Suggestions for course topics are always welcome. Please send them to the PhD school coordinator
Experimental Microfluidics
17-21 June, 2024
Location: ETH Zürich
Speakers: Dr. Eleonora Secchi, Dr. Glen D'Souza, Dr. Stavros Stavrakis, Dr. Stefano Ugolini (ETHZ)
Inversion, Uncertainty Analysis and Problem Decomposition in Decision-Support Modelling
2-6 September, 2024
Mode and location: in person at the University of Neuchâtel
Speaker: Dr. John Doherty
2024 (completed)
Extreme value analysis and precipitation extremes
28-29 May, 2024
Mode and location: in person at the University of Lausanne
Speakers: Prof. Nadav Peleg (UNIL), Dr. Francesco Marra (UNIPD)
Addressing hydrological problems with massive satellite data using Google Earth Engine
20-22 March, 2024
Mode and location: in person at the University of Neuchâtel
Speakers: Prof. Grégoire Mariéthoz (UNIL), Dr. Fabio Oriani (UNIL), Saeed Mhanna (UNINE)
2023 (completed)
WES PhD School Annual Conference
1 Dec, 2023
Location: University of Basel
Speakers: the students!
Monitoring the Earth from Satellites: Radar Interferometry
4-7 Sept, 2023
Location: ETHZ
Speakers: Dr. Andrea Manconi (ETHZ/SLF)
Discrete Fracture Network (DFN) modelling
11-12 Sept, 2023
Location: UNINE
Speakers: Members of Fractory (CNRS/Itasca/Univ. Rennes)
Understanding Alpine Landscapes: Integrating Field Observations and Modelling
26-29 Sept, 2023
Location: Val d'Hérens (VS) - field-based course!
Speakers: Dr. Ian Delaney (UNIL)
PEST/PEST++ and Decision-Support Modelling
30 Oct - 03 Nov, 2023
Location: UNINE
Speaker: Dr. John Doherty (2019 Darcy Lecturer and author of PEST)
Experimental Microfluidics
12-16 June, 2023
Location: ETHZ
Speakers: Dr. Eleonora Secchi, Dr. Glen D'Souza, & Dr. Stavros Stavrakis (ETHZ)
Research Integrity
21 June, 2023
Location: UNINE
Speakers: Dr. Elodie Marbois & Dr. Samia Hurst (NCCR TTF Ethics / Uni Geneva)
Numerical Flownets and Capture Zone Simulations
28 Mar., 2023
Mode and location: in person at the University of Neuchâtel
Speaker: Prof. John Molson (University of Laval)
Addressing hydrological problems with massive satellite data using Google Earth Engine
22-24 March, 2023
Mode and location: in person at the University of Neuchâtel
Speakers: Prof. Grégoire Mariéthoz (UNIL), Dr. Fabio Oriani (UNIL), Saeed Mhanna (UNINE)
Discrete-Continuum-Modelling with MODFLOW Conduit Flow Process (CFP)
20-22 Feb., 2023
Mode and location: in person at the University of Neuchâtel
Speakers: Dr.-Ing. Thomas Reimann (TU Dresden) and Prof. Steffen Birk (University of Graz)
2022 (completed)
Catchment hydrological modelling
28 Nov - 1 Dec, 2022
Location: EAWAG
Speakers: Dr. Virginia Ruiz-Villanueva & Dr. Nadav Peleg (University of Lausanne) and others
Registration: CLOSED
The 2022 WES PhD School Conference
7 Dec, 2022
Location: University of Bern
FEFLOW Modelling Course: The basics of groundwater modelling and advanced applications
Oct 31 - Nov 4, 2022
Mode and location: 3 (basic course) or 5 (full course), in person at the University of Neuchâtel
Speaker: Robin Marc Dufour, DHI
Integrated modeling of surface and subsurface flow and transport using HydroGeoSphere
8-9 September 2022
Mode and location: 2 days, at the University of Neuchâtel
Speaker: Prof. René Therrien (Université de Laval)
PEST/PEST++ and Decision-Support Modelling
12-16 September, 2022
Mode and location: 5 full days, at the University of Neuchâtel
Speaker: Dr. John Doherty (Author of PEST and 2019 Darcy Lecturer)
Advanced Geochemical Modelling
26-28 September, 2022
Mode and location: 3 days, at EAWAG (Dübendorf, ZH)
Speaker(s): Prof. Chen Zhu (Indiana University, 2021-22 Darcy Lecturer)
Scientific computing with GPUs
May 2022
Mode & location: UNIL, ECTS TBD
Speaker(s): Prof. Yury Podladchikov
Tecplot: CFD Visualization & Analysis Tools
18 & 19 May, 2022 (10:00-12:00 each day)
Mode & location: online
Speaker(s): Jens Warkall of Tecplot
Experimental Microfluidics: a Short Course
13-17 June, 2022
Mode and location: ETHZ/Hybrid format, 1 ECTS
Cancellation policy
Please note that courses places are limited and that there is very often a waiting list of people who would like to participate. Courses are offered for free to PhD students, but they do not come as a gift to the Ph.D. School WES and the university.
Therefore, registered participants have to assist to the entire courses (not just a part of it), and registered participants who:
- cancel their participation after the registration deadline or
- less than 15 days before the start of a course (if differs from cancellation deadline) or
- do not show up
will have to pay part of the costs for the course or an administrative fee (CHF 50-400 depending on the course).
Please, carefully check the participation, registration and cancellation conditions listed at the bottom of the course description page prior to registering to a course or workshop.
If you have an emergency that prevents you from participating at a course you have registered for, please contact the PhD school coordinator as soon as possible.
- Contact the PhD school coordinator
The courses are open for external PhD students which have however to pay a course fee that reflects the effective costs per participant. The students participating in the PhD school also have the possibility to follow courses elsewhere.