Principales publications
1. Rapidly decreasing functions in reduced C*-algebras of groups. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 317, 167-196, 1990.
2. Index for pairs of finite von Neumann algebras. Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 146, 43-70, 1990.
3. Property T for discrete groups in terms of their regular representation. Mathematische Annalen, 297, 539-551, 1993.
4. Invariant states and a conditional fixed point property for affine actions. Mathematische Annalen, 304, 561-579, 1996.
5. Central sequences in the factor associated with Thompson's group F. Annales de l'Institut Fourier, 48, fasc. 4, 1093-1106, 1998.
6. Dans l'ouvrage collectif : Groups with the Haagerup Property (Gromov's a-T-menability), Birkhäuser Verlag, Base,Boston, Berlin, Progress in Mathematics, 197, 2001.
7. Haagerup approximation property for finite von Neumann algebras. Journal of Operator Theory, 48, 549-571, 2002.
8. The Haagerup property for measure preserving standard equivalence relations. Ergodic Theory & Dynamical Systems, 25, 161-174, 2005.
9. On property (T) for pairs of topological groups. L'Enseignement Mathématique, 51, 31-45, 2005.
10. Loi de Benford, relations de récurrence et suites équidistribuées. Elemente der Mathematik, 60, 10-18, 2005.
11. Loi de Benford, relations de récurrence et suites équidistribuées II. Elemente der Mathematik, 64, 21-36, 2009.
12. On the Relative Weak Asymptotic Homomorphism Property for Triples of Group von Neumann Algebras. Proceedings of the Amer. Math. Soc., 140, 1393-1396, 2012.
13. Relative inner amenability and relative property gamma. Math. Scand. 119, 293-319, 2016.
14. Fonctions génératrices et relations de récurrence. Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes, Lausanne, 120 pages, 2015.
15. Fonctions d'une variable complexe (Théorie de Cauchy élémentaire et applications). Ellipses, Paris, 264 pages, 2016.
16. Almost and weakly almost periodic functions on the unitary groups of von Neumann algebras. Journal of Operator Theory, 87(2) 271-294, 2022.