
Academic writing B2 - Flexi cours

Practical information

  • Teacher:           Lise-Marie Moser
  • Level:               B2
  • Classroom:     B29
  • Address:          Av. du 1er-Mars 26
  • Time:                Tuesday, 5pm - 6:30pm
  • Dates:              7 sessions taking place on the following dates :  
                             September : 26
                             October : 3, 10, 17
                             November : 14, 21
                             December : 19
  • Credits:            2 ECTS or 3 ECTS see "Course assessment" below
  • Price:                Students/doctoral students UniNE, PATB : CHF 126.-
                              Academic Staff UniNE : CHF 168.-
                              SAN member, Alumni: CHF 188.-
                              Students other institutions (EPFL, HE-Arc, etc.) : CHF 188.-
                              Staff other institutions : CHF 202.-

Students from all fields of study wishing to approach scientific writing in English.

The course is aimed at students whose proficiency level is around B1+/B2. It is an English writing course and there are no particular prerequisites. If you are not sure of your level, you can check the evaluation forms on our webpage : "Language courses".

You will be asked to come to the EMA before the beginning of the semester to take a "Placement Test".

At the end of this course, students will be able to :

  • apply the rules and conventions of different text genres;
  • use the vocabulary and syntactic structures typical of these genres;
  • produce structured texts.

The course includes an introduction to the conventions and rules of the genres covered (professional e-mail, short essay, and data description), as well as individual, pair work and whole-class activities in outline development, guided writing, vocabulary and syntax.  

The material is provided in the form of photocopied handouts. A fee of CHF 5.00 is requested for photocopying costs.

To receive 2 ECTS credits, participants will be required to :

  • attend regularly (no more than two absences per semester) 
  • submit two texts and a corrected version during the semester;
  • do at least 10 hours of individual work in the Espace Multimédia d’Auto-apprentissage (E.M.A.) during the semester.

To receive 3 ECTS credits (for FLSH only, see conditions), participants will be required to :

  • attend regularly (no more than two absences per semester) 
  • submit two texts and a corrected version during the semester;
  • do at least 10 hours of individual work at the Espace Multimédia d’Auto-apprentissage (E.M.A.) during the semester;
  • take part in 10 hours of English Tutorials at the Espace Multimédia d’Auto-apprentissage (E.M.A.).

Any request for a possible recognition of these credits in the student's main course of study is the student's responsibility.

English Tutorial

English tutorials are held 4 hours/week during the semester

Tuesday : 17h00 - 19h00
Thursday : 12h00 - 14h00