
Loic Bruening

Loïc Brüning is research associate in the project Perception des évolutions environnementales et mobilités des populations en Afrique sub-saharienne (PEEMPASS).  The objective of this project is to improve the understanding of the role of perceptions of climate change on the decision to migrate at the household level in West Africa, using an approach that combines quantitative and qualitative approaches. The final objective is to propose a general interpretative framework of the role of climate change perceptions in the decision to migrate.

After a master's degree in development and population sciences from the University of Liège in Belgium, Loïc Brüning obtained his PhD at the Institute of Geography of the University of Neuchâtel. His doctoral research entitled « Erosion côtière au Nord du Sénégal : migrations et stratégies d'adaptation Etude de cas dans la commune rurale de Gandiol » documents the social and environmental consequences of coastal erosion in northern Senegal. His thesis work was punctuated by numerous stays on the field. More specifically, his thesis examines the extent to which migration can represent a means of adaptation to migrant-sending households in a degraded coastal environment. Using qualitative methods, his work has been published in various international peer-reviewed journals.

Loïc's research themes are: migration and/or climatic and/or environmental mobility in West Africa, issues related to adaptation in degraded environments

Passionate about West Africa, Loïc Brüning is also involved as a volunteer in an NGO that works in the education sector in Ivory Coast.

Selected publications:

Brüning, L. 2022 : Typologie des conséquences de la migration sur les stratégies d’adaptation à l’érosion côtière au Sénégal, Population


Brüning, L. 2021: Leaving, supporting, and not coming back. Examples of the uses of remittances in Northern Senegal, Habitable Blog



Lietaer, S., Brüning, L., et Ndoffene Faye, C. 2020 : Ne pas revenir pour mieux soutenir ? Perceptions de la migration comme stratégie d’adaptation face aux changement environnementaux dans trois régions du Sénégal, Emulations


Brüning, L. 2019 : Érosion des côtes au Sénégal : migration et stratégies d’adaptation. Étude de cas dans la commune de Gandiol, in Tandian, A. Piguet, E. Gaye, D. et Brüning, L. Actes d’une journée d’étude : Environnement, changement climatique et populations : promouvoir le dialogue


Brüning, L et Piguet, E. 2018 : Changements environnementaux et migration en Afrique de l’Ouest. Une revue des études de cas. Belgeo







Chargé de recherches
e-mail: loic.bruening@unine.ch