
Academic year 2024-2025

January 2025 exams session

  • 11 – 24 November: registration period (2nd and 3rd attempts)
  • 16 December: publication of exams timetables
  • 8 – 24 January: exams period
  • 7 February: publication of results

June 2025 exams session

  • 7 – 20 April: registration period (2nd and 3rd attempts)
  • 12 May: publication of exams timetables
  • 2 – 20 June: exams period
  • 27 June: publication of results

August-September 2025 exams session

  • 28 June – 6 July: registration period (2nd and 3rd attempts)
  • 30 July: publication of exams timetables
  • 18 – 29 August: exams period
  • 12 September: publication of results


  • All registrations must be saved on the IS-Academia system, plateform for the official registration.
  • The deadlines of the academic calendar must be respected.
  • No late registration is accepted without good reasons.
  • The faculty secretariat does not confirm registrations. The Sitel emails are authoritative for the status of exam registrations.

  • Obligation to register at the start of the semester, for each course that students wish to follow, within the deadlines given by the academic calendar.
  • When the course is registered, the exam is automatically registered for the session which immediately follows the end of the course.
  • Only the first registration for the exam is automatic.

  • For the second and subsequent registrations, students must register on their own, either for the evaluation of the retake session, or for the evaluation corresponding to the semester during which the course is given again.
  • All subsequent exams must be registered by the student, within the deadlines given by the academic calendar for exam registrations.

  • Students who fail the exam of a course taken the previous year only register for that same exam again (for the semester of the first registration).
  • It is possible to follow the new course, without registering for it and informing the teacher that the exam will be taken on the materials of the previous year.

  • No automatic registration for the exam for extra-muros courses.
  • Students must register on their own for exams taken outside of the faculty, respecting the information and deadlines given by the faculty where the course is followed.


  • The official assessment procedures are those that are indicated in the curriculum of the concerned programme:
    • E: exam during the exam session at the end of the semester.
    • EI: evaluation organized during the semester.
    • O: oral exam during the exam session at the end of the semester.
  • Retake exam after 1 or 2 failures: unless otherwise specified in the course description, 2h written exam during the exam session at the end of the semester or the retake exam session.

The detailed terms of evaluation and duration of the exams are specified in the course description.

  • All grades are accessible on internet when you log on IS-Academia.
  • Students can ask the secretariat of the Faculty by mail (e-mail or letter) to be informed of their grades in writing within a week following the publication of the grades on internet.
  • In case a written communication is asked for, the deadline for appeal will begin with this notification.
  • Definitive failures are automatically communicated by registered letter.

  • Exams are kept for one year.
  • They may be consulted, preferably within one month of the publication of the results. Students may consult their exam, including the grading scale, and be given an oral explanation of their results. During the consultation, which lasts a maximum of 15 minutes, the student may not take notes nor photographs.
  • To consult the exam, an appointment must be made either with the professor/assistant or with the secretariat of the concerned institute.
  • Consultation is not permitted 15 days before an exam session.

If you give up your studies, Student Services can deliver a course attendance certificate containing your transcript of grades and credits.

  • The transcript is deemed to be the decision, within the meaning of Article 3 of the Loi sur la procédure et la juridiction administrative du 27 juin 1979, for the examined subjects in the last session and, if necessary, for the other results of the past semester.
  • An appeal can be lodged within thirty days of the reception of the academic transcript with the Commission de recours de l’Université de Neuchâtel auprès du Tribunal régional du Littoral et du Val-de-Travers, Case postale 3173, rue de l’Hôtel-de-Ville 2, 2000 Neuchâtel.
  • In two copies, the appeal must state the contested decision, the grounds, the conclusions and the possible evidence.


Faculty of Economics and Business
Avenue du 1er-Mars 26
Bureau B39
2000 Neuchâtel

+41 32 718 15 00

IS-Academia Courses descriptions Pidex Formulaire de demande d'aménagements