Roca i Escoda, Fabienne Coumou-Stants (2011). La construction de l'invisibilité: Suppression de l'aide sociale dans le domaine de l'asile. Genère: ies éditions. Flyer
Crettaz Eric, Forney Jérémie (2010), Situation financière des agriculteurs: mieux comprendre en croisant les perspectives, Swiss Society for Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology: Yearbook of Socioeconomics in Agriculture: 255-284.
Dahinden, Janine (2010). "Wenn soziale Netzwerke transnational werden": Migrationsnetzwerke, Transnationalität, Lokalität und soziale Ungleichheitsverhältnisse", in Gamper, Markus and Linda Reschke (eds.) Knoten und Kanten. Soziale Netzwerkanalyse in Wirtschafts- und Migrationsforschung. Transcript, p. 393-420.
Duemmler, Kerstin, Janine Dahinden and Joelle Moret (2010). "Gender Equality as 'Cultural Stuff': Ethnic Boundary Work in a Classroom in Switzerland." Diversities, 12(1): 19-37. [link]
Dahinden, Janine (2010). "Wer entwickelt einen transnationalen Habitus? Ungleiche Transnationalisierungsprozesse als Ausdruck ungleicher Ressourcenausstattung", in Christian, Reutlinger, Johannes Kniffki and Nadia Baghdadi (eds.) Die soziale Welt quer denken: Transnationalisierung und ihre Folgen für die Soziale Arbeit. Taucha bei Leipzig: Frank und Timme, p. 83-108. [link]
Marylène Lieber " 瑞士 周末 华文学校 -- 一 种全球性的社会化迁移战略 ", 华侨华人历史研究 (Overseas Chinese History Studies), no 91, 2010, pp. 38-51. [link]
Marylene Lieber "Du diplomate à l'expatrié. Les migrations chinoises en Suisse", Revue européenne des migrations internationales, vol. 26, no 2, 2010, pp. 191-214. [link]
Working Paper 8 - 2010 / E, Kerstin Duemmler, Joëlle Moret et Janine Dahinden, Gender Equality as 'Cultural Stuff' : Ethnic Boundary Work in a Classroom in Switzerland
Westin, Charles, José Bastos, Janine Dahinden, Pedro (2010). Identity Processes and Dynamics in Multi-Ethnic Europe. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. IMISCOE Books Series.
(communiqué de presse)
Dahinden, Janine (2010). "The dynamics of migrants' transnational formations: between mobility and locality", in Bauböck, Rainer and Thomas Faist (eds.) Transnationalism and Diaspora. Concept, Theories and Methods. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, p. 51-72.
(communiqué de presse)
Dahinden, Janine und Alexander Bischoff, Hrsg. (2010). Dolmetschen, Vermitteln, Schlichten - Integration der Diversität?
(Flyer, communiqué de presse, Pressedossier)
Working Paper 5 - 2010 / E, Janine Dahinden, La circulation des personnes: Cities, Migrant Incorporation and Ethnicity: A Network Perspective on Boundary Work
Working Paper 3 - 2010 / E, Janine Dahinden, La circulation des personnes: Cabaret Dancers's Transnationality
Lieber, Marylene "Chinese migrants in Switzerland: From mutual assistance to promoting economic interests", Journal of Chinese Overseas, vol. 6, no 1, 2010, p. 102-118. [link]
Lieber Marylène, Dahinden Janine, Hertz Ellen (dir.), Cachez ce travail que je ne saurais voir. Ethnographies du travail du sexe, Lausanne : Antipodes, 2010. (Flyer, communiqué de presse)
Riaño, Yvonne und Janine Dahinden 2010: Zwangsheirat: Hintergründe, Massnahmen, lokale und transnationale Dynamiken (Flyer, Pressedossier)
Dümmler, Kerstin et Joëlle Moret (2009). "Jeunes Musulmans, un rapport à la religion tout aussi diversifié que les autres jeunes." [link]
Dümmler, Kerstin.; Melzer, W. (2009). Gewalt in der Schule [link]
--------------------------------------------------Dahinden, Janine (2009). "Are we all transnationals now?" [link]
--------------------------------------------------Dahinden, Janine (2009). "Migration and Mobility" [link]
--------------------------------------------------Dahinden, Janine (2009). "Transnationalisme "diasporique" ou "transnationalisme en "mobilité"? ..." [link]
Moret, Joëlle (2009). "Depuis que mon mari voyage, je suis coincée avec les enfants". [...] [link]
Moret, Joëlle et Janine Dahinden (2009). Vers une meilleure communication. [link]
Dahinden, Janine and Denise Efionayi (2009). "Challenges and Strategies in Empricial Fieldwork with Asylum Seekers and Migrant Sex Workers" [link]
Lavanchy, Anne (2009). Les langages de l'autochtonie. Enjeux sociaux et politiques des négociations identitaires mapuche au Chili. [link]
Moret, Joëlle, Kerstin Dümmler et Janine Dahinden (2009). "Les jeunes Musulmans à Neuchâtel..." [link]
Lieber, Marylène et Florence Lévy (2009). "La sexualité comme ressource migratoire. Les Chinoises du Nord à Paris." [link]
Lieber, Marylène (2009). "Clivages ethniques, domination économique et rapports sociaux de sexe. Le cas des Chinois de Paris." [link]