Continuing Education

Continue your training in hydrogeology and geothermal energy to meet new challenges

The scientific foundations and methodologies of hydrogeology and geothermal engineering are constantly evolving. What’s more, the type of questions asked by hydrogeology or geothermal specialists is changing due to evolving societal demands or the introduction of new legislation.

To provide new knowledge and specialist support in the face of new challenges, the CHYN offers a range of continuing education activities. These include advanced study certificates (CAS), programs and short courses lasting several days. A program provides intensive training on a specific subject and includes at least 10 ECTS of coursework (= at least 14 days) followed by an examination and/or a personal project.

At present, the Centre for Hydrogeology and Geothermics offers 4 continuing education courses:

CAS DeeGeoSys

CAS DeeGeoSys on the exploration and development of Deep Geothermal Systems.


CAS SIPOL on the management of polluted sites.


Le CAS WASH on water sanitation and hygiene in humanitarian and development contexts.


The WATSAN course on water and sanitation engineering, from emergency to development.


The WATSUN course on Sustainable solar water scheme design in humanitarian and development contexts.