The European Master in Migration Studies (EuMIGS) is a European academic exchange program dedicated to migration issues. It aims to promote student mobility and transnational training as well as the exchange of teaching teams between five high-level European institutes specialized in migration Master courses. Graduates of this program will benefit from training, which will be followed in, and recognized by, two universities (double degree).

Application and admission requirements

  • Obligation to acquire 60 ECTS before leaving for the partner university
  • Good command of English (B2 level)
  • Letter of motivation
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Copy of Bachelor grades
  • 3 preferred partner universities

Deadline for application for the academic year 2025/26: 15.12.2024

More information here.


Is it necessary to register for the EuMIGS Double Degree before or at the same time as registering for the Master’s Degree in Social Sciences, for the « Migration and Citizenship » pillar ?

No. With the EuMIGS Double Degree, students are expected to complete their first year of the Master’s degree at the University of Neuchâtel and then go on to a partner university. Registration for the EuMIGS Double Degree is made during the first year, the deadline being generally set at the end of the calendar year (31 December).

Does a registration to the EuMIGS Double Degree correspond to a registration to a Master’s degree in Social Sciences specification ?

No. The Double Degree of EuMIGS cannot be done independently of the course of study in the Migration and Citizenship pillar. It is therefore, necessary to be registered and to follow the courses of the Master in Social Sciences, for the « Migration and Citizenship » pillar in order to complete the EuMIGS Double Degree.