Master of Science in Finance

Current students

  • By default, you are enrolled in the basic programme, MSc in Finance (90 ECTS).
  • The regular duration of study is 3 semesters.
  • For all details, please refer to the following documents.
Regulations of studies and exams

For students who started in academic year 2024-2025

Study plan Directive Course descriptions

For students who started in academic year 2023-2024

Study plan Directive Course descriptions

Selecting courses

  • The study plan includes both mandatory and elective courses. Mandatory courses lay the foundation for the more specialised elective courses. It is therefore recommended to take as many mandatory courses as possible each semester and complete the remaining credits with electives.
  • Students must register for and pass at least three mandatory courses during the first semester of their studies in the first attempt to be admitted to the next semester.
  • Please read carefully all the information concerning the courses and exams of our Faculty on the following pages.
Courses Exams

Elective courses

  • Courses can be taken in other master programmes at the Faculty of Economics and Business and/or MScF programmes in other Swiss universities.
  • Approval of the Director of the MScF is mandatory.
  • The student should send a request to Prof. Weigert indicating the course and including the course description (pdf).
  • If he approves, Prof. Weigert informs by email the Secretariat of the Faculty of Economics and Business and the student.
  • It is the students’ responsability to contact the university regarding all the administration issues.
  • BeNeFri/Azur: students attending courses at the universities of Bern, Fribourg, Lausanne and Geneva are entitled to train fare reimburement. For complete information on how to proceed, please refer to the Mobility page on the website of the Faculty of Economics and Business.

  • 3 electives can be earned by participating in the CFA Institute Research Challenge Final, Switzerland.
  • Finalists should register in IS-Academia for the course « CFA Institute Research Challenge Final (5AF2043) » to validate the credits.

Enhanced programme

90 ECTS (semesters 1, 2 & 3) + 30 ECTS (semester 4) = 120 ECTS

Any student can register at the latest, by the end of semester 3, for one of the three enhanced programmes:

  • MSc in Finance (120 ECTS) or
  • MSc in Finance with Data Science Major (120 ECTS) or
  • MSc in Finance with Sustainability Major (120 ECTS).

All students who start their 4th semester without having registered for an enhanced programme can no longer register for any enhanced programme.

Enhanced programme registration form

MSc in Finance (120 ECTS)
Research Option

Master thesis

MSc in Finance (120 ECTS)
Research Option

Internship thesis

MSc In Finance (120 ECTS)
Data Science Option

MSc in Finance (120 ECTS)
Sustainability Option


University of Neuchâtel Finance Association