Institute of Economic Research
Created in 1985, the Institute of Economic Research at Neuchâtel (IRENE) is the competence center for research and education in economics at the University of Neuchâtel.
The Institute offers several options for students (Bachelor in Economics, Master in Applied Economics, PhD in Economics, and a continuing education diploma in Economics and Public Finance), carries out applied research in economics, and offers services to the community in the form of projects mandated by national and international organisations.
From 1 August the director is Professor Bruno Lanz.
Recent publications
- Report on AI in economic research: A guide for students and instructors
- "Gestion d'un établissement de soins de santé public et privé: une exception suisse?" under the direction of M. Farsi, Ph. Gnaegi, Editions Slatkine, 2024
- Nathan Delacrétaz, Bruno Lanz, Amir H. Delju, Etienne Piguet & Martine Rebetez
Journal Population and Environment: "Impacts of rainfall shocks on out-migration are moderated more by capita income than by agricultural output in Türkiye"
- Bruno Lanz, Serhiy Kandul & Evert Reins
Games and Economic Behavior: "Reciprocity and gift exchange in markets for credence goods"