In our globalized world, the administration, control and securitization of various types of flows at local, national and international level is of fundamental importance. The programme of research provides critical accounts of how – and to what effect – multi-layered surveillance assemblages are coalescing around mobile objects, people (for example: the shopper, tourist, refugee, risky passenger, criminal, etc.), information and wealth.
In order to exemplify the relationships between surveillance, circulation and mobility, it is revealing to point towards a particularly significant example at hand: the imbrications of surveillance and mobility in the post-9/11 context of the ‘war on terror’. As security and terrorist risks are widely seen to colonize and operate through the everyday systems and spaces of highly urbanized and mobilized societies, so the post-9/11 ‘war on terror’ in particular is seen to emphasize the imperatives of securitizing civil infrastructures and mobility systems against lurking threats. Here the challenges of managing massive scales and densities of circulation within systems of mobility mix uncomfortably with the dilemmas involved in trying to anticipate threats and to manage public perception of risk.
Thus at the interface of two apparently opposed worlds – the necessary circulation of objects, people, information and wealth, and the institution of security restrictions, measures and interventions – the new geographies of surveillance are defined by a set of practices and techniques whose key challenge is to balance and combine the demands of mobility and security. By contrast with a mode of surveillance and regulation that limits movement, restricts access, prohibits mobility and encloses space, the contemporary politics of surveillance positively embrace mobility as a means of securitizing by managing the circulation and flow of people and objects. In this vision, not only do people, objects and money ‘on the move’ characterize modern life, but they also leave the patterns, traces and transactions that make the ‘network society’ securable. Key questions to address include:
This work addresses six main research questions :
The pursued aim is to investigate the causes, modalities and effects of Risk and Security at different sport mega-events. I am trying to look beyond taken-for-granted political and societal assumptions, in order to challenge, and to improve, policy responses to contemporary concerns of insecurity at mega-events and the problems caused by attempts to manage that insecurity. The work attempts
Video surveillance cameras and systems are a defining feature of modern society. Their widespread use, as fixed or mobile devices, deployed for a range of purposes and by a variety of public and private actors, is now unsurprising and generally accepted in most countries. The normality of these surveillance practices, and the technologies used, are a world away from the early tube cameras used for local broadcasting and the isolated monitoring of industrial processing in the 1930s and 1940s. The diffusion processes, which have led to the exponential growth of these cameras and systems, have included evolutions in the design, function and capabilities of systems, especially around opportunities for extended, combined and automated systems offered by new information and communication technologies. These technologies have been shaped by a raft of interested parties, including engineers, manufacturers, clients/service users, politicians and regulators.
The work conducted in Geography at Neuchâtel looks in empirical detail at the ways in which video surveillance shapes monitored places as they are perceived, conceived and lived. It also investigates the implications of video surveillance as regards the relationships between public and private space, and issues of marginalization, urbanity and social justice. Three broad sets of sub-questions can be distinguished:
As national entrance gates of critical economic and symbolic importance, international airports are amongst the most iconographic sites of both the opportunities and the vulnerabilities of globalization (Salter 2008a). Consequently, airport security has been a critical issue for decades, from the first airplane hijackings in the 1930s and 1940s to the current context of the war on terror. The history of the airport, thus, is also the history of the security concerns, discourses and practices related to the aviation sector.
The research conducted at Neuchâtel investigates the multiple public-private exchanges and cooperation involved in airport security. It also critically reflects upon the wider socio-political implications of the extended and redesigned filtering and screening of international mobilities through the airport.
Klauser F., Kaenzig R., 2017, Territorialisation à distance par caméra vidéo: Perception de la vidéosurveillance au quartier des Pâquis à Genève, Geographica Helvetica, 72: 271-282.
Kaenzig R., Klauser F., 2016, Rapport final: Evaluation de la vidéoprotection dans le quartier des Pâquis (2014-2016), Mandat du Départment de Sécurité et de l’Economie du Canton de Genève, Université de Neuchâtel.
Kaenzig R., Klauser F., 2015, Rapport intermédiaire: Evaluation de la vidéoprotection dans le quartier des Pâquis, Mandat du Départment de Sécurité et de l’Economie du Canton de Genève, Université de Neuchâtel.
Klauser F., 2015, Interacting forms of expertise and authority in mega-event security: The example of the 2010 Vancouver Olympic Games, The Geographical Journal, 181(3): 224-234.
Fussey P., Klauser F., 2015, Securitisation and the mega-event: An editorial introduction, The Geographical Journal, 181(3): 194-198.
Klauser F., 2014, Gestion des circulations aux grands évènements sportifs: L’exemple de l’Euro 2008, Géo-Regards, 7: 37-54.
Klauser F., 2013, “Spatialities of Security and Surveillance: Managing Spaces, Separations and Circulations at Sport Mega Events”, Geoforum (Early View).
SUMMARY: The paper explores how contemporary security and surveillance practices permeate the production and management of everyday urban spaces. It does so from three interrelated perspectives, focusing on separation and access control, the management of circulations, and the internal organisation and monitoring of specific spatial enclaves. This analysis draws upon empirical insights into security governance at Euro 2008 in Switzerland and Austria.
Webster W., Töpfer E., Klauser F., Raab C. (eds), 2012, Video surveillance: Practices and Policies in Europe , IOS Press, Amsterdam.
Kearnes M., Klauser F., Lane S., 2012, Critical Risk Research: Practices, Politics and Ethics, Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford.,descCd-google_preview.html
Webster W., Klauser F., Töpfer E., Raab C. (eds), 2012, “Revisiting the Surveillance Camera Revolution: Issues of Governance and Public Policy”, Information Polity, 17(1) (second part of double special issue on CCTV).
Giulianotti R., Klauser F., 2012, “Sport Mega-Events and ‘Terrorism’: A Critical Analysis”, International Review for the Sociology of Spor t, 47(3): 307-323.
SUMMARY: The article explores critically the interplay between sport and terrorism, with particular reference to sport mega-events. First, the paper sets out the main principles of a critical social theoretical approach, which enables satisfactory analysis of the ‘sport/ terrorism’ couplet. Second, the paper turns to consider some of the main historical and contemporary incidents
and issues with regard to terrorism at sport mega-events. On this basis, the paper shows how and why social scientific analysis needs to move beyond common-sense understandings of the sport/terrorism couplet.
Klauser F., 2012, “Zones pour fans dans les cités événement”, Urbanisme, 383: 58-60.
SUMMARY: L’article démontre que le champ de la sécurité des méga-événements offre des conditions idéales d’étude des processus,mécanismes et relations qui modèlent les circulations des politiques urbaines contemporaines. A titre d’exemple, l’article suit la reproduction du modèle de la « zone pour fans » à ses différents stades, depuis la soumission de candidature initiale pour accueillir l’événement Euro 2008 jusqu’à son déroulement dans les villes.
Klauser F., 2012, “Formas interactivas de perícia na gestão do risco: O caso da vigilância electrónica no Aeroporto Internacional de Genebra”, in Mendez J.M. (ed), Lugares (im) possíveis da cidadania. Estado e risco num mundo globalizado, Ediçoes Almedina, Coimbra: 209-233.
SUMMARY: O presente capitulo tem por objetivo comatar a lacuna na investigacao empirica sobre as questoes da governacao da seguranca e da vigilancia em ambiente aeroportuario. A abordagem consiste em centrar a atencao no nivel micro, situando as questoes da igilancia nos aeroportos no contexto de uma serie de projetos relacionados com os desenvolvimentos da vigilancia por CCTV no Aeorporto Internacional de Genebra.
Webster W., Töpfer E., Klauser F., Raab C., 2012, “Introduction”, in, Webster W., Töpfer E., Klauser F., Raab C. (eds.), Video surveillance: practices and policies in Europe, IOS Press, Amsterdam: v-xiii.
SUMMARY: The paper outlines a series of cross-cutting themes to guide our thinking and future research on the topic of video surveillance. It provides the introduction to a collection of eleven academic engagements with CCTV practices and policies in different European countries.
Kearnes M., Klauser F., Lane S., 2012, “Risk Research after Fukushima”, in, Kearnes M., Klauser F., Lane S. (eds), Critical Risk Research: Practices, Politics, Ethics, Wiley-Blackwell, London: 1-20.
SUMMARY: The paper reflects on the important lessons to draw for contemporary risk research, following the Tohoku earthquake and the subsequent meltdown at the Fukushima nuclear power station in March 2011.
Lane S., Klauser F., Kearnes M., 2012, “Reflections on ‘Critical’ Risk Research”, in, Kearnes M., Klauser F., Lane S. (eds), Critical Risk Research: Practices, Politics, Ethics, Wiley-Blackwell, London: 219-236.
SUMMARY: The paper suggests that if risk researchers are to respond to the social and political contexts that shape the field this will, above all, require nurturing a set of new ethical and normative capacities – a capacity for reflexive and critical research practice that enables the field to become more porous, open to a range of non-tranditional and lay knowledges and alternative forms of expertise grounded in the everyday perceptions and experiences of risk.
Klauser F., Ruegg J., 2012, “Finding the Right Balance: Interacting Security and Business Concerns at Geneva International Airport”, in, Kearnes M., Klauser F., Lane S., (eds.), Critical Risk Research: Practices, Politics, Ethics, Wiley-Blackwell, London: 79-98.
SUMMARY: The paper seeks to explore some of the concerns, interests and risk perceptions underpinning the policing of the public premises at Geneva International Airport. Emphasis is placed on the complex relationships between the security concerns and the business interests associated with the airport.
Klauser F., 2012, “Régulation à distance à l’ère de l’information: Une analyse centrée sur la sécurité urbaine et la surveillance”, Vues sur la Ville, 29, Université de Lausanne: 3-6.
SUMMARY: Cet article analyse les effets sociaux et spatiaux de la multiplication des médiations sociotechniques, qui caractérise la surveillance contemporaine. La question principale ici concerne la perception et les expériences populaires des effets de « mise à distance » induits par les techniques de télésurveillance et de télégestion de notre quotidienneté.
Webster W., Töpfer E., Klauser F., Raab C. (eds), 2011, “Revisiting the Surveillance Camera Revolution: Issues of Governance and Public Policy“, Information Polity, 16(4) (first part of double special issue on CCTV).
Giulianotti R., Klauser F., (eds), 2011, Security and Surveillance at Sport Mega Events, Urban Studies, 48/15.
Klauser F., 2011, “Interpretative Flexibility of the Event-City: Security, Branding and Urban Entrepreneurialism at Euro 2008”, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research (online).
SUMMARY: This article links business and security issues associated with sport mega-events. It investigates the ‘interpretative flexibility’ — for purposes of security, branding and urban entrepreneurialism — of two types of spatial enclosures, set up temporarily in the host cities of the Euro 2008: UEFA fan zones and stadium security rings. Emphasis is placed on the articulation of the successive layers of meaning of these zones through various mechanisms of institutional learning and policy transfer.
Giulianotti R., Klauser F., 2011, “Security and Surveillance at Sport Mega Events”, Urban Studies, 48(15): 3157-3168.
SUMMARY: The focus of this introductory paper is on the interplay between security, sport mega-events, and cities. The authors also discuss how security and surveillance issues at mega-events connect with problems addressed by three established fields of research: literature focusing on the economic impacts of sport mega-events, sociological and anthropological approaches examining the socio-cultural politics and impacts of sport mega-events, and research into sport-related violence such as hooliganism.
Klauser F., 2011, “The Exemplification of ‘Fan Zones’: Mediating Mechanisms in the Reproduction of Best-Practices at Euro 2008”, Urban Studies, 48(15): 3203-3219.
SUMMARY: Fan zones, such is the paper’s basic assumption, constitute an exemplified solution to the problem of how to deal with security and branding in the event city. The paper examines the mediating mechanisms through which the ‘fan zone exemplar’ was transferred from the 2006 FIFA World Cup to Euro 2008. The exemplar is studied in its various forms: as a written bid-requirement, as a lesson drawn from exchanges and collaboration at earlier events and as the object of conferences, exercises and external assessments.
Klauser F., 2011, “Commonalities and Specificities in Mega-Event Securitisation: the Example of Euro 2008 in Austria and Switzerland”, in, Bennett C,. Haggerty K. (eds.), Security Games: Surveillance and Control at Mega-Events, Routledge, London: 120-136.
SUMMARY: This chapter draws upon empirical insights into security governance at the 2008 European Football Championships in Switzerland and Austria (Euro 2008). The suggested analysis explores the commonalities and specificities in the policing and surveillance of Euro 2008 in the event’s two host nations and eight host cities. The paper also looks into the interdependencies between local, national and transnational stakeholders and their motivations in security governance at sport mega-events.
Klauser F., 2011, “Borders, Circulation and Surveillance at Sport Mega-Events: The example of Euro 2008 in Switzerland and Austria”, Working Paper No 5 – 2011/E, Maison d’Analyse de Processus Sociaux (MAPS), University of Neuchâtel.
SUMMARY: Drawing upon empirical insights provided by a two-year research project relating to security governance at the European Football Championships 2008 in Switzerland and Austria (Euro 2008), the paper studies the role and modalities of border and access control in the context of sport mega events on various national and urban scales.
Giulianotti R., Klauser F., 2010, « Security Governance and Sport Mega-events: Toward an Interdisciplinary Research Agenda, Journal of Sport and Social issues, 34(1): 49-61
SUMMARY: Security has become central to the hosting of sport mega-event (SMEs). This article discusses three sets of issues and problems that are taking shape within the field of SME security research: first, comparative issues in relationship to the Global North and Global South; second, various risks and security strategies that are specific to different SMEs; and third, the security legacies that follow from SMEs, such as new surveillance technologies, new security-focused social policies, and security-influenced urban redevelopment.
Klauser F., 2010, « Splintering spheres of security: Peter Sloterdijk and the contemporary fortress city », Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 28(2): 326-340.
SUMMARY: The paper brings together Peter Sloterdijk’s ‘theory of spheres’ with urban studies literature on security and surveillance. The paper conceptualises security strategies not only as spatially articulated measures of surveillance and separation but also as sphere-creating forces in their own right. Emphasis is placed on Sloterdijk’s conceptualisation of `foam’, thus elucidating the contemporary fortress city as a highly fragmented, polyspherical patchwork of more or less enclosed and purified security spheres.
Ying, Y., Klauser, F., Chan, G., 2009, Governing Security at the 2008 Beijing Olympics », International Journal of the History of Sport, 26(3): 309-405.
SUMMARY: This paper analyses the empirical data derived from fieldwork in Beijing as well as information gathered from official documents and media articles. It presents the forces and agencies which shaped the Olympic security plan and explains how the Chinese government integrated its preventive, engaging and repressive strategies. The paper studies four main developments shaping security governance at SMEs: the globalization, technologization, commercialization and standardization of SMEs’ securitization.
Klauser F., 2009, « Interacting forms of expertise in security governance: the example of CCTV surveillance at Geneva International Airport », British Journal of Sociology, 60(2): 279-297.
SUMMARY: The paper investigates the public-private cooperation involved in CCTV surveillance at Geneva Airport. Emphasis is placed on the interacting forms of authority and expertise of five parties: the user(s), owner and supplier of the camera system, as well as the technical managers of the airport and the Swiss regulatory bodies in airport security. The paper thus also adresses a broader issue: the mediating role of expertise and the growing functional fragmentation of authority in contemporary security governance.
Klauser F., 2009, “Lost Surveillance Studies. A Critical Review of French Work on CCTV”, Surveillance and Society, 6(1): 23-31.
SUMMARY: The paper engages with ‘lost’ CCTV studies in French academia. It discusses three specificities of the French CCTV context – the legal regulation of CCTV, the journal En toute sécurité, and the quasi absence of publicly mandated evaluations of CCTV systems – thus studying how they are reflected in the existing CCTV literature. This approach provides an exploratory framework for investigating the key elements that French CCTV studies add to the Anglophone literature, and for examining the knowledge generation in Surveillance Studies.
Klauser F., 2008, « Spatial Articulations of Surveillance at the FIFA World Cup 2006TM in Germany, in, Franko Aas K., Oppen Gundhus H., Mork Lomell H. (eds), Technologies of Insecurity, Routledge, London: 61-80.
SUMMARY: This chapter critically investigates the spatial articulation of surveillance during the 2006 football World Cup in Germany. The analysis builds upon the understanding of the World Cup as both the product and the producer of a broader set of developments in contemporary security governance: the urbanisation, globalisation, technologicalisation and commercialisation of security and surveillance efforts and strategies.
Klauser F., 2008, “FIFA Land 2006TM: Alliances between Security Politics and Business Interests for Germany’s City Network”, in, Architectures of Fear, CCCB: 173-188.
SUMMARY: The purpose of this paper is to point out through which actions and strategies and to which consequences, security governance at the FIFA World Cup 2006 in Germany imposed its logic on urban space. In this, the World Cup is both understood as a key moment of ‘urban entrepreneurialism’ and as a powerful illustration of the deep connection between security politics, economic interests and space.
Klauser F., Ruegg J., November V., 2008, “Airport Surveillance between Public and Private Interests”, in, Salter M. (ed.), Politics of the Airport, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis: 105-126.
SUMMARY: This paper focuses on daily surveillance practices by airport police agents at Geneva International Airport. On a micro-level of analysis, the paper underlines the convergences and tensions between private business interests on the one hand, and police concerns for the airport area as national entrance gate of arriving and departing passengers and goods on the other hand.
Klauser F., 2007, « Disturbances in the Sensory Experience of the City: CCTV and the Development of an Unreal Urban Parallel World », Senses and Society, 2(2): 173-187.
SUMMARY: This article focuses on the socio-spatial implications of CCTV in urban public space. It reveals how the fact that CCTV has become banal challenges and reshapes sensory experiences of the city for both the watchers and the watched. To do so, the paper draws upon empirical insights into CCTV of street prostitution in the Swiss City of Olten.
Klauser F., 2007, « Difficulties in Revitalizing Public Space By CCTV: Street Prostitution Surveillance in the Swiss City of Olten, Eurpean Urban and Regional Studies, 14(4): 337-348.
SUMMARY: Drawing upon the study of street prostitution surveillance in Olten, the paper discusses the implications of CCTV in terms of urban regeneration. CCTV is investigated as it is lived and perceived by the population at large and by daily users of monitored areas. The article emphasises the ‘distanciation’ of social control caused by CCTV, by showing that CCTV is forgotten quickly and felt to be somehow unreal against the background of everyday social activities. The possibilities of CCTV to revitalize public places of fear are thus very limited.
Ruegg J., Klauser F., November V., 2007, « Du citoyen et de la « civilité ». Réflexions à partir de l’exemple de la vidéosurveillance », Lien Social et Politique, 57: 127-139.
SUMMARY: L’article montre que la vidéosurveillance procède à une « mise à distance », qui tend à éloigner l’Etat et le citoyen du lieu de débat où la montée actuelle des problèmes d’insécrutié devrait être régulée. Pour conclure, nous proposerons d’élargir la thématique de la civilité, au coeur de ce numéro spécial, à la question plus générale de la solidarité territoriale.
Klauser F., 2007, “Beschränkte Nachhaltigkeit der Videoüberwachung als präventives Instrument der Revitalisierung von Problemräumen”, in, Zurawski N. (ed.), Sicherheitsdiskurse. Angst, Kontrolle und Sicherheit in einer ‘gefährlichen‘ Welt, Verlag Peter Lang, Frankfurt: 61-73.
SUMMARY: Im Rahmen dieses Artikels geht es darum, auf einer empirischen Grundlage zu prüfen, inwiefern die Videoüberwachung die Nutzung und Wahrnehmung öffentlicher Räume beeinflusst. Es wird gefragt, ob Überwachungskameras dazu beitragen können, raumbezogen die Empfindung von Sicherheit zu vermitteln und insofern die überwachten Räume nachhaltig zu revitalisieren.
Klauser F., 2006, Die Videoüberwachung öffentlicher Räume. Zur Ambivalenz eines Instruments sozialer Kontrolle, Campus, Frankfurt am Main.
SUMMARY: Die Videoüberwachung öffentlicher Räume hat in den letzten Jahren stark zugenommen. Kaum ein anderes Instrument verdeutlicht besser die aktuelle Sicherheitsdebatte in unseren Städten. Francisco Klauser zeigt die Auswirkungen dieser neuen Kontrollform. Dabei relativiert er das Bild der Videoüberwachung als allseits akzeptiertes, technisches Instrument und thematisiert gleichzeitig das neue Verhältnis zwischen der Freiheit des Einzelnen und der Frage der öffentlichen Sicherheit.
Ruegg J., Flueckiger A., November V., Klauser F., 2006, Vidéosurveillance et risques dans l’espace à usage public, Publications du CETEL, Geneva.
SUMMARY: La vidéosurveillance s’est installée progressivement dans notre quotidien. La présente recherche met l’accent d’une part sur une approche géographique du risque et des espaces à usages publics surveillés et, d’autre part, sur une approche juridique dans le contexte helvétique. Deux études de cas (Transports publics genevois et Aéroport international de Genève) documentent les processus de négociation et de décision en rapport avec l’introduction, la mise en oeuvre et l’extension de deux dispositifs de vidéosurveillance.
Klauser F., November V., Ruegg J., 2006, “Surveillance et vigilance dans la sécurité routière. L’exemple de l’autoroute de contournement à Genève”, in, Roux J. (ed.), Etre vigilant. L’opérativité discrète de la société du risque, Publications de l’Université de Saint-Etienne: 33-45.
SUMMARY: L’article vise à étudier la complexité des concepts de surveillance et de vigilance en examinant les processus d’identification et de gestion des risques par l’intermédiaire de la vidéosurveillance. Traitant du dispositif de surveillance de l’autoroute de contournement de Genève l’article met en évidence deux logiques d’exploitation du système qui font appel à des mécanismes distincts de surveillance et de vigilance.
Klauser F., 2005, “Videoüberwachung als Raumaneignung?”, in, Hempel L., Metelmann J. (eds.), Bild-Raum-Kontrolle /// , Suhrkamp, Frankfurt: 189-203.
SUMMARY: Im Rahmen dieses Beitrags soll die Videoüberwachung aus der Perspektive ihrer Funktionsweise als Instrument der Raumaneignung dargestellt und diskutiert werden. Voraussetzung ist hierfür ein Raumverständnis zu entwickeln, das den sozialen Dimensionen des öffentlichen Raumes einerseits, aber auch der Überwachungspraxis andererseits gerecht wird.
Klauser F., 2004, « Die Veränderung der urbanen Territorialität infolge der Videoüberwachung des öffentlichen Raumes: Ein Vergleich unterschiedlicher räumlicher Funktionsweisen der Videoüberwachung », Geographica Helvetica, 59(2): 106-118.
SUMMARY: Anhand einer Analyse der räumlichen Verteilung privater und polizeilicher Überwachungskameras in Genf werden verschiedene Motive und Strategien der Videoüberwachung analysiert. Die Untersuchung verdeutlicht den Bezug zwischen der Lokalisierung der Kameras und der wirtschaftlichen Nutzung des urbanen Raumes. Darauf aufbauend werden die Auswirkungen der vorwiegend privat getragenen Videoüberwachung auf die Qualitäten öffentlicher Räume untersucht.
Klauser F., 2004, “A Comparison of the Impact of Protective and Preservative Video Surveillance on Urban Territoriality: the case of Switzerland”, Surveillance and Society, 2(2/3): 145-160.
SUMMARY: The paper compares the socio-spatial logics and implications of two ideal-typical forms of CCTV: (1) preservative CCTV, which aims to preserve public order and to prevent ‘antisocial’ behaviour; and (2) protective CCTV, which aims at monitoring specific risk-points, buildings or objects. This investigation is based on the cartographical study of the spatial distribution of CCTV within the city centre of Geneva and a study of the public perception of video surveillance in the Swiss city of Olten.
Klauser F., 2004, “La vidéosurveillance comme mécanisme de production disciplinaire de l’espace public. Une analyse empirique et théorique: l’exemple de la ville de Genève”, Bulletin de l’Association de Géographes Français, 4: 631-645.
SUMMARY: L’article propose une analyse des conséquences de la vidéosurveillance sur la territorialité des usagers de l’espace public. L’utilisation majoritaire de la vidéosurveillance par les institutions privées disposant de gros capitaux financiers renforce des tendances de privatisation, de disciplinarisation et de fragmentation du territoire surveillé.
Ruegg J., November V., Klauser F., 2004, “CCTV, Risk Management and Regulation Mechanisms in Publicly-Used Places: a Discussion Based on Swiss Examples”, Surveillance and Society, 2(2/3): 415-429.
SUMMARY: This paper focuses on the relations between different actors involved in conceiving and using video-surveillance systems. More specifically, it deals with the reasons that support the growing use of CCTV, and the organisation structures and implementation schemes that are designed to cope with them. Based on four Swiss case studies, the analysis raises issues linked to the complexity of social and spatial relations that CCTV tends to produce2003
November V., Klauser F., Ruegg J., 2002, “Risques sous surveillance: une analyse géographique de l’utilisation de la vidéosurveillance”, Ethique Publique, 4(2): 153-164.
SUMMARY: Cet article se concentre sur l’analyse des qualités des espaces surveillés et de la dynamique spatiale des risques. Nous proposons, à l’aide d’une réflexion géographique sur la vidéosurveillance et les risques, de répondre à la question suivante : la vidéosurveillance, est-elle une instrumentation en adéquation avec la dynamique spatiale des risques qu’elle est censée surveiller ?
Klauser F., 2001, “La vidéosurveillance de l’espace public: Nouvelle forme d’appropriation spatiale?”, in, Vodoz L. (ed.), NTIC et territoires, Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes, Lausanne: 87-94.
SUMMARY: Cet article aborde la question des conséquences sociales et territoriales qui résultent de la généralisation de la vidéosurveillance dans l’espace urbain. Cette discussion est orientée autour de la figure du « panoptique », telle qu’elle est analysée par Michel Foucault.
Professor in Political Geography
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PhD Student
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Cours-Séminaire (MA) (2GG2019) Géographie Politique II : Espaces – Pouvoirs – Régulations. Vers une Géographie Politique de la Surveillance
Assis Vuillionenet M. (2012) Habiter dans une gated community: Motivations et représentations.
Pedrozo S. (2012) Les logiques promotionnelles des quartiers résidentiels fermés et/ou sécurisés en Suisse.
Girardin A. (2012) La surveillance privée au sein des « rues de luxe » de Genève et Zurich.
Hug J. (2012) Organisation de la gestion du risque lié au hooliganisme: L’accueil de supporters dans la ville de Neuchâtel.
Ramareddy S. (2011) L’analyse différenciée selon les sexes comme lunette d’approche du sentiment d’insécurité: Le cas de la ville de Neuchâtel.
Donzé C., Egger C., Dubois L. (2011) Impacts du hooliganisme à Neuchâtel
Jordan D., Guillod V., Wermeille C. (2011) Insécurité et Pratiques Spatiales: Le cas des jeunes à Neuchâtel
Bangerter N., Cavin J., Virijevic M. (2011) La vidéosurveillance à Yverdon-les-Bains: Ressenti et coportement face à la sécurité et à la vidéosurveillance