Awarded to the best thesis related to an economic or social issue at the Faculty of Economics and Business
- 2024 Marion Monney for her bachelor thesis Exploring voter dynamics in Swiss climate policies (2021-2023): Reasons for a reversal. Supervised by Prof. Jean-Marie Grether
- 2023 Tashi Gasser for his master thesis Climate change, extreme temperatures and conflict: Evidence from mainland Southeast Asia. Supervised by Prof. Bruno Lanz
- 2022 Pablo Beyer for his master’s thesis Mobility behaviour and parking fare preferences of employees at the University of Neuchâtel. Supervised by Prof. Nicole Mathys
- 2021 Alessio Lombini for his master’s thesis The impact of regulatory heterogeneity on Global Value Chain-related trade: Insights from a structural gravity model. Supervised by Prof. Piergiuseppe Fortunato
- 2021 David Zahnd for his master’s thesis A daily indicator to monitor the health of The Swiss economy: Do French-speaking news help to predict business cycles? Supervised by Prof. Daniel Kaufmann
- 2020 Rita Mairam Ischkanian Schmutz for her master’s thesis Development and violence: Empirical evidence from Belo Monte hydroelectric dam. Supervised by Dr. Diana Pacheco
- 2020 Anthony Nguyen for his master’s thesis Refugees, migrants and the rise of the Swiss far-right. Supervised by Dr. Marco Pecoraro
- 2019 Laia Soler for her master’s thesis Estimation of the costs of celiac disease: The case of Switzerland. Supervised by Prof. Milad Zarin
- 2018 Marius Berger for his master’s thesis Minimum wage and employment: Empirical evidence from Western Switzerland. Supervised by Prof. Bruno Lanz
- 2017 Joachim Welte for his master’s thesis Income inequality and the new keynesian Philips curve: The case of the United States 1998-2012. Supervised by Dr. Pierre Monnin and Prof. Jean-Marie Grether
- 2016 Isabel Schirmer for her master’s thesis Factors of successful diffusion of green energy technologies to developing and emerging countries: A multiple case study on the canton of Neuchâtel. Supervised by Prof. Jean-Marie Grether and Jaques Forster
- 2015 Cécile Hediger for her master’s thesis The determinants of farmers’ participation to Extenso Supervised by Prof. Nicole Mathys
- 2014 Stephan Odermatt for his thesis Mobile banking adoption in Switzerland: an analysis based on bank microdata. Supevised by Prof. Milad Zarin
- 2013 Matthieu Aubert for his thesis Impact d’une exigence légale environnementale sur l’innovation : le cas des gros consommateurs neuchâtelois. Supervised by Prof. Alain Schönenberger
- 2012 Irina Hotz for her thesis Energy endowments, barriers to trade and industry location in Chinese provinces
- 2011 Sandra Gogniat for her thesis Estimating the benefits of an improvement in water quality and flow regulation: Case study of the Doubs
- 2010 Gaëlle Dreyer for her thesis Analyse des déterminants du choix de la franchise dans l’assurance-maladie de base en Suisse