

In Switzerland, education is under cantonal supervision. Schooling is compulsory up to the age of 15, free and secular. Children who attend public school must go to the one located in their neighborhood; choosing a school is not aloud.

Compulsory school in the canton of Neuchâtel:

  • 4-6 years old: nursery school
  • 6-11 years old: primary school
  • 11-12 years old: orientation and transitional classes
  • 12-15 years old: secondary school

After compulsory schooling:

There are various possibilities. To sum up, young people encounter these different directions:

  • An apprenticeship of a job FCC
  • According to the discipline, specializing in a higher education school
  • Pursuing the high school formation that will lead them if wanted to higher studies.

It should be noted that changing the choice of formation remains possible during its process.