
Instructions for authors/editors

Instructions for authors

Articles may be written in the following languages: French, English, Italian, German, and Spanish. Abstracts must be written in English.

It is the contributors' responsibility to make sure that their texts are free of spelling and grammar mistakes. All references cited in the texts should appear in the bibliography, and vice versa. The list of bibliographical references should also strictly respect the norms prescribed by the journal. The board of directors reserves the right to refuse any article that does not respect these requirements.

It is the editors' and the contributors' responsibility to make sure that all the permissions required to reuse materials from other publications were granted. The journal shall in no event be liable for any content reproduction that would not respect copyright.

Authors also commit to submit research work that respects the UNESCO recommendations in terms of scientific ethics.

And finally, authors commit to submit original work, not previously published, and currently not submitted elsewhere.




Article proposals for "Varia" issues should be submitted via our platform: https://www.revue-tranel.ch/login?source=%2Fsubmissions

The journal editors will then commission two or three scientific experts to anonymously assess the quality of the contribution (double-blind evaluation).

The proposed contribution must comply with the following points:

  • The article must be submitted in doc/.docx or .rtf format.
  • The article must be submitted in two versions: a fully anonymised version, so that the author cannot be identified by the evaluators, and a non-anonymised version with the first name, surname, professional address and e-mail address of the author(s). Please name the anonymised article as follows: VARIA_anonymised_((title of your article)) and the non-anonymised article: VARIA_((your name))_((title of your article)).
  • The article must scrupulously comply with the instructions given to authors (see below).
  • If these instructions are not followed, the article will be rejected without being submitted for expert appraisal.


The guidelines for authors can be downloaded here.

A style sheet is available here.



Proposals for thematic issues should be sent to the journal editors: revue.tranel@unine.ch

Specifications for editors

All proposals for a thematic issue should be sent to the board of directors of the journal: revue.tranel@unine.ch.

Each proposal will then be evaluated by the journal's scientific committee. If it is accepted, the editor will then be in charge of appointing two experts who will evaluate the quality of each contribution within the issue.

The editor is invited to provide the following documents:

  • a description of the theme and objectives of the issue precisely specifying which research field(s) is(are) concerned
  • the list of articles that form the issue (title, name and affiliation of their authors)
  • a schedule specifying the different steps of the publication process (this schedule engages the responsibility of the editors and must therefore be strictly respected) 

Once the proposal is accepted, the editor commits to respect the following specifications:

  • manage the revision process of the contributions
  • check that each contribution fully respects the instructions given to authors:
    • texts must be free of spelling and grammar mistakes
    • the bibliography must be coherent (all references cited in the text should appear in the bibliography, and vice versa) and respect the norms of the journal
    • texts must respect the page layout norms


  • check that the contributions were not previously published or submitted in other journals
  • make sure that all the permissions required to reuse materials from other publications were granted 
  • check that the research presented in each contribution fully respects the UNESCO recommendations in terms of scientific ethics (see the "instructions for authors" section)

The journal shall in no event be liable in case of copyright problems and/or of ethical misconduct.

The writing instructions for the editors of an article can be downloaded here.