

  • Prof. Jordi Tejel

    Recent presentations

    • "New States, New Borders, New Issues? The Kurds, 1918–38", Workshop titled 'The Late Ottoman Empire: History and Legacy' (Closed event), 9-11 June 2022, Knox Hall, Columbia University, New York.  

    • "Kurds as "borderlanders" since the Lausanne Treaty: Opportunities and constraints", Ringvorlesung: 'Turkey and Southeast Europe in the interwar period', 8 December 2021, University of Vienna (virtual presentation). Program

    • "From Imperial to National Frontiers? Rethinking the Making of State Boundaries in the Interwar Middle East", Joint Doctoral Program in Global History of Empires, 3 June 2021, University of Torino (virtual presentation).

    • "First Encounters with the USSR: the Kurdish nationalist movement in Syria and Lebanon, 1927-1946," Workshop titled 'Kurdish transnational networks between Western Europe, the Communist world and the Middle East in the 20th century'. 12-13 December 2019, Istanbul. Program

    • "The Ararat Revolt and Paradoxes of the Global Middle East, 1927-1932," Third International Congress of Kurdish Studies, 1-5 November 2019, Koya University and Zakho University. Program

    • "Introduction to the workshop," Conference titled 'Borders, Mobilities and State formation in the Middle East, 1920-1945', 10-11 October 2019, University of Neuchâtel. Program

    • "States of Rumours: Information Orders in the Turkish-Syrian Borderland, 1929-1945," Visiting Speakers Series, Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies, 13 February 2019, Exeter. 

    • Research Workshop on Mobility and Borders in the Middle East, 31 January 2019, University of Neuchâtel. 

    •  "The Making of the Syrian-Turkish Border through the Lenses of Short Distance Mobilities, 1929-1939," Middle Eastern Studies Association (MESA), Annual Meeting, 15-18 November 2018, San Antonio. Program

    • "Introduction to the workshop," Workshop titled ‘Discourses on Refugees, Practices of Belonging: Refugee Regimes in the Making of the Middle East, 1920-1946,’ 11-12 October 2018, Neuchâtel. Program

    •  “Short distance mobility across the Syrian-Turkish border, 1929-1939: paradoxes of a global Middle East,” Conference titled 'Middle Eastern and Balkan Mobilities in the Interwar Period,' The Skilliter Centre for Ottoman Studies, 13-14 September 2018, Cambridge. Program
    • "State, Migrants, Refugees, and Borders’ Fabric in the Modern Middle East: The Tri-Border Area of Syrian Jazira during the French Mandate, 1920-1946," Association for the Study of Nationalities (ASN) European Conference, 4-6 July 2018, Graz. Program
    • "Refugee Routes - Soirée d'information sur la situation des pays d'origine des réfugiés : histoire, motifs d'exil et condition d'asile en Suisse," OSAR, 26 April 2018, Lausanne. Programme - Facebook
    • "The Complex and Dynamic Relationship of Syria’s Kurds with the Syrian Borders: Continuities and Changes," Coference titled 'Exploring Syria's borders & boundaries,' 15-16 November 2017, Oxford. Program
    • "What’s wrong with the Sykes-Picot delusion?" Conference titled 'Elusive State-building. The Middle East and North Africa 1917-2017,' 27-28 September, 2017, Geneva. Program
  • Dr. Ramazan Hakki Öztan

    Recent presentations

    • “The Turkish-Syrian Border: The Making of a Post-Ottoman Illicit Zone”, Lecture Series of the CCDP and the University of Neuchâtel, 24 February 2021 (virtual presentation) Program

    • "Rethinking the Settlement Law of 1934 and the Kemalist Population Politics," Middle East Studies Association, Annual Meeting, 14-17 November 2019, New Orleans. Program

    • “The Last Ottoman Merchants: Regional Trade in Aleppo’s Hinterland, 1920-1945,” Conference titled "Borders, Mobilities and State formation in the Middle East, 1920-1945,' 10-11 October 2019, Neuchâtel. Program

    • "Japanese Textiles, Tariffs, and Smugglers: The Making of the Middle Eastern Border Regimes, 1920-1939," Workshop titled 'Neither Near, Nor Far: Encounters and Exchanges between Japan and the Middle East,” 23-26 May 2019, Oxford. Program

    • “Gunsmiths of Revolution: Weapons Manufacturers and Technology Piracy in the Late Ottoman Balkans,” Workshop titled 'Armed Groups, Organized Violence and the Euro-Mediterranean Spaces (1870-1914),' 23 January 2019, Rome. Program

    • “Biography of Violence: Naum A. Tufekchiev (1864-1916) and the Making of a Radical in Late Ottoman Europe,” Workshop titled 'The Last Ottoman Generation and Interwar Europe,' 5-6 December 2018, Copenhagen.  Program

    • “The Great Depression and the Making of Turkey’s Southern Border, 1929-1939,” Middle East Studies Association, Annual Meeting, 15-18 November 2018, San Antonio.Program

    • “Political Economy of Resettlement: Discourses and Practices of Immigration in Turkey, 1929-1939,” Workshop titled ‘Discourses on Refugees, Practices of Belonging: Refugee Regimes in the Making of the Middle East, 1920-1946,’ 11-12 October 2018, Neuchâtel. Program

    •  “Mustafa Halid Bey and the informant Vangel Yorgiyef: politics of intelligence in late Ottoman Ruscuk,” WOCMES, 16-20 July 2018, Sevilla. Program

    • (Co-presented with Alp Yenen) “Rebels, Revolutionaries, and Rowdies as Relational Elites in the Ottoman Empire and Beyond,” Workshop, University of Bern, 1 June 2018, Bern. Program

    • "Macedonian Question and the Global Economy of Revolt at the Turn of the Century," Presentation at the Seminar für Nahoststudien der Universität Basel, 3 April 2018, Basel. Flyer

    • “The Great Depression (1929) and the Making of Turkey’s Southern Border, 1929-1939,” FoKI Workshop Spring 2018 titled 'Globalization and Regionalization in Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies', Basel. Program

  • Victoria Abrahamyan

    Recent presentations

    • "Le rôle ambivalent des réfugiés arméniens dans la Grande Révolte syrienne contre le pouvoir mandataire français", in Congrès des études sur le Moyen-Orient et mondes musulmans, Insaniyyat - Forum international des sciences humaines et sociales, Tunis, September 2022 (Upcoming). 

    • “Refugees as a great danger for the public health? Armenian refugees between the stereotypes and reality in Syria and Lebanon, 1920-1928”, in 'Humans in motion: war crisis and refugees in Europe 1914-1923' International Conference and Research Workshop, Krakow, Poland, 29 June - 1 July 2022. Program

    • ‘‘Armenian refugees between Greece, Soviet Armenia and Syria, 1922-1926: The entangled history of population exchanges and partitions", in ‘The Global 1922: New critical reflections’, King’s Colelge London, 31 March 2022. Program

    • ‘‘Loyalty on Stake: Armenians, Revolt and Violence in the French Mandatory Syria’’ in the Panel "Agency of the Excluded: Armenians, Assyrians, Kurds and Jews between Empire and Nation-State, 1915-1948" MESA Annual meeting, 1 December 2021(virtual conference).

    • ‘‘The Impact of the Armenian Refugees on the Syrian Hosts during the French Mandate, 1920-1936’’ in Historicizing the Refugee Experience, 17th – 21st Centuries, First International Seminar in Historical Refugee Studies, Essen, Germany, 12-15 October 2021. Program

    • ‘‘Along the Syrian-Turkish-Iraqi borderland: The Armenian refugee experience in Tell-Brak, Syria (1930-1935)’’ in ‘In-between spaces, actors and infrastructures: Trans-imperial approaches to Mobility 19th- 20th century’, Doctoral workshop, Neuchâtel, 1 October 2021. Program

    • “Defining Armenianness, overcoming diversity: the case of Armenian refugees in Syria, 1918-1932”, Layers of Diasporic Belonging : (Re) Evaluating Armenianness in historical, contemproary and comparative perspectives, Leibniz Institute for the History and Culture of Eastern Europe, Virtual Workshop, October 1-2, 2021. Program

    • ‘‘Refugees, citizens or natives? The case of Armenian refugees in the French mandatory Syria, 1920-1932’’ in Doing Refugee History Seminar Series, ‘Refugee Times: seeking refuge in and beyond the 20th Century’, convened by Anne Irfan, Laura Madokoro and Benjamin Thomas White, 3 June 2021 (Virtual Seminar).

    • "Citizen Strangers: Identity Labelling and Discourse in the French Mandatory Syria, 1920-1932", Migration History Seminar Series: Forced Migration and Modern Refugeedom in the Middle East, University of Neuchâtel and the NCCR – On the move, 24 February 2021 (Virtual seminar). Program

    • "Armenian participation in the elections in Aleppo during the French mandate, 1926-1936",  in the framework of weekly talks organized by the Aleppo Armenian community, 30 January 2021 (Virtual presentation). 

    • "Armenians, communists and the Syrian Great Revolt, 1925-1926," Séminaire de la Maison des sciences historiques, 17 November 2020, (Virtual presentation).

    • "Refugees, Doctors, and Diseases in the Making of Post-Ottoman Levant," Middle Eastern Studies Association (MESA) Annual Meeting, 5-17 October 2020 (Virtual Conference). Program

    • Annual MUBIT Doctoral Workshop titled 'Arab Marxism: The Global History of Revolutionary Movements in the Middle East in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries,’ 25-26 September 2020, Basel. Program

    •  "Refugees, Domestic Struggle and State-Building:The Case of Armenian Refugees in Syria 1920-1939," Colloque des mémoirant-e-s et doctorant-es- en histoire (COMDOC), 17 November 2019, Neuchâtel.

    • ¨Refugee Flows and the Making of Modern Day Syria (1920-1932),’’ Middle East Studies Association (MESA), Annual Meeting,15-18 November 2018, San Antonio. Program

    • "Citizen Strangers: Identity Labelling and Discourse in the French Mandatory Syria, 1920-1932," Workshop titled ‘Discourses on Refugees, Practices of Belonging: Refugee Regimes in the Making of the Middle East, 1920-1946,’ 11-12 October 2018, Neuchâtel. Program

    • ‘’Refugees, Domestic Struggle and State-Building: The Case of Armenian Refugees in Syria (1920-1932),’’ WOCMES, 16-20 July 2018, Sevilla. Program
    • ‘’Refugees, Domestic Struggle and State-Building: The Case of Armenian Refugees in Syria (1920-1932),’’  Association for Borderland Studies (ABS) World Conference, 10-14 July 2018, Vienna and Budapest. Program
    • “Refugee Flows and the Making of Modern Day Syria (1920-1939),” FoKI Workshop Spring 2018 titled 'Globalization and Regionalization in Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies,' 24 March 2018, Basel. Program
  • Laura Stocker

    Recent Presentations

    • “Desert, Tribes and Trees: Concepts, Categories and Representation of Kinship in Bedouin Society of the Modern Middle East, c. 1850-1950” at Schweizerische Geschichtstage/Journées suisses d’histoires 2022, 29 June-1 July 2022, Geneva. Program

    • "Crises as epochal break: Drought, Depression and the Transformation of Bedouin Political Economy in Syria and Iraq, 1929-1935”, Séminaire MASH, 14 December 2021, University of Neuchâtel.

    • “Tribes, Trans-border Networks and Territoriality: Negotiating the Shammar leadership in the post-Ottoman Middle East, 1920-1939”, in ‘In-between spaces, actors and infrastructures: Trans-imperial approaches to Mobility 19th - 20th century’, Doctoral workshop, 1 October 2021, Neuchâtel. Program

    • “Sheikhs, Bedouin and Borders: Negotiating Sovereignty in the interwar Jazira – The case of Daham al-Hadi”, Workshop titled ‘Umbrüche im neuzeitlichen Syrien: Quellen, Akteure, Handlungsräume (1750-1950), Teil 2, 2 July 2021, Ruhr-Universität Bochum (virtual meeting).

    • "'The Camel Dispute': Cross-border Mobility and Tribal Conflicts in the Iraqi-Syrian Borderland, 1929- 1934", Lecture Series of the CCDP and the University of Neuchâtel, 20 May 2021 (virtual presentationProgram

    • "Bedouins, States and Modern Territoriality in the Iraqi-Syrian Borderland, 1920-1946", Colloque des mémoirant-e-s et doctorant-es- en histoire (COMDOC), 29 April 2021, Neuchâtel.

    • "Scheichs und Schafe: Umbrüche in der Nordsyrischen Steppe der 1930er und 1940er Jahre," Workshop titled 'Umbrüche im neuzeitlichen Syrien: Quelle, Akteure, Handlungsräume (1750-1950),' 24-25 October 2020, Heidelberg. 

    • "Bedouin Mobility, Tribal Conflicts and State formation in the Northern Bādīya," Middle East Studies Association (MESA), Annual Meeting, 5-17 October 2020 (Virtual Conference). Program

    • "Drought and Patterns of Bedouin Mobility: Politics of State Control in the Iraqi-Syrian Borderlands, 1920-1939," Conference titled 'Borders, Mobilities and State formation in the Middle East, 1920-1945', 10-11 October 2019, Neuchâtel. Program

    • "Policing the Livestock: War Economy, Environment and Border Regimes in the Middle East during World War II (1939-1945)," Environmental History Workshop 2019: Flows, 13 September 2019, Newcastle (UK). Program

    • "Policing the Livestock: Bedouins and the Colonial State in the Iraqi-Syrian Borderland, 1919-1939," Eleventh Nordic Conference on Middle Eastern Studies titled 'Breaking and Creating Boundaries in the Middle East', 14-16 August 2019, Helsinki. Program

    • International doctoral workshop titled 'La tribu au pluriel: Penser et décrire les réalités tribales en sciences humaines et sociales', 28 April 2019, Erbil. Program

    • “Policing the livestock: Animals, Bedouins and the Colonial State in the Iraqi-Syrian borderlands (1920-1945),” FoKI Workshop, 6 April 2019, Neuchâtel. Program

  • César Jaquier

    Recent presentations

    • "Motor Cars and Transdesert Traffic: Channelling Mobilities between Iraq and Syria, 1923–1930", presentation in the lecture series co-organized by the CCDP and the University of Neuchâtel on "Borders in the Middle East: Past and Present", The Graduate Institute, Geneva, 11 November 2021.

    • "Beyond Sea and Desert: Mobility, Transport and Travel Experiences between Europe and Iraq and in the Interwar Years", presentation at the online workshop "Interwar Crossroads – Entangled Histories of the Middle Eastern and North Atlantic World between the World Wars", 23 October 2021.

    • "Hitting the Road: Travel Writing and Tourism Practices in Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon, 1929-1939". Workshop "Travelling practices and the emergence of tourism in the Middle East (16th-20th centuries)", Vienna, 27–30 September 2021. Program

    • "Une frontière réseau avant la ligne frontière : enjeux des contrôles frontaliers entre l’Irak et la Syrie, c. 1923-1939", rencontre scientifique 'la frontière au quotidien: identité, organisation sociale et mobilités en territoires frontaliers du XVe siècle à nos jours', Musée d'histoire de la Chaux-de-Fonds, 8 September 2021. Program

    • "En voiture entre la Syrie et l’Irak : Problèmes et aspects pratiques des contrôles aux frontières (1920-1940) ", 4e Congrès des études sur le Moyen-Orient et les mondes musulmans, 30 June 2021 (Virtual Conference). Program

    • "Motor Transport and Mobilities across Iraq and Syria: Transdesert Passengers, Imperial Interests and the Business of Travel, 1923-1945", Colloque des mémoirant-e-s et doctorant-es- en histoire (COMDOC), 26 November 2020, Neuchâtel.

    • "La guerre du transport transdésertique" : Politique de la route et transport automobile entre la Syrie et l’Irak, 1930-1935," Historiales 2020 (journée des doctorant.e.s en histoire contemporaine), 13 November 2020, (Virtual conference). Program

    • "From a Desert Track to a Highway? The Making of the Baghdad-Damascus Motor Route, 1923-1939," Middle East Studies Association (MESA), Annual Meeting, 5-17 October 2020 (Virtual Conference). Program

    • "Travellers across the Middle East: Rethinking Tourism in the 'Age of Speed', 1923-1939," Rencontres scientifiques de la Maison d'Analyse des Processus Sociaux (MAPS), Neuchâtel, 10 March 2020.

    • "‘They squeeze the pilgrims for as much as they can’: Channelling Automobile Traffic between Iraq and Syria, 1925-1934," Conference titled 'Borders, Mobilities and State formation', 10-11 October 2019, Neuchâtel. Program

    • "Trans-Desert Routes, Trans-Border Traffic: Managing the Nascent Iraqi-Syrian Border in the Mandate Period, 1925-1939," Cambridge World History Graduate Conference titled 'Liminal Borders: Constructing and Deconstructing Borders in World History,' 16-17 May 2019, Cambridge. Program
    • "Across the Desert in an ‘Antediluvian Char-à-Bancs': Motor Transport Companies and the Emergence of Contrasting Mobilities between Syria and Iraq, 1923-1939”,  FoKI Workshop, 6 April 2019, Neuchâtel. Program
