International Workshop on Universal Logic

Organized by J.-Y.Béziau and A.Facchini

Institute of Logic, Neuchâtel, Switzerland, October 6-8, 2003

Monday, October 6, 2003

15h45-16h00 Opening by Denis Miéville,

Director of the Institute of Logic and Rector of the University

16h00-16h50 Sheila Veloso (Rio de Janeiro)

On fork arrow logic and its expressive power

Coffee Break

17h00-17h50 Alessandro Facchini (Neuchâtel)

New look at the relations between logics

17h50-18h40 Petrucio Viana (Amsterdam)

Basic hybrid logic and some of its extensions

18h-40 Apéritif

Tuesday, October 7

9h00-10h20 Ramon Jansana (Barcelona)

Abstract logic, semantics and algebraization of logic, Part 1

Coffee Break

10h40-12h00 Ramon Jansana (Barcelona)

Abstract logic, semantics and algebraization of logic, Part II

12h00-14h00 Lunch Break

14h00-14h20 Welcome by Alain Valette, Director of the Institute of Mathematics

14h20-15h10 Paulo Veloso (Rio de Janeiro),

Reasoning about generally with filters and ultrafilters

15h10-16h00 Marta García-Matos (Helsinki),

Abstract model theory without negation

Coffee Break

16h20-17h10 Darko Sarenac (Stanford)

Modal logic, topology and space

19h30 Party

Wednesday, October 8

8h30-9h20 Jean-Yves Béziau (Neuchâtel)

Sequents and bivaluations

9h20-10h10 Arthur de Vallauris Buchsbaum (Florianópolis)

Open/closed logics and a general theorem of deduction

Coffee Break

10h30-11h20 Alessio Moretti (Nice)

The geometry of modalities

11h20-12h10 Pierre Joray (Neuchâtel)

Implicite and explicite definitions in propositional logic