Gianluca Benigo (HEC Lausanne)
28 février 2025| 11.30 – 12.30 | Salle D62
Jérémie Gignoux (Paris School of Economics)
4 avril 2025| 11.30 – 12.30 | Salle D62
Stefan Felder ( University of Basel)
Reimbursing physicians with unknown altruism under diagnostic risk
11 avril 2025| 11.30 – 12.30 | Salle D62
Cloé Garnache (Olso Metropolitan University)
9 mai 2025| 11.30 – 12.30 | Salle D62
Kevin Kotzé (University of Cape Town)
16 mai 2025| 11.30 – 12.30 | Salle D62
Marco Pecoraro (Federal Office of Statistics)
Immigration, unemployment and voting behaviour: Evidence from the 1990s Yugoslav refugee crisis
13 décembre 2024 | 11.30 – 12.30 | Salle R.107, ALB2
Jérémie Gignoux (Paris School of Economics)
6 décembre 2024 | ANNULÉ
Kenza Benhima (HEC Lausanne)
Granular Expectation Shocks and International Financial Contagion
29 novembre 2024 | 11.30 – 12.30 | Salle R.107, ALB2
Sebastien Houde (HEC Lausanne)
Big Hassle on the Decarbonization Frontier ?
15 novembre 2024 | 11.30 – 12.30 | Salle R.107, ALB2
François Bourguignon, (World Bank)
Political Liberalisation and State Capture by Business Interests
1er novembre 2024 | 12:15 – 13.30 | Salle R.110, ALB2
Samuel Lordemus (University of Lucerne)
Where the money flows? Colonial health investment and hospital outcomes in the D.R. Congo
27 septembre 2024 | 11.30 – 12.30 | Salle R.107, ALB2
Berno Büchel & Bénédicte Droz (University of Fribourg)
Meat consumption can trigger information avoidance
February 23, 2024
Philipp Grunau (Institute for Employment Research, Nuremberg, Germany)
Who Benefits from Place-Based Policies? Evidence from Matched Employer-Employee Data
March 8, 2024
Peter Nilsson (University of Stockholm)
What happens when Discrimination in Academia becomes salient?
April 12, 2024
Merla Kubli (Delft University of Technology, Netherlands)
From social acceptance to business model design: the case of smart EV charging
April 19, 2024
Michaela Slotwinski (University of Zurich)
(Not) Thinking about the Future: Inattention and Maternal Labor Supply
April 26, 2024
Martin Huber (University of Fribourg)
Testing the identification of causal effects in data
May 3, 2024
Andreas Ziegler (University of Kassel, Germany)
Social norms and individual climate protection activities: A survey experiment for Germany
May 17, 2024
Béatrice Roussillon (University of Grenoble, France)
Intentions or actions: who should be targeted to encourage pro-environmental and pro-social behavior?
May 24, 2024
Adélaïde Fadhuile (Université de Grenoble)
Intrinsic Motivation to Promote the Development of Renewable Energy : A Field Experiment from Household Demand
September 22, 2023
Jonas Savelsberg (ETH Zurich)
Increasing Electrical Vehicle Adoption with personalized nudging
September 29, 2023
Costanza Naguib (University of Bern)
Education expansion college choice and labour market success
October 6, 2023
Raphael Auer (BIS)
Granular Origins of Inflation
November 10, 2023
Berno Büchel (University of Fribourg)
Experimental evidence that meat consumption triggers information avoidance
November 16, 2023 | CANCELLED
Laura Hering (Erasmus School of Economics, Erasmus University of Rotterdam)
Banning women from STEM: the Case of Iran
December 1, 2023
Mirjam Bächli (University of Lausanne)
Immigration, Inequality and Income Taxes
December 8, 2023
Alessio Lombini and Piergiuseppe Fortunato (University of Maryland, UNCTAD)
COVID-19 Vaccination, Political Partisanship and Moral Values
January 10, 2023
Juerg Schwery (Eidgenössische Hochschule für Berufsbildung)
Too young to enter? Students’ age and their sorting into academic and vocational education
February 24, 2023
Mauro Caselli (Università di Trento)
Productivity and Quality of Multiple-Product Firms
March 3, 2023
Reinhard Madlener (Technical University of Aachen)
An Econometric Analysis of the Determinants of Passenger Vehicle Sales in Germany
March 10, 2023
Madeline Werthschulte (ZEW)
Can Self-Set Goals Encourage Resource Conservation? Field Experimental Evidence from a Smartphone App
March 17, 2023
Volodymyr Vakhitov and Nataliia Zaika (American University Kyiv)
Evacuation intentions and revealed Behaviour: Evidence from Ukranian war
March 31, 2023
Jan Stuhler (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)
Labor Market Effects of Immigration – Identification and Interpretation
May 12, 2023
Jean-Philippe Nicolai (Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble)
Lobbying On Environmental Standards Under Deep Trade Agreements
May 26, 2023
Siwar Khelifa (St-Etienne School of Economics)
June 2, 2023
Pamfili Antipa (Banque de France)
Charity Begins at Home-Why Britain resumed the Gold Standard after the French Wars
September 30, 2022
Anthony Edo ( CEPII – Centre d’Etudes Prospectives et d’informations Internationales)
Gender, Selection into Employment, and the Wage Impact of Immigration
October 14, 2022
Stéphane Mechoulan (Dalhousie University)
Revisiting the Effects of Abortion Legalization on the Incidence of Sexually-Transmitted Diseases
October 28, 2022
Kathrine von Graevenitz (University of Mannheim)
The effect of eletricity network charges on German manufacturing
November 11, 2022
Juerg Schweri (Eidgenössische Hochschule für Berufsbildung)
Too young to choose? Students’ age and their choice between academic and vocational education
David Ardia (HEC Montréal)
Sentometrics: an Overview of Methodology and Applications
December 9, 2022
Gianandrea Nodari (University of Geneva)
Central Bank Cooperation 1930-1932, a Reappraisal
April 29, 2022
Fabien Cottier (Columbia University)
Crop Price Variability, Environmental Change and Intra-Regional Migration in Africa
May 5, 2022
Angelina Hackmann (University of Bremen)
Navigating the housing channel of monetary policy across euro area regions
May 13, 2022
Andreas Fuster (EPFL)
Tiers of Joy? Reserve Tiering and Bank Behavior in a Negative-Rate Environment
May 20, 2022
John Turner (Queens University of Belfast)
Why did shareholder liability disappear?
June 3, 2022
Beatrix Eugster (University of St-Gallen)
Misclassification in linear-in-means models: theory and application to peer effects estimation
October 22, 2021
Martin Hoesli and Louis Johner (University of Geneva)
Portofolio Diversification across U.S. Gateway and Non-Gateway Real Estate Markets
November 5, 2021
Kilian Rieder (OeNB)
Financial stability policies and bank lending: Quasi-experimental evidence from Federal Reserve interventions in 1920-21
December 3, 2021
John Turner (University of Queen’s, Belfast)
Was Marshall Right? Managerial Failure and CorporateOwnership in Edwardian Britain
December 10,2021 – CANCELLED
Serhiy Kandul (University of Zürich)
Recycling of uncast votes: can random allocation of votes enhance voter turnout? Evidence from two experiments
December 17, 2021
Rui Esteves (Graduate Institute Geneva)
The Value of a quote: Stock market listing for sovereign bonds, 1872-1911
March 19, 2021
Ricccardo Trezzi (European Central Bank)
The Missing Internal Devaluation: Nominal and Real Adjustment to the Great Recession within the US
March 26, 2021
Leif Anders Thorsrud (BI Norwegian Business School)
Narrative monetary policy surprises and the media
April 16, 20201
Camille Dumeignil (Université de Savoie Mont-Blanc)
The impact of free cross-border labour mobility on the labour market for the country of origin: A natural experiment
April 23, 2021
Reamonn Lydon (Central Bank of Ireland)
The ins and outs of the gender unemployment gap in the OECD
May 21, 2021
Andreas Löschel (University of Münster)
When Nudges Fail to Scale: Field Expermimental Evidence from Goal Setting on Mobile Phone
May 28, 2021
Luca Onorante (European Central Bank)
Economic Policy Uncertainty in the Euro Area: an unsupervised machine learning approach
June 4, 2021
Diego Känzig (London Business school)
The Distributional Impact of the Pandemic
September 18, 2020
Alice Aubert (EAWAG)
Gamifying online survey to elicit laypersons’ preferences for Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis
September 25, 2020
Nikhil Patel (BIS Basel)
The « original sin » redux: a model based evaluation
October 16, 2020
Doina Radelescu (University of Bern)
Household Preferences for Electric and Hybrid Vehicles
November 6, 2020
Piergiuseppe Fortunato (UNCTAD)
Coronagraben. Culture and Social Distancing in Times of COVID-19
November 13, 2020
Flora Budianto (BIS Basel)
Average Inflation Targeting and the Interest Rate Lower Bound
November 27, 2020
Alain Naef (UC Berkeley/Ban)
Blowing against the Wind? A Narrative Approach to Central Bank Foreing Exchange Intervention
December 4, 2020
Stefano Scagnolari (Università della Svizzera Italiana)
Young drivers’ nighttime mobility preferences: a Hybrid Choice Model
February 21, 2020
Piergiuseppe Fortunato (UNCTAD)
Yes, the Medium Matters: Social Networks, Education and the Rise of Populism in Europe
March 6, 2020
Doina Radulescu (University of Bern) – CANCELLED
Household Preferences for Electric and Hybrid Vehicles
March 20, 2020
Carlos Ordás Criado (Laval University, Canada) – CANCELLED
March 27, 2020
Alice Aubert (EAWAG) – CANCELLED
Gamifying online survey to elicit laypersons’ preferences for Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis
April 24, 2020
Dan-Olof Rooth (Stockholm University) – CANCELLED
May 8, 2020
Flora Budianto (BIS) – CANCELLED
Average inflation targeting and the interest rate lower bound
May 15, 2020
Luca Taschini (LSE and University of Edinburgh) – CANCELLED
May 29, 2020
Andreas Schrimpf (BIS)
Explaining Monetary Spillovers: The Matrix Reloaded
September 27, 2019
Regina Betz (ZHAW)
How Do Firms Respond to a Rising Carbon Tax?
October 4, 2019
Rahel Braun (University of Basel)
Heterogeneous Elasticities of Substitution in a TANK Model
October 11, 2019
Katrin Assenmacher (ECB)
The ECB’s monetary policy: strategy, non standard measures and outlook
October 25, 2019
Hans Koster (VU Amsterdam)
The Welfare Effects of Greenbelt Policy: Evidence from England
November 8, 2019
Daniel Kaufmann (University of Neuchâtel)
Nominal wage rigidities in Switzerland
November 15, 2019
Marijke Verpoorten (University of Antwerp) – CANCELLED
Would you fight? We asked aggrieved artisanal miners in Eastern Congo
November 22, 2019
Benjamin Born (Frankfurt School of Finance & Management)
The worst of both worlds: Fiscal policy and fixed exchanged rates
November 29, 2019
Alexia Gaudeul (University of Göttingen)
Fostering creativity in team work: Experimenting with payoff sharing and word ownership rules in the game of Scrabble
December 6, 2019
Matthias Uhl (TU Munich)
Beware of toothles tigers. Institutionalizing whistleblowing may crowd out compliance
December 13, 2019
Mary Jean Bürer (HEIG-VD)
Smart Contracts and Blockchain Use Cases in the Energy Sector – Risks and Opportunities
March 8, 2019
Bodo Sturm (HTWK Leipzig)
Are exporters more environmentally friendly? A re-appraisal using China’s micro-data
March 15, 2019
Katrin Millock (PSE)
Climate change, migration, and irrigation
March 22, 2019
Christian Thoeni (Université de Lausanne)
The Complementarity of Good Institutions and Voluntary Cooperation: Experimental Evidence from 43 Societies
March 29, 2019
Ivana Logar (EAWAG)
A comparison of attribute non-attendance in discrete choice experiments based on stated, inferred, and mouse-tracking data
April 5, 2019
Patrick Premand (World Bank)
Creating New Positions? Direct and Indirect Effects of a Subsidized apprenticeship Program
April 12, 2019
Emmanuel Milet (University of Geneva)
The impact of trade liberalization on informality in local labor markets in Peru
May 3, 2019
Robert Finger (ETH Zurich)
Innovations in Agricultural Insurance Solutions
May 10, 2019
Mariarosaria Comunale (European Central Bank)
Who did it? A European Detective Story. Tracking growth in the Euro Area with an atheroretical tool
May 17, 2019
Marco Casari (University of Bologna)
Plan B for climate change: An experiment on geoengineering
May 24, 2019
Thomas Bolli (ETH Zurich / KOF)
Complementarities among education types in determining firms productivity
September 21, 2018
Christina Cattaneo (University of Milano)
Should they stay or should they go? Climate migrants and local conflicts
September 28, 2018
Basil Guggenheim (Swiss National Bank)
What do Swiss franc Libor futures really tell us?
October 5, 2018
Peter Karadi (European Central Bank)
Deconstructing monetary policy surprises: The role of information shocks
October 19, 2018
Martin Kocher (IHS Vienna)
Cooperation in a company: A large-scale experiment
November 2, 2018
Piergiuseppe Fortunato (United Nations – Conference on Trade and Development)
Trade and Development Report 2018: Power, Platforms and the Free Trade Delusion
November 9, 2018
Lídia Farré (University of Barcelona)
Does paternity leave reduce fertility?
November 16, 2018
Christoph Basten (University of Zurich)
How banks respond to negative interest rates: Evidence from the Swiss exemption threshold
November 23, 2018
Timo Goeschl (University of Heidelberg)
Social Distance and Inter-Charity Competition
November 30, 2018
Florian Huber (University of Vienna)
Should I stay or should I go? A latent threshold approach to large-scale mixture innovation models
December 14, 2018
Samad Sarferaz (ETH/KOF)
Macro and micro level impulse responses: A survey experimental identification procedure
Valerie Karplus (MIT)
Management and energy efficiency in a Chinese manufacturing cluster
Andreas Mueller (University of Essex)
A theory of structural change that can fit the data
Octavian Strimbu (University of Geneva)
Partial verifiability induced contests
Christoph Moser (University of Salzburg)
Hidden protectionism? Evidence from non-tariff barriers to trade in the United States
Rebecca Stuart (Central Bank of Ireland)
The term structure, leading indicators and recessions: Evidence from Switzerland, 1974-2017
Sebastian Vollmer (University of Goettingen)
Impact of delivering iron-fortified salt through a school feeding program on child health, education and cognition: Evidence from a randomized controlled trial in rural India
Sabrina Teyssier (INRA Grenoble)
Consumer preferences for meals with plant-based proteins and the impact of information
Enrico Petracca (University of Bologna)
From bounded to embodied rationality
Serhiy Kandul (University of Neuchâtel)
I deserve more! An experimental analysis of illusory ownership in dictator games
Ingmar Schumacher (IPAG Paris)
Results on aggregation issues in climate economics
François Maréchal (University of Franche-Comté)
The Impact of a Right of First Refusal Clause in a First-Price Auction with Unknown Heterogeneous Risk-Aversion
Antoine Bommier (ETH Zurich)
Household Finance and the Value of Life
Michel Beine (University of Luxembourg)
The role of fees in foreign education: Evidence from Italy
Isabel Martinez (LISER)
Intertemporal Labor Supply Substitution? Evidence from the Swiss Income Tax Holidays
Michael Siegenthaler (KOF / ETH Zurich)
From Labor to Cash Flow? The Abolition of Immigration Restrictions and the Performance of Swiss Firms
Nuno Palma (University of Manchester)
Spending a Windfall: American Precious Metals and Euro-Asian Trade 1531-1810
Giuseppe Sorrenti (University of Zurich)
Money vs. Time: Family Income, Labor Supply and Child Achievement
Selin Yilmaz (University of Geneva)
Appliance factors that influence household electricity demand and demand response
Hongliang Zhang (University of Neuchâtel)
Weather, climate and production risk
Daniel Kaufmann (University of Neuchâtel)
Manufacturing prices and employment after the Swiss franc shock
Sefi Roth (London School of Economics)
Do students work Harder if university costs more?
Simon Lüchinger (University of Lucerne)
Tax incentives for reducing energy consumption: an empirical evaluation of Basel’s electricity levy
François Maréchal (University of Franche-Comté) Cancelled
Martin Péclat (University of Neuchâtel)
What drives social contagion in the adoption of solar photovoltaic technology?
François Langot (University of Le Mans and Paris School of Economics)
On Non-linearities in Unemployment
Stéfan Késenne (University of Antwerp)
The Economics of the transfer market in football
Frédéric Robert-Nicoud (University of Lausanne)
The optimal distribution of population across cities
MaRaju J. Singh (World Bank)
Growth (but not only) is good for the poor.
Winand Emons (University of Bern)
Penalty Structures and Deterrence in a Two-Stage Model:Experimental Evidence
Hannes Weight (University of Basel)
Assessing the energy security – A compound Indicator
Alain Naef (University of Cambridge)
Does sterilized central bank intervention have long term effects on exchange rates? The case of the British Exchange Equalization Account, 1952-1972
Rafael Lalive (University of Lausanne)
Spatial Search Strategies of Job Seekers and the Role of Unemployment Insurance
Conny Wunsch (University of Basel)
The Role of Risk Taking as Causal Mechanism for Solidarity: Experimental Evidence from Kenya
Claudia Binder (EPFL)
The Energy Transition – An Integrative Analysis (Paper 1 & Paper 2)
Isabelle Stadelmann (University of Bern)
Why are incentive-based instruments unpopular? Experimental insights on electricity policy acceptance
Sebastien Rausch (ETH Zurich)
Combining Price and Quantity Controls under Partitioned Environmental Regulation
Sarah Lein (University of Basel)
Price and Consumption Responses to Large Exchange-Rate Shocks: Evidence from the Swiss Appreciation
Hannes Schwandt (University of Zurich)
The Lasting Legacy of Seasonal Influenza: In-utero Exposure and Human Capital Development
Josef Zweimueller (University of Zurich)
Severance Pay: Labor Market Responses to the Introduction of Occupational Pensions in Austria
Jackline Wahba (University of Southampton)
Upward or Downward: Occupational Mobility and Return Migration
Cécile Hediger (University of Neuchâtel)
The Direct and Indirect Rebound Effects for Residential Heating in Switzerland
Bruno Lanz (University of Neuchâtel)
The Behavioral Effect of Pigovian Regulation: Evidence from a Field Experiment
Yassin (University of Neuchâtel) Reforming Employment Protection in Egypt: An Evaluation Based on Transition Models with Measurement Errors
Alvarez (University of Geneva) Playing with Fire? The Internationalization and Condition of Mexican Banks prior to the 1982 Debt Crisis
Cullmann (DIW Berlin) Productivity growth and ownership in regulated firms
Zhuravleva (Toulouse School of Economics) A Dynamic Analysis of Demand for Childcare, Maternal Employment and Child Obesity in Russia
Moreau (Ecole Polytechnique Féderale de Lausanne (EPFL)) Decoupling Energy Consumption and Economic Growth: Counter Evidence from Embodied Energy in Swiss Trade
Puddu (Université de Neuchâtel) Dangerous Liaisons: Interest groups and politicians’ votes. A Swiss perspective
Castro (Banco de España) The countercyclical capital buffer in Spain: an exploratory analysis of key guiding indicators
Martin (UIB) Why did Spanish cajas fail during the financial crisis?
Landis (ETHZ)Efficiency and Equity in Swiss Climate Policy – A First Assessment
Hirschberg (Paul Scherrer Institute)Integrated Energy and Mobility Assessment
Mayordomo (University of Navarra) Dealing with Dealers: Sovereign CDS Comovements
Kimmich (Swiss Federal Research Institute) Trust and contract choice: An experimental approach to Swiss wood supply chains
Chithis (Surrey University) Turning Lights into Flights: rebound effects from sustainable behaviour and efficiency improvements
Klinke (Université de Neuchâtel) Energy Supply Contracting Adoption : Empirical Evidence of Barriers and Drivers on the Swiss Market.
Chulwoo Han (Durham University) A Geometric Treatment Of Time Varying Volatilities
Bonilla (University of Newcastle) Beauty Premium and Marriage Premium in a Search Equilibrium: Theory and Evidence
Bregnard (Université de Neuchâtel) Pension fund governance: The determinants of board of trustees effectiveness of Swiss pension funds
Moraru (Université de Neuchâtel) Quality versus quantity: The role of mandated IFRS and reporting frequency on financial analysts’ information environment.
Goncalves (Geneva School of Economics and Management, University of Geneva) Effects of home care policy on nursing home use in Switzerland
Chaieb (University of Geneva) Integration of Sovereign Bonds Markets: Time Variation and Maturity Effects
Schaeck (Lancaster University Management School) How does the Eurozone crisis affect securities portfolios?
Krey (Swiss Federal Office of Energy) Swiss gas market and the development of a future gas law in Switzerland
Pérignon (HEC Paris) The Counterparty Risk Exposure of ETF Investors
Leray (Université de Lausanne) Systemic perspectives on Material Flow Analysis and Modeling: towards an accounting of Social Practices in household consumption dynamics
Graf (Université de Neuchâtel) Flow-stock imbalances and vulnerability: The case of the European Sovereign Debt Crisis
Bilinski (City University London – Cass Business School) Strategic Distortions in Analyst Target Prices in the Presence of Short-Term Institutional Investors
Betz & Leu (University of New South Wales, Sidney/University of Applied Sciences, Zurich) Trading costs in the first phase of the EU ETS: Estimation and explanations – Evidence from CITL data
Mueller (University of Basel) The distributional effects of a revenue-neutral steering tax on energy: Empirical evidence from Swiss household data
Wagner (University of Zurich) Tips and Tells from Managers: How Analysts and the Market Read Between the Lines of Conference Calls
Strobl (Frankfurt School of Finance & Management) Transparency and Talent Allocation in Money Management
Zhang (Université de Neuchâtel) The Impact of Sovereign Wealth Funds Ownership on Corporate Investment
Bianchi (University of Warwick) A Dynamic Test of the Conditional CAPM
Kraehenbuehl (Université de Neuchâtel) Supply Analysis of the Forestry Industry
Weber (Université de Neuchâtel) An analysis of willingness to pay for fuel economy in the Swiss car market
Bolli (KOF) The Impact of Work-Based Education on Personality Skills 10.10.2014
Hasler (University of Toronto) Disagreement and Predictability over the Business Cycle
Datta (ETHZ) Estimating residential electricity demand in Switzerland using household survey data
De Coulon (King’s College London) Targeting under-performance by ethnicity in Secondary Schools
Patel (University of Geneva) Environmental assessment of renewables
Marchica (Manchester Business School) Shareholder Diversification, Bank Risk-Taking and Capital Allocation Efficiency
Roger (Paris-Dauphine University) Target prices forecast quality and analysts’ forecast performance
Goetz (Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main) Financial Integration and Business Cycle Synchronization: Evidence from U.S. States
Carraz (Université de Strasbourg) Academic patenting and the scientific enterprise: Lessons from a Japanese university
Listorti (Federal Office of Agriculture) Analysis of price transmission in the wheat sector
Magron (Université de Strasbourg) Are individual investors such poor portfolio managers?
Schaeck (Bangor University) Depressing depositors and cheering up borrowers: The effects of bank bailouts on banking competition and the evolution of zombie banks
Schleich (Grenoble École de Management) Rebound in private households
Degen (HEC Lausanne) How Can Consumers Use Electricity More Efficiently? Exploring the Role of Information
Bareit (ETHZ and OFEN) Does the Swiss Car Market Reward Fuel Efficient Cars? Evidence from the Hedonic Pricing Approach and a Regression Discontinuity Design
Alzúa (Universidad de la Plata) Youth unemployment
Monnin (Council on economic policies) The impact of inflation on income inequality
Gravel (Université de la Méditerranée) Ranking Radically Uncertain or Objectively Ambiguous Décisions
Ginés (Universitat Jaume I) Cultural transmission as complementarity-building investment
Pacheco (Université de Neuchatel) The Extent of the Impact: Measuring Externalities
Fortunato (Unctad) Democracy, Education and the Quality of Government
López (Universidad de Navarra) Earnings Management and the Use of Available-for-Sale Intruments by Bank Managers
Mayordomo (Universidad de Navarra) Short sales constraints and financial stability: evidence from the Spain 2011 ban
Croci (Università Cattolica MIlano) Do Risk-Taking Incentives Induce CEOs to Invest? New Evidence from Acquisitions
Charlier (University of Savoie) Energy-Saving Investments in the Residential Sector: An Econometric Analysis
Mura (Manchester Business School) CEO Gender, Corporate Risk-Taking, and the Efficiency of Capital Allocation
Ardia (Université Laval) Implied expected return
Moro (University of Stirling) Life Satisfaction and Air Pollution in Europe
Michielsen (Tilburg University) Energy abundance and trade in energy-intensive industries
Garcia Appendini (University of St.Gallen)Creditor incentives under firm financial distress
Valta (HEC Paris)Financing investment: The choice between public and private debt
Crivelli (University of Geneva) Regionalism and External Protection: Preferences Received Also Matter
Degeorge (USI) News Dissemination and Investor Attention
Moretti (CFS, Goethe University) Transparency and Emerging Market Bond Spreads
Graf (UniNE (IRENE)) Feedback Effect and Banking Sector Vulnerability
Marami (UniNE (IAF)) Mandatory hedging and firm value: Evidence from interest rate protection covenant in syndicated loans
26 .10.2012
Weaver (University of Geneva) Effet du DRG sur les durées de séjour et réadmission en Suisse
12 .10.2012
Jakob (TEP Energy) Economics of Energy Efficiency
Nagy (UniNE (IAF))Opening the black box: an analysis of equity hedge fund’s performance
Hintermann (Basel University) Economic coercion in public finance
Gresse (Université Paris-Dauphine) Liquidity Benefits from IPO Underpricing: Ownership Dispersion or Information Effect
Montoriol (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona) Firms as Liquidity Providers: Evidence from the 2007-2008 Financial Crisis
Lupton (Paris) Conflits autour des déchets
Previous document is a chapter of the book « Economie des déchets. Une approche institutionnaliste » by Sylvie Lupton
Myles (Exeter University)Behavioral and social approaches to tax evasion
Pecoraro (Université catholique de Louvain)
Is there still a wage penalty for being overeducated but well-matched in skills? A panel analysis of a Swiss graduate cohort
Vaillancourt (Université de Montréal)
Le rendement de la scolarité universitaire au Québec: analyse économétrique de micro-données du recensement de 2006 et calcul du taux de rendement interne
Gross (Simon Fraser University) Free Mobility with the EU and Immigration of North American Brains to Switzerland: What Consequences?
Infante (Banca d’Italia) A known unknown? Network of firms and access to credit in Italy
Vanin (Università degli studi di Bologna) On the Historical and Geographic Origins of the Sicilian Mafia
Schaeck (Bangor University) Executive Board Composition and Bank Risk Taking
Olarreaga (Université de Genève) There Goes Gravity: How eBay Reduces Trade Costs
Vahabi (Université de Paris) Violent enforcement, conflictual costs and transaction costs
1. Appropriation, violent enforcement and transaction costs: a critical survey.
2. Integrating social conflict into economic theory.
Kaminski, Structural Land-Use Analysis of Agricultural Adaptation to Climate Change: a Proactive Approach.
Blasch (ETHZ) Demand for voluntary carbon offsetting – A discrete choice experiment among Swiss consumers
Gogniat (UniNE (IRENE)) Estimating the Benefits of an Improvement in Water Quality and Flow Regulation: Case study of the Doubs
Min (UniNE ( IAF)) A Consumption-Based Explanation of Momentum Profits
Diana Pacheco (UniNE, (IRENE)) Poverty persistence
Dusan Isakov (Univesity of Fribourg) Technical Analysis with a Long-Term Perspective: Trading Strategies and Market Timing Ability
Luca Deidda (Univesity of Sassari) Relationship Finance, Market Finance and Edogenous Business Cycles
Stefano Puddu (UniNE, (IRENE)) Too TAF towards the risk (joint work with Andreas Wälchi)
Dominic Roher (University of Zurich) War, trust, and identity: Evidence from Uganda (joint work with Mathias Thoenig and Frabrizio Zilibotti)
Catalin Starica (UniNE, (Stat)) The facts behind Sector Rotation
Lionel Perini (UniNE, (IRENE)) Peer effects in Swiss Lower Secondary Schools
Javier Suarez (CEMFI, Madrid) Liquidity shocks, roll-over risk and debt maturity
Ouverts à toutes et tous, les séminaires ont lieu le vendredi de 11h 30 à 12h30, Salle D62 au bâtiment principal, Av. Premier-Mars 26 (semestre de printemps), sauf exceptions.
Pour recevoir les notifications envoyez svp un email au Prof. Mehdi Farsi
Depuis l’aéroport de Zürich : 1h40 avec le train intercity.
Depuis l’aéroport de Genève : 1h30 avec le train intercity.