Past news
22 July
Congratulations to Emmanuelle Reuter who has been appointed Full Professor of Innovation Management at the Institute of Management (IMN) from August
Welcome to Michaela Slotwinski, Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Social Work, who joins the Transdisciplanary Institute of Social Work (ITTS) in August
25 June
Congratulations to Alain Berset on his election as Secretary General of the Council of Europe. Alain Berset obtained his PhD in Economics in 2005
31 May
Workshop "Refugee Shocks: What the Sudden Arrival of Many Refugees Does to Others"
29 May
"Ethics in Finance Award" ceremony
15 May
Cafés scientifiques (in cooperation with the AJM): "Les défis de l'éducation aux médias"
18-19 April
SGKM Conference (in cooperation with the AJM)
20 March
Cafés scientifiques (in cooperation with the AJM): "Les infos à l'épreuve des émois"
19 March
SNSE: public conference with Christophe Hurter "Les entreprises deviennent-elles plus durables après des propositions ESG des actionnaires durant les assemblées générales ?"
16 March - 15 May
Exhibit "A la recherche de la vérité - Le journalisme et nous"
12 March
Career events: "Building a Startup: Insights from Founders and Forbes 30 Under 30"
6 March
Masters Evening
16 February
ITTS: conference "Rethinking Social Work Education and Practice in the Age of Concurrent Crises"
14 December
Prix Nexans 2023
Conference with the winner, Ertugrul Uysal "AI and autonomous products with human-like features: their effects on consumer well-being" and Tobias Schlager, HEC Lausanne
Award ceremony
27 November - 2 December
Masters Online InfoWeek - Q&A sessions
20 November
Master in Innovation: public conference with Müfit Sabo "Nos politiques d'innovation répondent-elles aux défis d'aujourd'hui?"
Career events: "Careers in Portfolio Management"
17 November
Graduation ceremony and academic prizes 2023
Prof. Peter Fiechter receives the "Credit Suisse Award for Best Teaching 2023"
1 November
Inaugural lecture by Prof. Bruno Lanz "L'économie de l'environnement : un oxymoron ?"
20 October
Master in Innovation: public conference with Sue Putallaz "Le Lac, un nouveau laboratoire pour la mobilité du futur ?"
18 October
SNSE: public conference with Gilles Carbonnier "Conflits armés, climat, pandémies: Comment l'action humanitaire s'adapte pour répondre à des multi-crises dans un monde multipolaire"
10 October
Career events: "Saxo Bank on Campus"
19 September
Beginning of the academic year and welcome to the new students
1 August
Welcome to our new professor, Michael Hasler - Finance - IAF
29-30 June
Institute of Economic Research (IRENE) - SSES Annual Congress 2023 "International Spillovers"
1 June
SNSE: general meeting with Etienne Maillefer, Head of Department and Project Manager at the Economist Development Department of the Canton of Berne "Coup de projecteur sur les activités de la promotion économique du canton de Berne"
25 May
"Ethics in Finance Award" ceremony
16 May
Career events: "Discussion sur les étapes et le déroulement d'une enquête à l'Office fédéral de la statistique"
15 May
Career events: "Successful Careers in Finance and Business"
2 May
Secomania: public conference with avec Jean-Marie Grether, Nicolas Marmagne and Florian Németi "Rachat de Credit Suisse : Perspectives et Alternatives"
27 April
Master in innovation : public conference with Fabienne Ferymond Cantone "Qu'est-ce qu'une maison des innovations sociales aujourd'hui ? Et comment la faire vivre ?"
25-27 April
ITTS symposium: Focus on inclusion. Conceptions, practice and challenges
25 April
Career events: "Discussion sur la stratégie durable d'une banque"
5 April
Inaugural lecture by Prof. Barbara Waldis "Quels sont les projets de vie de seniors des Balkans en Suisse ?"
27 March
Master in Innovation : public conference with Marco Vencato "La philanthropie au service de l'innovation -Gebert rüf Stiftung et le soutien à l'innovation "d'impact"
23 March
SNSE/CNCI public conference with Stephanie Villadiego De La Hoz "Responsabilité sociale des entreprises : le durcissement de la loi et ses implications pour les entreprises"
15 March
Career events: "Swiss Banking Association: Innovation in Banking"
13 March
Master in Innovation: public conference with Daniel Bloch "A la recherche de la distinction optimale - les valeurs et grandes questions de l'innovation en PME"
9 March
Congratulations to Rebecca Stuart, post-doctoral rearcher at the IRENE, who won an award from the Swiss Economic Archives (Schweizerisches Wirtschaftsarchiv - SWA) for her work on the article "What Drives Long-Term Interest Rates ? Evidence from the Entire Swiss Franc History 1852-2020"
8 March
Masters Evening
28 February
Career events: "P&G on Campus: Senior Leadership Perspective: What motivates me to stay in P&G after 26 years?
19 December
Master in Innovation: public conference with Cyril Lanfranchi "Finance durable - Véritable innovation ou greenwashing"
13-15 December
Master Infoweek-Online - Q&A Sessions
22 November
Career events: "The Future of Blockchain"
18 November
Graduation ceremony and academic prizes 2022
20 October
SNSE/SAN: public conference with Luc Ferry "Sagesse et folie du monde qui vient"
18 October
Career events: "Julius Bär on Campus"
Master in Innovation: public conference with Nadine Reichental "Aux âmes bien nées, l'innovation n'attend point le nombre des années"
4 October
Career events: "Sustainability Matters"
20 September
Beginning of the academic year and welcome to the new students
8 September
100th anniversary of the Place financière neuchâteloise. Congratulations to our Bachelor and Master students
12 April
Career events: "Innovation in Financial Services: How to Transform the Financial Industry"
5 April
Career events: "Build your Personal Brand and Develop your Network on LinkedIn"
31 March
Career events: "Build your Personal Brand and Develop your Network on LinkedIn"
29 March
Career events: "P&G on Campus: Insights into Finance & Marketing"
24 March
Inauguration of the Transdisciplinary Institute of Social Work (ITTS)
17 March
SNSE : public conference with Valérie Rüfenacht "Inclusion et économie : Pourquoi les entreprises devraient-elles s'y intéresser"
15 March
Career events : "PwC on Campus"
1st February
Welcome to Professor Barbara Waldi, ITTS director
Opening of the Transdisciplinary Insitute of Social Work (ITTS)
22 November
Master in Innovation : conférence de Raphaël Broye "Un trésor était derrière mon usine ! L'économie circulaire comme source d'innovation et de valeur industrille".
12 November
Graduation ceremony and academic prizes 2021.
10 November
Open day.
25 October
Master in Innovation : conference by Nathalie Lesselin et Marc Thurner "Enseignement, start-up et innovation. Quelle langue commune ?"
20 October
Inaugural lecture by Prof. Nathalie Pignard-Cheynel "Médias et journalistes faces aux défis du numérique".
21 September
Start of the academic year and welcome to the new students.
SNSE: public conference with Prof. Daniel Kaufmann "Les défis de la politique monétaire suisse".
4 June
Ceremony and conference/debate with Prof. Robert G. Picard, Doctorat Honoris Causa 2020-2021.
26 May
Inaugural lecture by Prof. Florian Weigert "Active vs. Passive Management: What is the Superior Investment Scheme?"
5 May
Inaugural lecture by Prof. Bruno Kocher "Luxe: entre traditions et changements".
28 April
Inaugural lecture by Prof. Tim Kroencke "Les marchés financiers et les coronavirus".
22 April
Loïc Maréchal, PhD candidate at the IAF, participates in the 2021 contest "Ma thèse en 180 secondes".
19 April
Master in Innovation: virtual conference by Ingrid Fumasoli "A quoi ressemble l’innovation dans une ONG?"
30 March
Master in Finance: virtual conference "Founding a Start-Up with Impact".
29 March
Master in Innovation: virtual conference by Nadine Allal "G’INNOVE : quelle politique d’innovation pour quelles innovations sociétales ?"
10 March
Masters' Evening.
8 March
Master in Innovation: virtual conference by Sofia De Meyer "Entreprendre l'innovation à une échelle humaine".
2 March
Master in Finance: virtual conference "Your career in Consulting".
20 October
Master in Finance: virtual conference "Working in and around Neuchâtel".
14 October
Inaugural lecture by Prof. Claudia Jonczyk-Sédès "Réseaux et réseautage".
13 October
Master in Finance: virtual conference "Your career in Business and Finance".
28 September
Master in Innovation: conference by Fabio Bonfiglio "La blockchain peut-elle servir l'innovation régionale ?"
22 September
Master in Finance: virtual conference "Your career in Asset and Wealth Management".
17 September
Conference by Pierre Gobet "Economie, démocratie, journalisme, regard critique entre la Suisse et les Etats-Unis".
14 September
Start of the academic year and welcome to the students.
Coronavirus break
11 March
Evening of the Masters.
11 December
Ceremony of the "Prix Nexans 2019" awarded to Sylvain Weber (IRENE).
18 November
Master in Innovation : conference by Anaïs Emery "Innover les imaginaires pour (ré)imaginer l'innovation".
15 November
Graduation and academic prizes 2019.
13 November
Inaugural lecture by Prof. Emmanuelle Reuter "Innovation et cognition".
17 September
Conference by Anne Bütikofer "Les Hôpitaux du 21e siècle : un difficile équilibre entre régulation et marché libre".
4 September
Debates: Federal elections (SNSE).
1 July
The Enterprise Institute (IENE) becomes Institute of Management (IMN).
27 May
Master in Innovation: conference by Caroline Heid "Libérons les talents de la chaîne d'innovation !"
8 May
Inaugural lecture by Prof. A. Holzer "Transformation digitale, quelle révolution !?"
6 May
Keven Bluteau: PhD public defense (IAF).
17 April
Company visit: Camille Bloch.
13 April
Business Game '19 (IENE).
9 April
Débat : Réforme fiscale et financement de l’AVS (RFFA).
5 April
Master in Finance: ACBN "Prix Banques Neuchâteloises" - Congratulations to Ewen Broyon.
1 April
Master in Innovation: conference by Barbara Steudler "Quel autre enjeu d'innovation que notre existence sur cette Terre ?".
22 March
Startup Weekend - Switzerland Innovation Park.
21 March
Aïcha Hammami, PhD candidate at the IENE participates at the 2019 edition of "Ma thèse en 180 secondes".
13 March
Journée des masters.
4 March
Master in Innovation: conference by Mauro Moruzzi "De la diplomatie scientifique à celle de l’innovation. Mythes et réalité du « soft power »".
19 February
Conference by M.-G. Ineichen-Fleisch "Perspectives économiques pour 2019 et défis pour la politique commerciale suisse".
15 February
Présentation of the Faculty to the newcomers (11h salle B29).
17 December
Conference by J. Normand, "Et si on innovait vraiment en donnant du sens à l'économie de demain !"
23 November
Graduation ceremony 2018.
13 November
Mobility : information day.
9 November
Media Development and Sustainability in Africa : 2nd International Conference.
7 November
Visit company : Philip Morris Products.
6 November
Information day Bachelor.
24 October
Workshop : Quelles perspectives après mes études en IBD ?
23 October
David Ardia is the «Swiss Risk Manager of the Year 2018».
Oussama Darouichi obtained the Paul R. Lawrence Fellowship.
3 october
Company visit : HYT & Preciflex.
19-21 september
Library's stand with drinks and goodies.
19 september
Conference by R. Poli, "Marché des transferts et juste prix des footballeurs".
18 september
Presentation of the Faculty to the newcomers.
10 August
Welcome to our four new professors :
- Adrian Holzer - Management des systèmes d'information - IMI
- Claudia Jonczyk-Sédès - Management stratégique - IENE
- Tim Kroencke - Finance - IAF
- Emmanuelle Reuter - Management de l'innovation - IENE
8 August
Bruno Lanz nominated Research Affiliate to the MIT.
22 June
Conference by Adli Takkal Bataille "Bitcoin et cryptomonnaies, quelles opportunités pour l’économie réelle d’une région?".
1 June
Présentation des projets de groupe à Shire, Pro-Juventute Arc Jurassien et au Service de la mobilité et du développement durable de la Ville de Neuchâtel, les trois entreprises collaborant dans le cadre du cours de Linda Lemarié, Communications marketing intégrées.
30 May
Conference by David Vanhouteghem "De l'idée au marché".
28 May
Conference by Enrique Alvarado-Hablutzel, "IMPACT HUB. Comment générer des idées et des entreprises à impact social ?".
24 May
Augmentation de loyer contre économie d'énergie ? Enquête menée par la doctorante Ghislaine Lang (IRENE), sous la direction du professeur Bruno Lanz, auprès de 400 locataires en Suisse.
23 May
Presentation of Atujob company.
30 April
Conference by Rajan Satyadeep, "Frugal Innovation and why Switzerland must embrace it now".
12 April
Charlène Huart, student of the Master in Finance, received the 2018 Association cantonale des banques neuchâteloises (ACBN) merit scholarship.
11 April
Evening presentation of the Master in Innovation.
22 March
Evening presentation of the Master in General Management.
19 March
Conference by Lionel Lourdin, "L'innovation contributive au service de l'entreprenariat".
6 March
Conference by Dr. K. Jagodzinska "Comment améliorer ses techniques de négociation à long terme ?", lors d'une soirée organisée en partenariat avec la CNCI.
26 February
Conference by Dominic Gorecky, "Industry 4.0. How digital innovation will disrupt manufacturing".
22 February
Congratulations to our five MScF students for their very high ranking in the 2018 final in Zurich.
17 November
Graduation day.
8 November
Information day Bachelor and Masters.
20 September
Conference by F. Zumbrunnen Le développement durable au sein du groupe Migros: enjeux et défis.
16 May
Conference by Prof. Gilbert Casasus: "Au lendemain de la présidentielle française, 2017, une année cruciale pour l’Europe".
3 May
Maxime Rüede, student of the Master in Finance, received the 2017 Association cantonale des banques neuchâteloises (ACBN) merit scholarship.
27 April
Master in innovation tchat.
Congratulations to Cécile Hediger, of the Institute of economic research (IRENE), for her third position of the contest "My PhD in 180 seconds"!
6 April
Conférence: "La politique monétaire de la BNS: les défis actuels".
5 April
Masters tchat.
4 April
What career prospects after studying finance?
22 March
Conference: "New Deal: un partenariat gagnant".
Congratulations to our five MScF students for their very high ranking in the 2017 final in Zurich.
31 January
Professor in Finance, Michel Dubois, talks about the Brexometer.
13 December
The assistant professor in advertising of the IENE, Linda Lemarié, has been interviewed by the RTS on "Le marketing et ses techniques au service de l'environnement".
23 November
Inaugural lecture by Prof. Linda Lemarié.
18 November
Graduation day.
9 November
Information day Bachelor and Masters.
28 September
Inaugural conference by Jean-Pierre Roth: Quels sont les secrets derrière le succès de l'économie suisse ?
16 June
Bike to work: IRENE-IMI winners of «Bike to work 2016» launched by ProVél.
9 June
Sidita Hasa, laureate of the 2016 ACBN merit scholarship.
27 May
The RBI from an economic point of view: Interview by with the prof. Milad Zarin.
26 May
Conference by Gero Jung, Chief Economist Mirabaud Asset Management (Suisse) SA: "Bremain ou Brexit: les considérations économiques prendront-elles le dessus ?"
23 April
Business Open of Jeune Consulting.
6 April
Workshop on careers after the MScECON.
22 March
Franc fort : La fin de l'économie neuchâteloise ?
16 March
Inaugural lecture by Prof. Dubied: "Le journalisme d'investigation à l'ère du numérique: du mythe au renouvellement"
10 March
My PhD in 180 seconds : Congratulation to Xiqian Zhang (1st) and Leila Schwab (3rd).
25 February
Five students of the Master of Science in Finance rank 2nd overall in the 2016 CFA Institute Research Challenge Switzerland.
10 February
Conference of the Société neuchâteloise des Sciences économiques by Laurent Kurth: "2016 : Neuchâtel joue son avenir".
25 January
The UniNE in the Top 20 of the World's Best Small Universities by Times Higher Education.
7 December
Conference of the Société neuchâteloise des Sciences économiques by Alain Barbey: "Projet de mobilité, moteur du développement économique ?"
24 November
Laurent Frésard and Joachim Marti, laureates of the 2015 Prix Nexans.
23 November
The Faculty organises a conference on the occasion of the 2015 Prix Nexans: "L'innovation dans le secteur de la santé: enjeux et opportunités".
3 November
Professor Valéry Bezençon analyzes consumer behaviour regarding Christmas shopping.
2 November
Conference by Yuko Harayama, organized with the Faculty of Science: "La politique d'innovation au Japon: un exemple à suivre pour la Suisse ?"
27 October
Horizon 2030: Enjeux et défis des objectifs du développement durable.
22-23 October
News media development and sustainability in Africa: International Conference organized by the AJM.
17 October
Secomania: 12th edition on the theme of A Thousand and One Nights.
6 October
New media: the IMI and the AJM are part of the WAN-IFRA innovation project.
Jean-Marie Grether and the IRENE on the way to a sustainable world in the Uninews n°38: "En route vers un monde durable".
23 September
Leçon inaugurale by prof. Peter Fiechter: "La juste valeur: amie ou ennemie ?"
18 September
According to Annik Dubied, since newspapers appeared, minor news are still a cause for fascination.
16 September
Conference by Fabrice Filliez, Ambassador, State Secretariat for International Financial Matters: "Les défis de la place financière suisse – perception et réalité".
9-11 September
The Institute of Financial Analysis had the honor to welcome Prof. Mary E. Barth, Stanford University, Graduate School of Business.
26 June-1st July
22nd EurOMA Conference: Operations Management for Sustainable Competitiveness.
25 June
Conference organized by the SNSE with Stefan Meiherhans, Price supervisor of the Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research: "La différence entre le pain et l’eau. Réflexions sur la concurrence pour des prix équitables et une politique de prix transparente".
18 June
Football tournament: Secomania Football Cup.
26 May
Albian Albrahimi, 2015 laureate of the ACBN merit scholarship, worth CHF 10'000.--.
5 May
Benjamin Tissot-Daguette, assistant PhD candidate at the IRENE, went on mission to Nepal with the rescue team of REDOG.
28 April
The Gazette of the Book and Press Fair created by AJM students.
25 April
The Business Open, the 22nd tennis competition organized by Jeune Consulting.
23 April
Faculty party organized by the ANESE and Secomania.
26 March
Card game competition organized by Secomania.
23 March
Conférence exceptionnelle du nouveau pôle romand en journalisme et communication: Les métiers du journalisme et de la communication et leurs mutations à l'ère du numérique.
20 March
"Zéro frontalier": les entreprises pourraient-elles y arriver? Sylvain Weber, from the Institute of economic research, guest on En Ligne Directe.
19 March
Conference IRENE 'Ressource bois': Le défi de la mobilisation des ressources de la forêt privée by François Godi.
12 March
Conference SNSE with Jean-Charles Rochet: "Europe et défis monétaires: L'Etat de l'Union (bancaire) après Siriza"
5 March Conference IRENE 'Ressource bois': Comptes économiques de la sylviculture by Franz Murbach
4 March Choosing a master: the answers to your questions
March Francis Favre and the SNSE in the last Uninews
25 February Five MScF students took part in the prestigious Swiss CFA Institute Research Challenge, in Zurich, on 25 February 2015. They ranked 2nd for Presentation and 3rd for Report.
19 February FSE and FNSE present "Les 100 jours du Conseiller d'Etat Laurent Favre"
20 January Congratulations to Mickael Feissli, student of the Master in International Business Development, for winning the Public choice prize of the Night Lights competition by collecting the greatest number of ‘Likes’ (120) with his picture "Entre Cudrefin et Portalban"
9 December
Opening ceremony of the new building of the Faculty of Economics and Business.
1 November
Didier Burkhalter and Yuko Harayama received a doctorate honoris causa during the 2014 Dies Academicus.
23 October
The social media, a new challenge for war reporters: it is the subject of the doctoral thesis of Victoria Sacco (AJM), "Global Crisis Reporting: How social media influences media coverage of war and conflict?"
16 July
Congratulations from the dean and all the faculty to Mr Emilien Barben, our student in the Master in International Business Development, for his title in the World University Cycling Championship!
7 May
Congratulations to Sébastien Costa and Adrien Voltolini, two of our students of the Master in Finance, who were awarded the Prix Banques Neuchâteloises!
26 February
Four MScF students took part in the prestigious Swiss CFA Institute Research Challenge, in Zürich, on 26 February 2014. They ranked 1st for Best Presentation and 2nd Overall. Congratulations to Anastasiia Medianovska, Johan Barbezat, David Wehrli and Lorena Zini!
25 February
Video talks sharing results useful for everyday life from research in Work Psychology.
6 February
Interview RTS (Radio Télévision Suisse) of Annik Dubied, director of the AJM: Is the "dictatorship of emotion" getting in the way of the justice system? (In French).
19 January
The Faculty of Economics and Business is part of the new Competence Center on energy research and transition.
20 December
Interview RTN (Radio Télévision Neuchâtel) of Annik Dubied, director of the Academy of Journalism and Media.
17 December
Stéphane Walker, student of the Faculty and also Swiss figure skating champion, was honoured by Jean-Marie Grether, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business and Martine Rahier, rector of the University!
9 December
Congratulations to Stéphane Walker, student of the Faculty, Swiss figure skating champion once again!
5 December
Congratulations to Didier Burkhalter (economics degree in our faculty) for his election as President of the Confederation!
20 November
Congratulations to our student Stéphane Walker, who won the Warsaw Cup 2013. He will be defending his ice skating Swiss champion title during the Swiss competition Elite which will take place from December 5 to 7 in La Chaux-de-Fonds.
11 October
Workplace and productivity: an article by Franziska Tschan (IPTO) on the influence of spatial arrangement in offices.
29 August
Journalism and communication: a partnership between the Universities of Neuchâtel and Geneva.
27 June
Researchers of the Institute of Work and Organizational Psychology study the stereotypes linked to genre during job interviews.
20 June
Nathan Kunz obtains the Outstanding Paper Award 2013 for a study on humanitarian logistics.
31 May
Prize of the Neuchâtel banks: congratulations to our student Bruno Ribeiro!
29 May
A study of the Unine and the University of Tillburg (Netherlands): A female speaker becomes more convincing when she looks at the photo of a female leader.
24 April
"L'insoutenable légèreté de l'efficacité énergétique": introductory lecture by Prof. Mehdi Farsi.
20 March
The economic potential of Swiss forests: three professors of economics of the Unine, in collaboration with the HEG-Ge, tackle the challenge of improving the logging industry in Switzerland.
13 March
New programme at the Unine: Bachelor in sustainable development, an interdisciplinary programme joining science and economics.
1 February
Survey by Cinzia Dal Zotto, Stéphane Matteo and Claude Jeanrenaud (AJM): young people enjoy listening to the radio and they make it clear!
19 December
"La crise de la zone euro et le rôle des statistiques", an article of Prof. Dr. Milad Zarin (IRENE) in Le Temps.
4 December
"Réussir l’entretien d’embauche comportemental": un ouvrage d'Adrian Bangerter (IPTO), Nicolas Roulin et Urs Wüthrich, destiné aux employeurs et recruteurs, et qui présente une méthode pour "identifier et sélectionner les futurs employés performants".
16 November
Graduation Ceremony 2012.
18 October
CAS "Entreprises et Egalité": Une formation continue pour promouvoir l’égalité femmes-hommes dans les entreprises.
2 October
Gaëtan Cousin et Marianne Schmid Mast (IPTO) ont reçu le premier prix de la recherche 2012 de Sandoz (Prix IHAMB) pour leur étude "Quand l'expression d'incertitudes par le médecin a un impact négatif sur la satisfaction des patients: Une étude genre".
19 September
Conference: "Les buts du droit de la concurrence".
18 September
New students Welcome Day.
12 September
Public debate: RER/TransRUN: yes or no?
29 June
Interview of professor Milad Zarin on the European monetary union.
5 June
AJM Journal: Publication of the students of the Academy of Journalism and Media: "Quand la presse fait mal".
A study on diabetes : "The direct medical cost of diabetes (estimate for the canton of Vaud)" by the Institute of Economic Research.
Research of the Institute of Work and Organizational Psychology (IPTO) on female role models in leadership: "Les femmes championnes de l'auto-sabotage".
22 February
The Institute of Work and Organizational Psychology on the website of Planète San+é: "La communication des médecins hommes et femmes".
"Des jeunes talents dans les entreprises", the Centre of Excellence in the monthly magazine "repères" of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Neuchâtel
14 December
Congratulations to Alain Berset, Doctor of the Faculty, for his election to the Federal Council!
11 December
Stéphane Walker, student of the Bachelor in Economics and Business, finishes second of the Swiss Figure Skating Championships.
6 December
John Crombez, former Master student of the Faculty of Economics and Business, is appointed State Secretary for the Fight against Tax and Social Fraud of the Belgian Government.
16 November
2011 Graduation Ceremony of the Faculty of Economics and Business.
Nicolas Roulin was awarded the 2011 Prix Nexans.
15 November
Nathan Kunz reçoit un prix pour son essai "A critical view on global supply chains".
11 November
Interview du doyen Gerald Reiner sur la formation dispensée dans la Faculté.
Adrian Bangerter and Marianne Schmidt Mast, professors of the Institute of Work and Organizational Psychology, in the Uninews.
21 October
Yuko Harayama, de l'Institut de recherches économiques, a reçu L'ordre national de la Légion d'Honneur.
Beginning of a partnership between the Centre d'Excellence and HR Neuchâtel.
Congratulations to Joachim Marti on his post-doctorate at Yale University!
Economic evaluation of the TransRUN project : two reports of the Institute of Economic Research (IRENE): "TransRUN et finances publiques", "TransRUN et analyse coûts-bénéfices".
19 August
Mélanie Gay, who obtained her Bachelor of Science in Economics and Business at the University of Neuchâtel, comes in third place at the Shenzhen Universiades.