Le Centre de documentation SFM effectue des veilles sur différentes thématiques en lien avec la migration et compile les références sur différentes bases de données.
Cette veille scientifique a pour but d’offrir un panorama le plus exhaustif possible sur le thème de la migration et de la citoyenneté en lien avec la Suisse. Régulièrement mise à jour, elle propose des articles scientifiques, des rapports, des chapitres de livre ou des thèses qui sont susceptibles d’intéresser étudiant-e-s, professeur-e-s et chercheurs-euses.
Statut : 2017 – en cours
Compiled at the Institute of Geography of the University of Neuchâtel (Switzerland), the Climig bibliographic database is the first comprehensive collection of resources which specifically concentrates on migration, the environment and climate change. The project consists of a fully searchable online version of the bibliography that is continuously updated with new publications. It aims to provide a free major hub for researchers on this important topic worldwide. The Climig database uses the most advanced bibliographic research technologies to identity new publications, but the selection, the entries and the keywords attribution are human made, ensuring scientific accuracy and coherence. We hope that this bibliography will serve as a valuable resource for all those interested in learning more about the migration, climate change and environment nexus.
Statut : 2010 – en cours
Academic literature addressing crises related to migration and (im)mobility has flourished in the last years, especially following the so-called 2015 ‘migration crisis’ and the COVID-19 pandemic. As a service to the academic community, the nccr – on the move has created the CrisisMigRef database on the Zotero platform, which is publicly available and constantly updated, that gathers the most relevant crisis references related to migration and (im)mobility published in English.
The database includes theoretical and conceptual literature on crises as well as scholarship focusing on specific crises, such as, but not limited to, the COVID-19 pandemic, events framed as ‘migration crises’, economic crises and the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Statut: 2023 – en cours
Compiled by a scientific committee of international academics in collaboration with the Documentation Center of the Swiss Forum for Migration and Population Studies / National Center of Competence in Research –The Migration-Mobility Nexus (NCCR) at the University of Neuchâtel (Switzerland), the ‘Migration and Mental Health’ database is a comprehensive collection of academic resources which focuses specifically on the topic of migration and mental health.
The database uses bibliographic research technologies to identify new publications with the selection of keyword attributions ensured by an international scientific committee of expert academics in the field. The project consists of a fully searchable online version of the bibliography of scientific publications published between September 2016 and April 2021. This database is no longer updated.
Statut: 2016 – 2021 (plus mis à jour)
International Student Mobility between the South and the North – nccr-on the move project (2014-2018)
Increased international student mobility has become one of the salient features of contemporary global migration. According to the OECD, the numbers of international students enrolled in tertiary education worldwide have significantly grown in recent decades: From 0.8 million in 1975 to 4.5 million in 2012. International students have been portrayed as playing a key role in research and innovation. This project aims at shedding light on the character and dynamics of international student mobility to Switzerland, through analysis of their study and post-study trajectories, and the role of institutional policies in shaping their (im)mobilities.
For more information on the project: http://nccr-onthemove.ch/projects/international-student-mobility-between-the-south-and-the-north/
Le centre de documentation compile dans la bibliothèque Zotero ci-dessus de nombreux livres électroniques en open access (texte intégral librement accessible) en lien avec la migration.
Ressources du nccr – on the move
L’Index MIPEX est un outil qui mesure les politiques d’intégration des migrants au sein des États membres de l’UE, l’Australie, le Canada, l’Islande, le Japon, la Corée du Sud, la Nouvelle-Zélande, la Norvège, la Suisse, la Turquie et les États-Unis.
Databases on citizenship acquisition and loss.
Database on irregular migration.
International bibliography of social sciences (IBSS)
Sciences sociales et recherche interdisciplinaire, couverture depuis 1951 d’articles, livres, chapitres, etc.
Social Science Research Network (SSRN)
Website devoted to the rapid dissemination of scholarly research in the social sciences and humanities.
Base de données recensant la littérature scientifique mondiale.
Sociological index with full text
Base de données bibliographiques en sciences sociales, contient aussi des articles en plein texte de 800 revues depuis 1908, des livres, des monographies, des conférences.
Office fédéral de la statistique
Banque de données statistiques interactive sur de nombreux thèmes de la statistique publique.
Accès direct aux statistiques récentes de l’Union européenne.
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