The Water-Earth Systems (WES) PhD School is a collaboration between academic institutions within Switzerland, established to elevate the standards of PhD training in the field of groundwater studies and related geoscientific research fields. Its aim is to offer PhD students working on groundwater issues and related fields a national platform for training and networking. This meets a need for transdisciplinarity and exchanges at the interface of earth and water sciences on a national scale that is not covered by other initiatives.
The school was founded in 2015 and is coordinated by the Center for Hydrogeology and Geothermics at the University of Neuchâtel. Over the years, the WES PhD School has played a pivotal role in fostering interdisciplinary collaboration and providing advanced training in groundwater and environmental sciences. The school addresses critical challenges in hydrogeology, geosciences, and related fields, offering a robust platform for both academic growth and networking opportunities.
The WES PhD School seeks to provide high-quality training and development for PhD students in groundwater and environmental sciences, with the following key objectives:
The WES PhD School offers specialized courses in groundwater sciences and related fields, covering a wide range of topics including hydrogeology, hydrology, geology, geophysics, and geothermics. These courses aim to build fundamental skills, providing essential training in areas such as scientific writing, data analysis, and research ethics. Additionally, students are exposed to advanced methodologies that emphasize state-of-the-art techniques for characterizing
As of the end of 2023, 53 PhD students are registered in the WES PhD school. In 2023, 9 short courses and an annual conference were organized, amounting to approx. 260 student-days of participation.