Master of Science in General Management

How to apply

Admission conditions

We require our students entering the programme to hold one of the following:

  • A Bachelor degree from a Swiss university
  • A Bachelor degree from a Swiss university of applied sciences (HES) with a strong academic record
  • A Bachelor degree from a recognized non-Swiss university

Applicants must either hold a Bachelor’s degree or be close to completing it. Additionally, a good command of English is required. All applications will be reviewed by an admissions committee.

Important Note
Graduates with a degree in economics, management, or a closely related field, or having more than 5 years of professional experience in management, marketing, finance, or similar domains, are not eligible for this programme.

Enrolment Process

​For detailed information on the enrolment process, please visit the « Registration and Conditions » page. Topics covered include:

  • Eligibility for university studies
  • Master’s degree admission requirements and application deadlines
  • Administrative fees
  • Online enrolment process
  • Application forms:
    • General application form.
    • Application form for students holding a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Neuchâtel (UniNE)
Registration and conditions Online registration - closed after deadline Application form UniNE students

Fees and expenses

  • CHF 515 per semester for Swiss residents
  • CHF 790 per semester for non-Swiss residents

For more details, please visit the « Managing your finances » page


Key Dates

Complete application files should be submitted by:

  • End of February: For a decision by the end of March (recommended for those requiring a visa).
  • End of April: For a decision by the end of May.
  • Beginning of August: For applicants not requiring a visa (please check the admissions page for potential deadline extensions).

Programme Start Date: Third week of September

Need Assistance?

We encourage you to consult the FAQs below. If your question is not answered in the FAQs, feel free to contact us at We will be happy to assist you.


The programme is specifically designed for candidates with no prior studies in economics or management, facilitating their transition to the job market. Therefore, no prior work experience is required. Candidates must hold a Bachelor’s degree from a recognized university and have a good command of English. Candidates with a Bachelor’s degree from a University of Applied Sciences (HES) with a strong academic record are also eligible.

Yes, direct admission is possible provided the degree is not in economics or management. A solid academic performance in previous studies is a requirement.

No, we do not conduct pre-assessments of eligibility. You must submit a complete application file. The Admissions Office will review your file, and the Master’s Committee will provide a decision after careful evaluation of all submitted documents.

No, these tests are not required for the admission.

The programme does not require prior knowledge of economics, and courses from a previous degree cannot be validated. However, in exceptional cases, a special request can be submitted for examination.

The programme does not require prior knowledge of economics and does not necessitate or justify any educational contracts for preliminary courses.

Yes, but only if the minor is secondary (42 ECTS)