

CARREFOUR 1 : Firms : contribution to professional qualification pathways

The trajectories of individuals in firms lie in the scope of the dynamic of individual life pathways and of firms’ strategy. Following three dimensions of the problematic and the tensions it provokes will be questioned:

  • professional pathways (apprenticeship and validation of learning through experience) ;
  • firms’ training strategies ;
  • competences and skill development on a territory.

Experiences and practices in progress in European Regions will be presented:

  • Firms and initial training: what links with schools, vocational training, universities ; what contribution of SMEs ?
  • Implementation of the retraining of employees in case of firms’ restructuration and of follow-up of personnel experiencing professional transitions ;
  • Joint actions of firms in a territory in order to improve skills of their personnel; or collective actions stimulated by a Region in order to support the improvement of skills of SME’s employees.

CARREFOUR 2 : Firms’ designing work situations conducive to learning

How do situations of work contribute to the acquisition of knowledge and experiences? In which conditions processing experiences are conducive to the acquisition of competences? What type of work organisation is supportive of the recognition and validation of experiences? How to take into account informal learning?
The questioning could encompass the different phases from designing work to recognition and validation of experiences.

Experiences and practices in progress in European Regions will be presented, especially on the actions of firms and professional partners in order to make work formative.

CARREFOUR 3 : Firms: contribution to life pathways

How do firms contribute to the personal pathways beyond the professional trajectories? How do they negotiate a balance between private and work life? How can firms contribute to the management of pathways that include transitions and breaking-off? How can public authorities support the network of actors for following up life pathways? 

Experiences and practices in progress in European Regions will be presented on :

  • Firms and professional associations’ commitment in the introduction of youth to the firm, in the integration of low-skilled youth,
  • Actions by Regions for weakened public (unemployed, low-skilled youth, …)
  • Firms’ commitment to implement the right of individual to lifelong learning.

Remarque : Afin de faciliter la rédaction de la plaquette éditée par le Conseil scientifique de la FREREF à
l'issue de l'Université d'été, les débats au sein des carrefours sont enregistrés.