
Juan Traine

Domaines de recherche

The interactions between plants, insect herbivores and their natural enemies (predators and parasitoids) play a key role in the functioning of terrestrial ecosystems, contributing to processes such as generating and maintaining biodiversity. I am interested in these tri-trophic interactions, both at a species and community level. During my master project I studied the direct and indirect effects of plant and insect herbivore traits on the performance and behavior of parasitoid wasps. I found that the herbivore’s food plant will affect its performance and in turn, its suitability as a host for developing parasitoids.

I have also participated in other projects that examine the consequences of bean domestication on herbivore performance and the consumptive and non-consumptive effects of parasitoids on their hosts.


  • Assistant for the Insect Biology practical course, University of Neuchâtel (second-year bachelor course; 03.2018 – 06.2018)
  • Assistant for the course “Apprentissage par problème” in Evolutionary Entomology, University of Neuchâtel (third-year bachelor course; 04.2018)
  • Assistant for the Population Ecology practical lab., University of Neuchatel (second-year bachelor course; 11.2017)


Cuny, M. A. & Traine, J.; Bustos Segura, C. & Benrey, B. (2019). Host density and parasitoid presence interact and shape the outcome of a tritrophic interaction on seeds of wild lima bean. Scientific Reports. In press, www.nature.com/articles/s41598-019-55143-5.

Shlichta, J. G.; Cuny, M. A.; Hernandez-Cumplido, J.; Traine, J. & Benrey, B. (2018). Contrasting consequences of plant domestication for the chemical defenses of leaves and seeds in lima bean plants. Basic and Applied Ecology, 31, 10-20.

Juan Traine

Collaborateur scientifique



+41 32 718 31 63

Bureau D124