
Writing your thesis

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Once they have acquired 30 ECTS, students can either start working towards their Master's thesis or carry out an internship.

  • Each student must find a member of the faculty who agrees to supervise his/her work.
  • The subject content of the thesis is determined by the student and the professor.
  • The defence of the thesis (also known as the viva, or the viva voce) takes place in front of a jury, composed of the professor and a qualified representative of the host institution.
  • The date of the defence is set by the professor, in agreement with the student and the representative of the host institution.

After the defence, a paper copy of the thesis will be archived by the Institute at the Faculty library.

Typical timeline for successful students

(to be discussed with your supervisor)

For students starting the programme in September:

  • June of the following calendar year: submission of preliminary topic and supervisor's name to the programme director
  • August: the supervisor validates a detailed thesis plan (2-3 pages)
  • October: submission of the Master's thesis registration form to the secretariat
  • December: submission of the full first draft of the thesis to the supervisor
  • January: submission of the final thesis
  • The thesis defence is organised before the end of the exam session in January

For students starting the programme in February:

  • January of the following calendar year : submission of preliminary topic and supervisor's name to the programme director
  • February: the supervisor validates a detailed thesis plan (2-3 pages)
  • March: submission of the Master's thesis registration form to the secretariat
  • May: submission of the full first draft of the thesis to the supervisor
  • June: submission of the final thesis
  • The thesis defence is organised before the end of the exam session in June


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