SFM - Swiss Forum for Migration and Population Studies
Nouvelle étude :
SFM Studies #88 (online only)
BREGOLI, Andrea, EFIONAYI-MÄDER, Denise, FEHLMANN, Joëlle (2024). «Unterschiedlich unterwegs»: Mapping der (Aus)Bildung für junge Geflüchtete mit Fokus auf spezifischer Integrationsförderung (IAS/KIP).
Rosita Fibbi (SFM), Barbara von Rütte (Universität Basel), Philippe Wanner (Université de Genève)
Étude mandatée par la Commission fédérale des migrations CFM
Studio realizzato su incarico della Commissione federale della migrazione CFM
Eine Studie im Auftrag der Eidgenössischen Migrationskommission EKM
SFM Studies #86f, #86d (online only)
Lauréate du PrixMatude Migration 2024 : Sofia Stellacci
Toutes nos félicitations à Sofia Stellacci du Gymnase de Morges qui remporte le PrixMatude pour son excellent travail de maturité intitulé :
Le PrixMatude Migration, inauguré en 2023, est décerné par le SFM et récompense le meilleur travail de maturité suisse traitant d’une thématique liée à la migration ou à l’inclusion des immigrant·e·s au sens large.
SFM Studies #87
STALDER, Lisa, EFIONAYI-MÄDER, Denise, RUEDIN, Didier, 2024. Evaluation des Pilotprojekts STEPS der isa – Fachstelle Migration.
Call for Papers for the Panel ‘The Refugee Citizen: Oxymoron or Emerging Reality?’
- Panel Submission to the 22nd IMISCOE annual conference on “Decentering migration studies”, 1-4 July 2025, Paris–Aubervilliers
- Deadline : 15 September 2024
New Publications
- KNOTZ, Carlo M, TAYLOR, Alyssa M, GANDENBERGER, Mia K., CHUERI, Juliana, 2024. What Drives Opposition to Social Rights for Immigrants? Clarifying the Role of Psychological Predispositions. Political Studies.
- LINDEMANN, Anaïd, STOLZ, Jörg, 2024. To speak out or not to speak out? Exploring the reporting of discrimination among Muslims and Jews in Switzerland. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. Vol. 50, n° 8, pp. 1977‑1997.
- BONOLI, Giuliano, CHUERI, Juliana, GANDENBERGER, Mia K., 2024. Welfare solidarity in multi-ethnic societies: can social investment reduce the anti-immigrant bias? Policy & Politics. Vol. 52, n° 2, pp. 156‑176.
- CHUERI, Juliana, GANDENBERGER, Mia K., TAYLOR, Alyssa M., KNOTZ, Carlo M., FOSSATI, Flavia, 2024. Re-evaluating the welfare preferences of radical-right voters: evidence from a vignette experiment. West European Politics.
- MICHEL, Elie, MANATSCHAL, Anita, GREEN, Eva G T, 2024. Explaining Support for Border Closures During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Exposure, Political Attitudes, or Pandemic Policy Feedback? International Journal of Public Opinion Research. Vol. 36, n° 3.
- CARVALHO, João, CARMO DUARTE, Mariana, RUEDIN, Didier, 2024. Follow the media? News environment and public concern about immigration. European Journal of Political Research.
- GENONI, Andreas, RUEDIN, Didier, 2024. When expectations backfire: Unmet migration expectations and changes in the destination attachment of recent immigrants to Switzerland. 18 avril 2024. SocArXiv [preprint].
- D’AMATO, Gianni, 2024. Citizenship und wirtschaftliche Inklusion. In: BAIER, Sabine, CARDOSO, Tatiana, ESPAHANGIZI, Kijan, KING-SAVIĆ, Sandra, VON RÜTTE, Barbara (éd.), Argumentarium für ein neues Bürgerrecht. Bern: Institut Neue Schweiz INES. pp. 87–91.
- PICCOLI, Lorenzo, GIANNI, Matteo, RUEDIN, Didier, ACHERMANN, Christin, DAHINDEN, Janine, HOFFMEYER-ZLOTNIK, Paula, NEDELCU, Mihaela, ZITTOUN, Tania, 2024. What Is the Nexus between Migration and Mobility? A Framework to Understand the Interplay between Different Ideal Types of Human Movement. Sociology.
- BORRELLI, Lisa Marie, RUEDIN, Didier, 2024. Towards a precise and reflexive use of migration-related terminology in quantitative research: criticism and suggestions. Comparative Migration Studies. Vol. 12, n° 1, pp. 10.
- MUGGLIN, Leonie, MURAHWA, Brian, RUEDIN, Didier, 2024. When Politicians Feel Pressure to Represent: Evidence from South Africa.
- RUEDIN, Didier, 2024. Ukrainian Refugees in Switzerland: A research synthesis of what we know.