Swiss-African Migration Network

The objective of the Swiss-African Migration (SAM) network is to build and strengthen long-term partnerships between migration researchers in Africa and Switzerland.

The inaugural call was launched in mid 2018, the second call followed in early 2019 (closed 15 April 2019), a third call (closed 15 September 2019), and a fourth call (closed 5 September 2020). Within the large field of human migration, we focus on aspects of migration to Europe before migrants reach their destination. This includes the following topics:

Reasons and motivations to migrate. Here we seek novel research on the role of limited and contradictory information in decisions to migrate, on aspirations and abilities to migrate, on the nature of different ‘pull’ effects and the choice of destination country, or on the role of information in decisions to migrate. Research may focus on questions of preparations, anticipation of problems ‘en route’ and in the country of destination (e.g. discrimination), or on similarities and differences between South-South and South-North migration.

Student migration. Here we seek novel research on student migration from Africa to Switzerland and Europe, as a specific motivation to migrate.

Migration and health. Here we seek novel research on the situation ‘en route’ to Europe, how health affects decisions to migrate (or stay put), how the migration experience itself affects the mental and physical health of migrants, or the migration trajectories of health workers. We also explore the impact of Covid-19 on migration decisions.

Methodologically and regarding academic discipline, SAM is open, but innovative research is encouraged, as is a focus on social mechanisms.

Joint Survey

We ran a joint survey in 2021.

Thematic Issue in Social Inclusion

We have published a thematic issue in Social Inclusion in 2021 (title: „Decision-Making under Uncertainty: African Migrants in the Spotlight“).

SAM Workshop 2019 in Neuchâtel

We had a joint workshop at the University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland on 7 and 8 November 2019. The programme is here.

Graduate Conference 2019 in Neuchâtel

The SAM co-sponsored the Neuchâtel Migration and Mobilities Graduate Conference 2019.

Current and Past Projects

Pilgrims’ Progress: Negotiating bushfalling among Anglophone Cameroonian youth    

Objective: Using the notion of bushfalling (migration as ‚hunting‘ and bringing trophies to the families back home), this project explores the reasons and motivations of Cameroonian youth bushfalling. What new forms of push factors propel and sustain the notion of bushfalling? Methods: Qualitative ethnographic research methods in a multi-sited approach: in-depth interviews, life histories and non-participant observation of would-be migrants. Use of short films to get informants to tell their stories about motivations to migrate. Expected results: Identify the different pull factors that informs prospective migrants‘ destination, the role of migration syndicates in determining the destination, and the role Social Media regarding migration.

Nyamnjoh, H. (2019) “When are you going to change those stones to phones”? Appropriation of social media by Pentecostal churches in Cape Town. Journal for the Study of the Religions of Africa and its Diaspora 5 (1): 5.1: 122-142

Nyamnjoh, H. (2019). “Speak to me Lord”: Seeking God’s intervention in times of duress among Cameroonian migrants in Cape Town. In. Afe Adogame, Raimundo Barreto and Wanderley P. da Rosa (eds.) Migration and Public Discourse in World Christianity, Augburg Fortress Publishers / Editora Unida. P. 151-176.

Nyamnjoh, Henrietta. 2021. ‘Ambitions of Bushfalling through Further Education: Insights from Students in Cameroonian Universities’. Social Inclusion 9 (1): 196–206.

Henrietta Mambo Nyamnjoh
University of Cape Town
Pilot (6 months)

Social network and student mobility from Côte d’Ivoire to France and Switzerland

Objective: The objective of this study is to analyse the influence of social networks on Ivorian student mobility to Europe. We examine the influence of the social network on the decision making and the role of the network in the selection of the host countries. Methods: We conduct qualitative interviews with different student migrants at various stages of their migratory project. To capture the role of the social network in the migratory project, we also interview members their family and friend. Expected results: We will provide a better understanding on the different ways the Ivoirian students use their network to realize their project to study abroad. We will identify the main obstacles encountered and the individual and collective strategy adopted by the student to overcome them.

Dago N.F., Toh A. & Youl F. (2019). Emigration et champ social transnational à Grand Akoudzin (Côte d’Ivoire). Kasa Bya Kasa, Revue ivoirienne d’Anthropologie et de sociologie, n°28.

Dago, Franck, and Simon Barussaud. 2021. ‘Push/Pull Factors, Networks and Student Migration from Côte d’Ivoire to France and Switzerland’. Social Inclusion 9 (1): 308–16.

Barussaud, Simon, and Frédéric Lapeyre. 2022. L’économie informelle en Afrique face à la crise de la COVID-19. Louvain-la-Neuve: Éditions Academia.

Simon Barussaud
University of Geneva
Exchange (3 months)

Franck Dago
University Félix Houphouet-Boigny
Pilot (3 months)

Understanding the role of Non- state Actors in West African Migration as tools for information dissemination and inclusive policy making

Objective: In many European countries, governments have established structures for involving non-state actors in the migration policy dialogue (e.g., This project maps the current interactions between State and non-state actors in migration policy making and implementation in West Africa (where their interaction with state actors is sketchy, ad-hoc and need based), with an emphasis on the role of non-state actors in information dissemination (especially towards potential migrants and returnees) and inclusion in the migration policy dialogue. Methods: Semi-structured interviews with identified state and non-state actors and focus groups (where possible). Interviews will be carried out in Europe and selected West African States. An online survey will be designed for stakeholders that cannot be interviewed. Expected results: Understanding what role non-state actors can play in information dissemination in the society at large, and with that contribute to changing the negative perception of state actors in West Africa on non-state actors, resulting in more inclusive migration governance in the region.

Bisong, A. (2019). Trans-regional institutional cooperation as multilevel governance: ECOWAS migration policy and the EU. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 45(8), 1294–1309.

Bisong, Amanda. 2021. “Invented, Invited and Instrumentalised Spaces: Conceptualising Non-State Actor Engagement in Regional Migration Governance in West Africa.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 0(0):1–19. doi: 10.1080/1369183X.2021.1972570.

Amanda Bisong
University of Nigeria
Exchange (2 months)

Ambitions of Bushfalling through the Prism of Further Education: Ethnographic Insights from Conversations with Students in Cameroonian Universities.

Objective: Investigate how much parents are willing to pay or indebt themselves to pay migration agents – “lines” or “connections” – to facilitate the process of their children’s bushfalling to secure admission into universities in Europe. To what extent is education a springboard to migration? Are aspiring migrants simply willing and ready to go anywhere for the sake of migrating, or do they choose and maintain a well-considered path? Methods: Qualitative research methods, multi-sited research. Expected results: The project will provide an understanding of the workings between migration agents and prospective migrant that has potentially changed the course of migration from bush road to normal road. This exploratory research will unpack how migrants who choose to work without the assistance of a migration agent engage the process.

Nyamnjoh, Henrietta. 2021. ‘Ambitions of Bushfalling through Further Education: Insights from Students in Cameroonian Universities’. Social Inclusion 9 (1): 196–206.

Henrietta Mambo Nyamnjoh
University of Cape Town
Pilot (5 months)

Disentangling the Mobilities of West-African Men on the Move: “Artisanal Miners” and “Migrants to Europe” in Bamako and Niamey

Objective: Describe two intertwined mobility dynamics that are often approached by two different strands of research and conceptual frameworks though, in practice, they often mix and overlap in the trajectories of African men on the move: mobile artisanal gold mining and migration to Europe. Methods: Use of problem-centred interviews on the im-mobility trajectory of artisanal gold miners and/or prospective migrants to Europe and/or “returnees” from Europe (and its external borders’ countries). Expected results: Insights on the decision to move to Europe and how it is often made “en route” during pre-migration phases of mobility. Understanding how artisanal mining can be a means to finance further mobility to Europe.

Bolay, Matthieu. 2021. ‘Disentangling Mining and Migratory Routes in West Africa: Decisions to Move in Migranticised Settings’. Social Inclusion 9 (1): 235–46.

Matthieu Bolay
Graduate Institute Geneva
Pilot (6 months)

Migrant Aspirations of Stellenbosch University Students

Objective: Assess whether there are differences in work and career orientations that are associated with mobility aspirations and motivations. Methods: Survey with undergraduate and postgraduate students at Stellenbosch University. Focus groups. Expected results: New insights on drivers of student mobility and barriers that limit student mobility cover diverse dimensions such as family, financial, psychological as well as social. Actual mobility only reaches a minority of higher education students despite sponsored mobility programs.

Albien, A. J., Kidd, M., Naidoo, A. V., & Maree, J. G. (2020). Mixed-methods analysis of the applicability of the Career Adapt-Abilities Scale for isiXhosa-speaking South African township adolescents. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance, 20(1), 1–29.

Katsarov, Johannes; Albien, Anouk Jasmine; Ferrari, Lea (2020). Developing a Moral Sensitivity Measure for Career Guidance and Counselling. Journal for Perspectives of Economic Political and Social Integration, 25(1):45-65.

Albien, Anouk J., and Ngoako J. Mashatola. 2021. ‘A Systematic Review and Conceptual Model of International Student Mobility Decision-Making’. Social Inclusion 9 (1): 288–98.

Albien, A. J., and T. A. Beppo. 2022. “Career Development during COVID: Increased Migration Aspirations of South African University Students.” Journal of the National Institute for Career Education and Counselling 48 (1): 24–30.

Anouk Jasmine Albien
University of Bern
Exchange (7 months)

What You See Is What You Get: Perceptions of European Borders and the Drive to Migrate

Objective: Investigate the perceptions of (prospective) African migrants of the permeability of European borders and how this contributes to the decision to migrate. Methods: Semi-structured interviews with key informants will be held, based on the snowball sampling method. Interviews will be conducted in selected countries of the Horn of Africa. Expected results: Understanding of the role of people’s perceptions and attitudes of European borders play in decisions to migrate. Clearer understanding why irregular migration towards Europe seems unmanageable.

Nshimbi, C. C. (2020). The human side of regions: Informal cross-border traders in the zambia–malawi–mozambique growth triangle and prospects for integrating southern africa. Journal of Borderlands Studies, 35(1), 75–97.

Moyo, I., & Nshimbi, C. C. (2020). Of borders and fortresses: Attitudes towards immigrants from the sadc region in south africa as a critical factor in the integration of southern africa. Journal of Borderlands Studies, 35(1), 131–146.

Moyo, I., & Nshimbi, C. C. (2019). Border practices at beitbridge border and johannesburg inner city: Implications for the sadc regional integration project. Journal of Asian and African Studies, 54(3), 309–330.

Nshimbi, Christopher Changwe. 2021. ‘Rational Actors, Passive and Helpless Victims, Neither, Both: EU Borders and the Drive to Migrate in the Horn of Africa’. Social Inclusion 9 (1): 257–67.

Christopher Changwe Nshimbi
University of Pretoria
Pilot (6 months)

Migration Aspirations of the Second-Generation Immigrants in South Africa

Objective: Find out why second-generation immigrants in South Africa want to leave the country to more developed countries of Europe and America. Find out the reason for not choosing to return to their ‚home‘ countries instead. Methods: In-depth interviews with second-generation immigrants of different nationalities, age range between 10 and 18 years (with consent by parents and children). Thematic data analysis. Expected results: Research will reveal the migration aspirations of second-generation immigrants. Reasons for their preference for certain countries will be unveiled. It will also unfold the relationship between the decision to migrate and the host’s social, economic, educational and political environments the migrants find themselves.

Chioma Joyce Onukogu
University of the Witwatersand
Exchange (5 months)

Assessing Choice of Destination and Challenges of South-South Migration among Forced Migrants in Northeastern Nigeria.

Objective: Assess factors that determine choice of destination among forced migrants in northeastern Nigeria, and examine the challenges faced by migrants on transit. Methods:  Qualitative research methods, in-depth interviews with migrants and migration officials in Nigeria and neighboring Niger republic. Expected results: Reveal the factors that determine migrants‘ choice of destination especially considering the fact that most Boko Haram induced migrants do not migrate to the global North but stays in Africa. Present the challenges faced by migrants en-route their destinations of choice.

Cheri, L. & Khan, A. (2019). Nigeria’s Regional Ambitions: Channels and Challenges. Published online by the Journal of Liberty and International Affairs. Vol. 5 No. 1. elSSN 1857-9760.

Cheri, Lawan. 2021. ‘Perceived Impact of Border Closure Due to Covid-19 of Intending Nigerian Migrants’. Social Inclusion 9 (1): 207–15.

Lawan Cheri
University of Maiduguri, Nigeria
Pilot (6 months)

Prospective and Returned Ghanaian Migrant Students in the Euro-Afro Migration Experience

Objective: Investigate to what extent student migration is not really for the acquisition of knowledge but stepping stone towards permanent residency in countries with higher standard of living. Methods:  The qualitative research will be carried out purposively in the five main public universities in Ghana. Expected results: Contribute to the understanding of student migration from Sub Saharan Africa to Europe. Reveal the diversified life projects in terms of motivations and aspirations of prospective and returned Ghanaian student migrants to Europe, including transnational experiences.

Kyei, Justice Richard Kwabena Owusu, Elizabeth Nana Mbrah Koomson-Yalley, and Peter Dwumah. 2020. ‘Transnational Political Practices and Integration of Second Generation Migrants’. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, September.

Kyei, J. R. K. O., Smoczynski, R. and Amoah O. R. 2019. Religious social capital in the political integration of second generation migrants. Journal of Identity and Migration Studies.

Kyei, J. R. K. O., & Smoczynski, R. (2019). Religious citizenship and gendered sanctions in the lived experience of second generation Ghanaians. Social Compass, 66(4), 505-521.. DOI: 10.1177/0037768619868419.

Kyei, Justice Richard Kwabena Owusu. 2021. ‘“I Have to Further My Studies Abroad”: Student Migration in Ghana’. Social Inclusion 9 (1): 299–307.

Justice Richard Kwabena Owusu Kyei
Kwame Nkrumah University, Ghana
Pilot (3 months)

‚Uncertainties‘, ‚exceptions‘  and ‚information links‘ of youth migration within and from ECOWAS region to Europe

Objective: Examine the information link between potential migrants and diaspora; assess the extent to which information flows can be moderated by agencies at the local level. Investigate how potential migrants receive new information and the extent to which such information affect migration outcomes. Methods: Mixed-methods design with qualitative interviews and focus group discussions and a quantitative survey of potential and migrant youth in Ghana. Expected results: Agencies at the local level moderate information flows and therefore influence migration decisions.

Awumbila, M., Deshingkar, P., Kandilige, L., Teye, J. K., & Setrana, M. (2019). Please, thank you and sorry – brokering migration and constructing identities for domestic work in Ghana. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 45(14), 2655–2671.

Kleist, N., & Setrana, M. (2019). Should i stay or should I go? ’ Exploring return migration and reintegration processes in Ghana.

Setrana, Mary. 2021. ‘Choosing to Stay: Alternate Migration Decisions of Ghanaian Youth’. Social Inclusion 9 (1): 247–56.

Mary Setrana
University of Ghana
Pilot (3 months)

Understanding the key driving forces of the intention to migrate to a preferred destination of students from Sub-Saharan African Countries : A case study of Benin

Abstract: Unveil the drivers of the revealed intention to migrate of Beninese students to a preferred destination instead of others. Methods: We consider three preferred destinations: in region, western countries (Europe and North-America) and China, using a survey among university students and multinomial models. Expected results: A better understanding of the probability that a potential student migrate to Western countries instead of regional countries, to China instead of regional countries and to western countries instead of China.

Magbondé, Gildas Kadoukpè. 2021. ‘How Sub-Saharan African Countries Students Choose Where to Study Abroad: The Case of Benin’. Social Inclusion 9 (1): 278–87.

Kadoukpè Gildas Magbonde
University of Gaston Berger
Pilot (5 months)

The role of trust and misinformation in decisions to migrate to Europe

Objective: Analyze the role of information provided by travel agencies, smugglers, friends and family members perceived to have travel knowledge in the decision to migrate to Europe. Methods: Qualitative interviews with youths who are would-be migrants and returnees from Europe in order to know who they trust could give reliable information about migration to Europe. Key informant interviews with travel agents, smugglers, friends and family members with travel knowledge on (mis)information and how this affects the choice of destination and proposed occupation of would-be migrants. Expected results: A better understanding of how information and trust in intermediaries shapes the decision to migrate, especially that ignorance and blind trust may interact.

Precious Oghale Diagboya
University of Ibadan
Pilot (6 months)

Improving Sources and Access to Informed Decisions: Ghanaian Youth Migration to Europe through North Africa

Objective: Investigate how sources and access to information affect decisions of Ghanaian youth to migrate to destinations in Europe through North Africa. Methods: Qualitative methods of interviewing, narratives, personal stories, and observations to gather data for thematic analysis of Ghanaian youth migration to Europe en route North Africa. Expected results: A better understanding on access to information by interviewing potential migrants, returnees, and deportees.

Kyei, Justice Richard Kwabena Owusu, Elizabeth Nana Mbrah Koomson-Yalley, and Peter Dwumah. 2020. ‘Transnational Political Practices and Integration of Second Generation Migrants’. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies.

Koomson-Yalley, Elizabeth. 2021. ‘Information Sharing and Decision-Making: Attempts by Ghanaian Return Migrants to Enter through Libya’. Social Inclusion 9 (1): 226–34.

Elizabeth Nana Mbrah Koomson
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology
Pilot (3 months)

Making or breaking migrants: the role of regional migration policies in migration decision making and aspirations

Objective: Understand how regional migration policies contribute to shaping migration aspirations and how these influence the decisions made by (potential) migrants in determining their migration trajectory. Methods: A pilot study in Gambia and Cape Verde on migration aspirations and migration decision making. Focus group discussions, semi-structured interviews with identified groups of young persons in Gambia and Cape Verde. Expected Results: Better understandin how the migrant (micro-level) and the state (macro-level) interact to shape migration decisions and aspirations.

Amanda Bisong
University of Nigeria
Pilot (6 months)

Aspirations and Capabilities to Migrate: The Role of Family Resources in Achieving Second- Generation Immigrants‘ Migration Aspirations in Johannesburg.

Objective: Find out the factors that influence parents’ decision to support or not to support their child’s migration goals. Methods: Qualitative study, interviewing families in Johannesburg. Expected results: Better understanding how demographics, migration history and experience shape parents’ attitude to children’s migration aspiration.

Chioma Joyce Onukogu
University of the Witwatersrand
Pilot (6 months)

Fulfilling or Shattering Dreams of Ghanaian Student Migrants in the Netherlands

Objective: Investigate the motivation for Ghanaian students to stay behind in Europe even after completing their academic formation. Methods: Semi structured in depth interviews to collect data from both the enrolled students and ‘stayed behind’ student migrants. Expected results: A better understanding of return intentions and decisions of international students.

Kyei, Justice Richard Kwabena Owusu. 2021. ‘“I Have to Further My Studies Abroad”: Student Migration in Ghana’. Social Inclusion 9 (1): 299–307.

Justice Richard Kwabena Owusu Kyei
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology
Pilot (3 months)

COVID-19 Pandemic: Migration decisions of returned migrants in Ghana

This study will interrogate returned migrants decisions to migrate to Libya with the global outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic. It will explore any differences in decisions that may be linked to livelihood options of returned migrants with the global outbreak of the COVID-19. This study examines informal information-seeking practices and returned migrants’ decisions, using interviews via telephone. This phenomenological research will explore returned migrants’ everyday experiences on migration decisions and conceptualize their awareness of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Koomson-Yalley, Elizabeth. 2021. ‘Information Sharing and Decision-Making: Attempts by Ghanaian Return Migrants to Enter through Libya’. Social Inclusion 9 (1): 226–34.

Elizabeth Nana Mbrah Koomson
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology
Pilot (6 months)

“How can a migration virus kill me when I don’t have a visa?’: Going back on migration decisions to Europe.

How does Ghana’s initial reported COVID-19 cases influence migration decisions among the youth? Many West African countries recorded their first cases of COVID-19 through nationals and non-nationals who had migrated into the country from Europe. The perception of recent COVID-19 cases as a ‘migration disease’ may have ripple effect on migration decisions.  Using content analysis of online news reports, social media and telephone interviews, this study unravels the relationship between COVID-19 and migration decisions among Ghanaian youth.

Setrana, Mary. 2021. ‘Choosing to Stay: Alternate Migration Decisions of Ghanaian Youth’. Social Inclusion 9 (1): 247–56.

Mary Setrana
University of Ghana
Pilot (6 months)

Several members of the S-SAM network collaborated on a joint survey on migration decisions and health under uncertainty.

  • Stephen Ndula Mbieke, University of Udine
  • Olufemi Adetutu, Obafemi Awolowo University
  • Mary Boatemaa Setrana, University of Ghana
  • Langelilhe Mlotshwa, University of the Witwatersrand
  • Karim Nchare, African School of Economics
  • Kadoukpè Gildas Magbonde, Université Gaston Berger
  • Justice Richard Kwabena Owusu Kyei, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology
  • John Maara, University of Nairobi
  • Ibrahim Nurudeen, Shehu Shagari College of Education
  • Chioma Joyce Onukogu, University of the Witwatersrand
  • Henrietta Mambo Nyamnjoh, University of Capetown
  • Precious Oghale Diagboya, University of Ibadan
  • Elizabeth Nana Mbrah Koomson, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology

The codebook is available on OSF:

Le but principal de l’étude consistera à documenter et comprendre comment les systèmes autour des enfants et des jeunes en mobilité évoluent, afin de mieux prendre en compte leurs besoins et aspirations pour améliorer leur chance de mener une vie digne et acquérir une autonomie en tant qu’adultes. Concrètement, nous chercherons dans un premier temps à vérifier comment le projet EJM de Helvetas permet d’atteindre les jeunes en mobilité, d’identifier leurs besoins et d’y répondre pour s’intéresser par la suite à la diffusion des actions prioritaires en direction de l’ensemble des jeunes dans un contexte donné.

Plus d’information

Janvier 2023 – décembre 2024, financé par Helvetas

The Network

Mailing List

To sign up to the SAM mailinglist be notified about further calls and other announcements, or if you want to know more about SAM, please send an e-mail .

Between 2017 and 2020, SAM was funded by the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) through Leading House for sub-Saharan Africa at the Swiss TPH (with a focus on Sub-Saharan Africa, hence formerly known as the Swiss Subsaharan Africa Migration (S-SAM) network).