
Livia Spicher

Current Research

I am currently a Ph.D. student in the Laboratory of Plant Physiology at UniNE. My research focuses on how abiotic stresses, as temperature and high light, affect the photosynthetic apparatus in plants, using as model systems Arabidopsis thaliana and tomato (Solanum lycopersicum). I am interested to investigate the protective mechanisms present in the plants, through the changes and remodeling that occurs in photosystems, thylakoid membrane and lipid contents in order to adapt or react to these stresses.


Spicher L & Kessler F. Unexpected roles of plastoglobules (plastid lipid droplets) in Vitamin K1 and E metabolism. Current Opinion in Plant Biology (submitted).
Koen E, Trapet P, Brulé D, Kulik A, Klinguer A, Atauri-Miranda L, Meunier-Prest R, Boni G, Glauser G, Mauch-Mani B, Wendehenne D, Besson-Bard A (2014). β-aminobutyric acid (BABA)-induced resistance in Arabidopsis thaliana: link with iron homeostasis. Molecular plant-microbe interactions : MPMI (pp. 1–60). doi:10.1094/MPMI-05-14-0142-R
Rejeb I B, Miranda L A, Cordier M, & Mauch-Mani B (2013). Induced tolerance and priming for abiotic stress in plants. In P. Sharma (Ed.), Molecular Approaches in Plant Abiotic Stress (pp. 33–43). doi:10.1201/b15538-4
Peñaflor M F G V, Erb M, Miranda L A, Werneburg A G, & Bento J M S (2011). Herbivore-Induced Plant Volatiles Can Serve as Host Location Cues for a Generalist and a Specialist Egg Parasitoid. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 37(12), 1304–1313. doi:10.1007/s10886-011-0047-9
Peñaflor M F G V, Erb M, Robert C A M, Miranda L A, Werneburg A G, Dossi F C A, Turlings T C J, Bento J M S (2011). Oviposition by a moth suppresses constitutive and herbivore-induced plant volatiles in maize. Planta, 234(1), 207–215. doi:10.1007/s00425-011-1409-9
Miranda, L. A., & Carmo, M. S. do. (2009a). O relacionamento dos assentados do “12 de Outubro” (Horto Vergel), Mogi Mirim, SP, com florestas e agroflorestas. In VII Congresso Brasileiro de Sistemas Agroflorestais. doi:10.13140/2.1.2964.5128
Miranda, L. A., & Carmo, M. S. do. (2009b). Recursos florestais no assentamento 12 de outubro (Horto Vergel), Mogi-Mirim, SP. Revista Árvore. UNIV FEDERAL VICOSA. doi:10.1590/S0100-67622009000600011


M.Sc. in Plant Ecology and Physiology, FARCE laboratory, UniNE (2009-2011).
M.Sc. in Agricultural Engineering, Sustainable Rural development and planning, at UNICAMP, FEAGRI, Campinas, SP, Brazil (2006 – 2008).
B.Sc. in Forestry Engineering, UNESP, FCA, Botucatu, SP, Brazil (1998 – 2003).     


Scolarship & Award

Poster prize by the Swiss society for phythiatry. Fall Meeting (2012)
Swiss Confederation Scholarship (2009 – 2011)


Project & Collaboration

Bulgarian-Swiss Research Programme. Project number: IZEBZ0 – 143169/1


Phone: +41 32 718 82324

e-mail: livia.spicher@unine.ch